Question: How is it that when God makes creation beautiful to the eye it is considered godly but when we value beauty to the eye, it isn’t considered godly? (prov 31:30, 1st peter 3:3) Or when God wants to build an entire city, New Jerusalem, with diamonds and gold ( revelations 21) it is considered […]

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Question: Have you ever noticed that neither Luke nor Acts makes any reference to the doctrine of savation by the bloood of Christ ? Answer: Yes, I have noticed that Luke does not mention this doctrine, although I would dispute that it is not found in Acts. I believe that it has been claimed that […]

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Question: I’m going to be taking a class on evolution this fall and wanted to see what book(s) you recommend I read so I can help myself as well as my classmates. Also, if you could just give me some general advice about how to go about debating/talking about evolution that would be appreciated. Thanks! […]

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Question: My dad brought this scriptire to my attention. What is your take on it?  Revelation 11:19 (NIV) Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a great hailstorm.      So the ark is not […]

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QUESTION: Is there any evidence aganst the idea that Daniel 7:1-12:13( the section of daniel that is written in the first person) was not a part of the original book of daniel,but was written dering the maccabean wars and then added to the original text( the section of daniel that is written in the third […]

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QUESTION: In a recent post you said: “the word “eternal” always means until the thing is completed. This applies to our eternal life as well.” Where did you come up with that definition? Rev 22:5 says believers will reign forever and ever. There is no “until the thing is completed” attached to this. Neither does […]

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Question: I was reading this verse:  The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.  (Matthew 27: 52-53)   I believe this statement to be true in that the dead […]

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QUESTION: John I was wondering if anyone has ever suggested a hypothesis based on drug hallucination for the resurrection? I know there’s a hallucination hypothesis but has anyone ever brought up drug hallucination like psilocybin mushroom hallucination? And if someone has how would you respond to that hypothesis? Thanks John! Answer: Hello from Conakry, Guinea; […]

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QUESTION: How does one explain the fact of Lot’s wife being converted into salt when they were running away from Sodom’s destruction?  What is the “logic” or scientific” explantion behind this fact. Answer: I do not believe that there is any “scientific logic” to what happened to Lot’s wife.  What happened to his wife is […]

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QUESTION: What is the context of James 5:16?  What does confessing our sins have in relation to anointing the sick and him being raised up? Is that a commandment from Jesus to confess our sins to each other in any context? Answer: It does appear that James is a bit random in what he is talking […]

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Illuminations Publishers has just published a new book by John Oakes.  The title is “The Christian Story: Finding the Church in Church History.”  It covers the history of Christianity from AD 30 to the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451.  The book is intended to help Christians understand best how to “do” church today.  Copies […]

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QUESTION: I recently watched a video by Edward Fudge on Hell; you can see it at Douglas Jacoby’s website, clearly Douglas agrees with him, I would like your opinion. editor’s note:  The lecture can be viewed at  Douglas Jacoby’s site is Answer: I just listened to the lecture by Edward Fudge. I believe […]

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QUESTION: I’m really interested in the whole area of Apologetics and I am studying it out to try and establish my own beliefs according to the evidence. It seems to me that people either believe in creation that took place over six 24hr days or evolution whether unguided, partly or fully guided by an Intelligent […]

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Question: I was reading chapter 4 of Exodus this morning and a few things confused me. I am hoping that you can explain them or direct me to the answers.  1. (v 21-23) The LORD references Israel being his firstborn son. I’ve never noticed this before. Are there other references in the OT like this? What […]

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Question: I want to study out the New Testament and learn the Greek/Hebrew original words to understand it better.  Do you know of any good Bibles, or concordances, etc? Answer: I commend your desire to “take it deeper” and to study the scriptures more comprehensively.  We tend to get out of our Bible study in […]

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Question: I want to ask you about born again Christians and ‘speaking in tongues’. I experienced this at a different church recently and it was quite overwhelming, but now after I’ve tried to research it I’m quite shocked and confused. John MacArthur lectures on youtube ( ) about it being demonic, existing before Pentecost […]

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Question: I have been wondering about the Anabaptists. To your knowledge, did any of them teach a thorough biblical baptism? Answer: The Anabaptists were a back-to-the Bible offshoot of the Reformation which came from the Ulrich Zwingli wing of the movement. What made them differ from other “Protestants” was that they were committed to separation […]

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Request: I was reading your article about the 4 Christian views of evolution and got stuck on the way you describe YEC beliefs. “YEC believes in fixed species and completely rejects the theory of organic evolution commonly known as Darwinism or neo-Darwinism.  Those who take this view believe quite literally that on the third through […]

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QUESTION: I have a question about this article In paragraph 7 of the section called religious forgeries the writer writes “We read in the Book of Daniel that God’s angels ordered the venerable prophet Daniel to “shut up” and “seal” his book (Daniel 8:26; 12:4,9). Perhaps the author meant us to understand that Daniel […]

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QUESTION: I have been studying out faith recently in my Bible study; it has been amazing!!  But as I was reading this morning Hebrews 11, I came across a passage that I have read before, but never looked deeply into it. The passage is Hebrews 11:24-27. In it the author describes Moses as doing the things […]

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QUESTION: I know I’ve asked you questions regarding to the different OT translations and transmissions (Septuagint, SP, MT), however I’ve recently been troubled by two somewhat different positions on the accuracy of the transmission. Emmanual Tov a leading scholar on the dead sea scrolls and textual critic recently came out with a book “Textual Criticism […]

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Question: I found interesting article on findings in Khirbet Qeiyafa.  May I ask, what is your opinion about that, is it another archeological proof of Bible historicity,  or just a hoax? Answer: No, this is the real thing. This is a very exciting discovery. Garfinkle is a highly respected archaeologist and this find will […]

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Question: Prov 26:4-5 seem to contradict. I’m trying to figure out how to deal with the foolish arguments of someone I know, and I can’t figure out whether to argue back or answer!!! Input??? Prov 26:4 Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are. Prov 26:5 Be […]

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Professor Yosef Garfinkle of Hebrew University announced in May of this year his discoveries in the Jewish city of Khirbet Queiyafa.  The city was occupied from about 1020-980 BC, during the reign of King David.  It was a border city between Israel and the Philistines.  Items in the city demonstrate conclusively that a uniquely Jewish cult, without graven […]

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QUESTION: I’m having trouble believing that every single word in the Bible is true. I do know that Jesus’ resurrection is true and can be proven to a certain degree historically and that the creation of the universe can also be proven to a certain degree with scientific data and theories. But I’m having a […]

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Question: I remember reading in Evidence for Christianity that Voltaire scoffed at Isaiah 53 being written before Jesus’ time, and he claimed he would believe if someone could prove Isaiah 53 was written beforehand. I find that fascinating, what is the title of Voltaire’s work containing that quote? Answer: I did a fair amount of […]

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QUESTION: How would you respond to the claims that free will is an illusion? I’ve looked over some of the “evidence” for this argument and have heard several lectures on this topic ( and given professors and scientist at The Faraday Institute. I believe the strongest evidence for the “illusion” of free will is […]

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A video on the topic of hell is available at  We at ARS do not necessarily endorse all that Dr. Fudge is saying in this video, but believe it may give a useful point for thought and discussion on this controversial topic which is very important for Christian apologetics. Fudge describes three common ideas […]

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Question: I’m a Christian and like to think myself an enthusiastic amateur theologan 🙂 Firstly I have to point out your website and all of your articles are amazing, they’ve certainly done a lot for me in advancing my knowledge and having fun with my studies. With that said I ran into a minor philosophical dilema today […]

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QUESTION: I was wondering if you could help me interpret 1 John 2:26-27? I know that the author is writing to a group of Christians, perhaps eyewitnesses of Christ. However once the author addresses the anointed he tells them that they have no need for anyone to teach them. He writes, “you have no need […]

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Question: I noticed you discussed some Baha’i prophecies on your web site.   I noticed some sites produced by some Christians that you might be interested to look at:        They all seem to start with the year 457 BC as the starting year of the prophecy and they also mention the year 1844 […]

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QUESTION: Just to understand: The Bible says Jesus spent three days and three nights in the tomb” However, if he died on Friday, it only spent two nights and two days in the tomb. Could you explain please? Anne: I have already answered this question at the site.  I am copying and pasting for you. […]

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Question: Correct me if I am incorrect in my interpretation: God tells the Jews a key sign to look for is Elijah,who would come before the Messiah, and then God secretly puts the spirit of Elijah in the form of John the Baptist (who himself says he is not Elijah…) What would be the point […]

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Question: I wonder sometimes about Job.  As he was “blameless and upright” (Job 1:1), in some translations “perfect and upright”, does it mean that he was sinless?  The Bible teaches that no one is sinless (except Jesus), I guess Job was not sinless.  So what makes him “blameless” or “perfect”?  I know that every OT prophet […]

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Comment:    (editor’s note:  This is a follow-up to a question about supposed contradictions in Mark 16 about Mary Magdalene and the resurrection accounts.  In the earlier letter I establish that all the gospels agree Mary Magdalene was the first see that the resurrection had happened.) I do agree that every account aside from the Mark […]

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Question: I really appreciate the time you take to read and respond these emails (which I believe does not give you anything in return but I believe you do it for Christ).  I need an advice from you.  I have been a kind of person who looks to validate things. I have followed a lot […]

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QUESTION: I have a question regarding to the ending of Mark. I understand that the evidence for Mark’s ending is scant, however I don’t understand why the scribe that wrote the passage would insert this statement “he appeared first to Mary Magdalene” when clearly in Matthew and Luke Jesus appears to others before Mary Magdalene. […]

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