From its inception Darwinism posed a challenge to Christian theology. Darwinism threatened to undo the Church’s understanding of creation, and therewith her understanding of the origin of human life. Nor did the challenge of Darwinism stop here. With human beings the result of a brutal, competitive process that systematically rooted out the weak and favored […]

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? ????????????? The? Problem of the Obvious ? ????????????? The? Problem of Reverse Complexity ? ????????????? The? Problem of Irreducibly Complex Systems ? ????????????? The? Problem of Survivability of Intermediates ? ????????????? The? Problem of the Missing Models ? ????????????? The? Problem of First Life ? ????????????? The? Problem of Deleterious Mutations ? ????????????? The? […]

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Neo-Darwinism Under Attack One of the most significant questions in the origins debate concerns the nature of biological change. Can organisms change into an infinite array of creatures? Or are there genetically imposed limits to the amount of change which can take place? There are two major theories of evolutionary change: neo-Darwinism and punctuated equilibrium. […]

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Another Big Bang? The impish Calvin, from the now defunct daily comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes," once offered to rename the Big Bang Hypothesis, "The Horrendous Space Kablooie!" Most of us have heard at some point of cosmology’s preferred explanation for the origin of the universe, the Big Bang Hypothesis. The Big Bang of cosmology […]

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Understanding Archaeology Christianity is a historical faith based on actual events recorded in the Bible. Archaeology has therefore played a key role in biblical studies and Christian apologetics in several ways. First, archaeology has confirmed the historical accuracy of the Bible. It has verified many ancient sites, civilizations, and biblical characters whose existence was questioned […]

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Our knowledge of the ancient past is normally obtained through written sources which have been copied and passed down over the years.? The accuracy of these written accounts is verified by making? comparisons with other written documents from a similar time period.? Further confirmation of historical events can be obtained through physical evidence uncovered by […]

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No question related to science and the Bible has generated more controversy and even outright animosity between creationists and atheists than the question of evolution and the related question of the origin of man. Atheists have staked out the claim that evolution is on such a solid foundation that it is no longer a theory, […]

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The Bible in Genesis chapters six through eight describes a great flood of apparently worldwide scope. Did this flood actually happen? Is the story just a myth, or perhaps less argumentatively, is it just a parable about the nature of man? These questions will be considered in this chapter. It might be a good idea […]

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How did the human race originate? This question is obviously very closely related to the question of evolution. This was the real issue behind the Scopes monkey trial. Did man evolve from apes? Or is humanity a special creation of God? It has already been shown that life was created. Editor?s note:? that is in […]

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Science is certainly not one of the main themes in the Bible. However, the Bible does contain information and claims of a scientific nature. Careful analysis of the parts of the Bible which relate to things scientists talk about will provide dramatic evidence that the Creator of the universe has revealed himself in this great […]

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"Don’t all roads lead to God?" "Does it really matter which religion you follow, as long as you believe in a higher being?" "Aren’t all religions basically the same, anyway?" These are questions that many people are asking today. It’s hard to see the real difference between one religion and another, and it’s even harder […]

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Dr. Hugh Ross earned a BS in physics from the University of British Columbia and an MS and PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto.? For several years he continued his research on quasars and galaxies as a post-doctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology For centuries scholars and laymen alike have speculated […]

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The Bible, A Book Written by an Ignorant People in an Ignorant Age.? This was the title of a book a scientist friend of mine set out to write as a young and zealous atheist.? The friend is John Clayton.? In the process of writing the book, he became convinced that it was his own […]

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Think for a minute back to the first century.? What do you think the typical gospel sermon was like? Do you think the early evangelists principally made an appeal to the emotions of their hearers?? Were they a diatribe against the pagan religion of the day?? The book of Acts is the most reliable source […]

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A REMARKABLE COLLECTION In this article we will investigate some of the most often-asked questions about the Bible. Where did it come from? Who decided what was going to be on the official list of accepted writings? How do we know if the Bible we read today is a reliable version of the original writings? […]

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Simon Greenleaf, a Harvard Law Professor wrote: "All that Christianity asks of men?is, that they would be consistent with themselves, that they would treat its evidences as they treat the evidence of other things; and that they would try and judge its actors and witnesses, as they deal with their fellow men, when testifying to […]

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Purpose:? To help those who are either skeptical or lack sufficient faith to move past some point in their Bible study. ? John 5:39,40?? Question:? What is Jesus claiming here???? He is claiming that the Old ?Testament, written hundreds of years before he was born, was written ?about him!? Imagine the implications of this claim. […]

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Let us consider the ultimate miracle?the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Now, wait a minute.? Did Jesus do this miracle?? Did he raise himself from the dead, or did the Father raise his son from the dead?? We will let the theologians work out this question because it really does not matter who […]

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What evidence did Jesus point to in order to support the claims he made about himself? The answer is that Jesus backed up his claims about himself by pointing to the miracles he worked. ?Don?t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to […]

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We will begin with a scenario.? Imagine for a moment that you are having an informal conversation with a close friend you have known for some time.? Your friend?s name is Bill.? In the course of the conversation, Bill tells you that he has the ability to raise people from the dead.? How would you […]

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During his ministry in Palestine, Jesus was often challenged on the issue of authority. Many, especially the religious authorities, would demand of Jesus to know on what authority he based his teachings. In general, he would let the evidence of the miracles speak for themselves, but on one occasion Jesus replied to his hearers concerning […]

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Unique in its continuity Written over a span of 1,500 years Written over 40 different generations Written by over 40 authors: These authors came from every walk of life such as kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesman and scholars. Some examples include: Moses, a political leader, trained in the universities of Egypt ?Joshua , a […]

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NOTES FOR FULL DANIEL CLASS   Background to Daniel:   Theme:  God Rules the Nations, Do Not Fear!   Main messages:   1.  How to stay pure and uncorrupted?to maintain your integrity in a world      in which you are surrounded by unbelievers.   2.  God is in control.  He will protect his people.  Do […]

Read More is a non-profit institute dedicated to the study of the evidence surrounding the central claims of Christianity.  Issues such as the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible, and the deity of Jesus Christ are examined in light of current scientific, historical, and archaeological knowledge. Since such knowledge is constantly evolving, an ongoing […]

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