Dr. John Oakes taught three classes in Asuncion, Paraguay and La Paz, Bolivia which were translated into Spanish.  The three are From Shadow to Reality (De la Sombra a la Realidad), Living by Faith (Viviendo por la Fe), and God and Science (Dios y la Ciencia).   Also included are power points for two of […]

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This power point is for a class given by Dr. John Oakes at the 2012 ICEC at UCLA October 20, 2012.  The focus is on the radical claims of Jesus and why, based on the evidence from filfilled prophecy and the miracles of Jesus, a reasonable person will conclude that Jesus’ claims about himself are believable.  […]

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Dr. John Oakes, Robert Carrillo Pedro Figueroa and Mark Wilkinson taught an 8-week 16-hour introduction to the Old Testament on consecutive Saturdays Feb 25-April 14 at the Mission Center of Hope in San Diego, CA.  To view the notes, the power point:    Old Testament Survey Notes   Introduction OT PPT   Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel    Recordings are available in the EFC […]

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This lesson was given by Dr. John Oakes 11/20/2011 in San Diego, CA.  The topic is the significance of the Old Testament sacrifices to Christianity.         Notes: OT Sacrifice and Christianity              Sacrifice Prefigure PPoint 526.37 Kb         Sacrifice prefigures audio 9.51 Mb

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In view of the season, I though I would post this recent question about the Jewish Messiah as an article for your encouragement.   J. O. Question: I’m very confused regarding a Jewish objection to Jesus as the Messiah which goes like this: "The Bible says that the Messiah would be of the tribe of Judah […]

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Reasons For Belief:  A class taught by John Oakes, PhD at Harvard University 10/16/2009.  The subject is reasons to believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. See EFC store for the recording   Reasons For Belief Harvard 2.76 Mb   The Bible: From God or Man? Delos B. McKown:             "Christianity is scientifically unsupported and […]

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? The Jewish High Holy Days Phillip Lester 9/23/06 Jews all over the world are about to enter a three week period called the High Holy Days.   They involve special Jewish celebrations for the fall season. Although they are found in the Scriptures, their position in the Jewish calendar is often overlooked by disciples.  They […]

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Note:  This excellent article on the date of writing of Daniel was not written by an ARS author.  It is taken from the web site www.Christian-ThinkTank.com   Good question….Was Daniel written AFTER the events he foretold? [Draft May 16, 1998; 3rd revision draft Dec/2000……………..Intro/Menu]    Section One: The Dead Sea Scrolls Manuscript Data ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….   […]

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NOTES FOR SHORT DANIEL CLASS   Background to Daniel:   Theme:  God Rules the Nations, Do Not Fear!   Main messages:   1.  How to stay pure and uncorrupted?to maintain your integrity in a world      in which you are surrounded by unbelievers.   2.  God is in control.  He will protect his people.  Do […]

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  Note to reader:  this article was found at   http://www.christian-thinktank .com/qwhendan3a.html   It is not written by anyone at this web site, and we want to give proper credit for this excellent article!!!     Section One: The Dead Sea Scrolls Manuscript Data ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….   1. Do we have any copies of the Book of […]

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Outline for From Shadow to Reality   OT Theme:  The Messiah is coming   NT Theme:  The Messiah is here   Jesus is priest, prophet and king.  Jesus brings together the entire OT. Jesus says:  Everything must be fulfilled that was written about me Luke 24:44 These are the scriptures that testify about me.  Jn […]

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  Daniel Profeta de las Naciones 614.00 Kb Notas para Daniel, Profeta a Las Naciones abajo   Destinatarios principales de la carta: los jud?os que sufr?an durante la persecuci?n de Ant?oco Ep?fanes. Hay que notar que este es un paralelo cercano a Apocalipsis, cuyos destinatarios principales eran los disc?pulos que sufr?an bajo la intensa persecuci?n del […]

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Think for a minute back to the first century.? What do you think the typical gospel sermon was like? Do you think the early evangelists principally made an appeal to the emotions of their hearers?? Were they a diatribe against the pagan religion of the day?? The book of Acts is the most reliable source […]

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During his ministry in Palestine, Jesus was often challenged on the issue of authority. Many, especially the religious authorities, would demand of Jesus to know on what authority he based his teachings. In general, he would let the evidence of the miracles speak for themselves, but on one occasion Jesus replied to his hearers concerning […]

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NOTES FOR FULL DANIEL CLASS   Background to Daniel:   Theme:  God Rules the Nations, Do Not Fear!   Main messages:   1.  How to stay pure and uncorrupted?to maintain your integrity in a world      in which you are surrounded by unbelievers.   2.  God is in control.  He will protect his people.  Do […]

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