The following four questions all came at once, presumably from the same person, and will be answered together, as they are all related: 1. In John 5:18, John says that Jesus was accused of calling God his own Father; making himself equal with God and that is why they wanted to kill him Don’t we […]

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1. I have been told that only the apostles had the ability to lay their hands on people to give the gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, Ananias laid his hands on Paul to restore his sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Maybe he laid his hands on him to restore his sight […]

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I understand that Psalm 2:7 is talking about Jesus but what do the words “Today I have begotten you” mean? Is he referring to physical birth? If not what is it talking about? I would say that the most obvious place to look for an answer is in John 1:14. “We have seen his glory, […]

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In Genesis 2:7b What does it mean when it says “and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”? is the “breath of life” referring to oxygen or the spirit/soul? I would say that, when in doubt, we should let the obvious meaning stand. Genesis seems to be saying that God made the inanimate Adam […]

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Acts 22:28 states that Paul was a natural born Roman citizen while Philippians 3:4-5 states that he’s a Hebrew. There are other passages in Scripture that cite his apparent dual citizenship. My view here is that he was a Roman citizen by virtue of his being born within Roman territory, while his heritage made him […]

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In Exodus 3:2 & Genesis 18,19 use the word “angel”, I heard that the word could mean “messenger”. If it is so, is it possible that Jesus could be this “messenger”? You are not the first one to propose that the “angel” in Exodus 3:2 could in fact be Jesus, the Son of God. Below […]

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In Daniel 7:27 it says “Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the most high. My question is in what way were the sovereignty, power and greatness of the those kingdoms handed over to saints? Being somewhat prideful, I […]

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In Matthew 5:5 why does it say that the gentle (meek) will inherit the earth? Is it talking about the new heaven and the “new earth” when Jesus returns or is it something else? “The meek shall inherit the earth” is a truism. A truism is a general statement which can be applied to a […]

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A sister in the church told me that the word unfaithful can mean other things besides being sexually unfaithful, in terms of divorce. But from what I understand you can only divorce if your spouse has been sexually unfaithful. What does God (the Bible) say? I will assume that you are referring to the text […]

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In Daniel 2:44, when he says “setup a kingdom” does it mean the one in heaven or the church? to me it seems heavenly. Also can you let me know some scriptures where it says “kingdom…” which refer to the heavenly kingdom and some which refer to the church (OT & NT).If you cant answer […]

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In Daniel 2:44 it says that: “…it will crush and put an end to all those kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.” In what way will the kingdom “crush” the other kingdoms? Is he talking about when Christ returns and destroys the physical realm which include the earthly kingdoms or is he talking about […]

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How do you explain that Jesus called people “fools”? Wouldn?t he be subject to hell fire according to his own words? What does this mean to us? Who can we call fools? Who not? (The explanation, that Jesus was filled with Gods Spirit and knew what?s necessary doesn?t seam to be sufficient.) Matthew 5:22 But […]

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This is a bit confusing. In Luke Jesus asks the Father to forgive those that murdered him, in Acts 2:23 Peter accuses these same people of murder, then in Acts 2:38 Peter tells them to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. Luke 23:34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do […]

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What about when the words of Jesus in red in one Gospel, describing a one-time event do not EXACTLY match other accounts? The temptation of Christ, for example. I am not upset about this for some reason, and it doesn’t shake my faith in Christ, but is there a reasonable answer? Just different ways the […]

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Does it say in the New Testament that we are not to go by the laws of the old testament only the Ten Commandments? First of all, you should understand that for the Jews, the distinction between the Ten Commandments and the other commandments in the Law of Moses is not particularly important. It is […]

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How do you reconcile the accounts in Matthew and Luke regarding the events immediately following the birth of Jesus? In Matthew, Jesus is brought to Egypt from Bethlehem and then later to Nazareth after the death of Herod. In Luke, from Bethlehem he is brought to Jerusalem and then immediately to Nazareth. The way Matthew […]

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Was Satan kicked out of Heaven? There is a very common belief that Satan was kicked out of heaven. Yet, perhaps surprisingly, you will not find this clearly stated in the Bible. This is one of many examples of a common misconception taking on the appearance of authority or truth simply because it is repeated […]

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When God destroyed the earth with great flood all the creatures of ground and air were destroyed (Gen 7:22-23), but what about the creatures of water ? Were they also destroyed? There is no evidence in Genesis that the creatures in water were destroyed wholesale by the flood–be they fresh or salt-water life. It would […]

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Did the “disciples” get baptized again on the day of Pentecost or was Jesus baptism the same as for the forgiveness of sins? This is a fairly common question. Unfortunately, to answer the question requires speculation. The Bible simply does not answer this questions. You can assume that the answer you get to this question […]

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*Did the messianic prophecies foretell of the “second coming?” *Does God explicitly reveal to Moses the 8 day circumcision decision procedure or is it more like it was a “best practices” act that was handed down over generations and then was written down by Moses? *Do we know how long Jesus was in Egypt? There […]

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Have you noticed there are two accounts in the bible of Jesus cursing the fig tree and when Jesus drove the money changers out? In one account, Jesus drove the money changers out and then cursed the fig tree the next day. (Matthew 21:10-22). And in the other account he cursed the fig tree first […]

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I’m writing to ask if you have any explanation for one apparent discrepancy that I have often wondered about: “three days and three nights”. I have read that the “days” part of that statement was due to the Jewish tradition of counting any part of a day as a whole day in the description of […]

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Why dopastors still preach teach and insist on Old Testament laws when the same stand cancelled in the New Testament? Preachers teach the need for Christians to follow the Old Testament law because of bad theology. This is one of the most common false doctrines in the “Christian” world. Different religious groups teach the need […]

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In anew Comparative Religion course I’m taking at school. we’re currently studying Hinduism and will soon move on to Buddhism its actually quite fascinating. Hinduism, with all its splendid contradictions and incongruities, is really not that bad of a religion. Dont get me wrong, my faith is not wavering but I found that studying the […]

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Genesis 11:1 says that the world at that time “had one language and a common speech.” However, Genesis 10:5 seems to imply that there was more than one language at that same time. Please explain this. I can think of a couple of possible explanations, but the most obvious one is probably correct. Although Genesis […]

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I have been studying the new testament for the past 6 months and found a lot of encouragement generally throughout and it was leading me to begin to believe, though some parts of the text I found a bit troubling and not often addressed by other Christians other preachers. I even discovered some misinformation on […]

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In Luke 2:49 Jesus refers to Temple of Jerusalem as his father’s house. Also, King Solomon built this Temple for God according to His instruction. However, in Acts 17:24 it is taught that God does not live in any human built building. I am having some difficulty to explain this issue can you please help […]

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