Question: I recently looked over an essay from Douglas Jacoby on the doctrine of hell and it has changed my views of what it is. I believe the scriptures are pretty clear on it not being eternal torment although some scriptures are up for debate because of ambiguity regarding the word eternal but nonetheless my […]

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Question: How do you reconcile Matt 16:26,27?  They are two distinct prophecies in these verses.  One is about the distant future which is the judgment.The other happened six days later. Answer: First of all, I assume you mean Matthew 16:27-28, not 26-27. In this little prophecy of Jesus he is doing what he often did, which is mix prophecies […]

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QUESTION: I am studying with a pre-millenialist who is particularly caught up with Israel, end-times, and the special role of Jerusalem. The materials on Jacoby’s [editor’s note: he is referring to] site recently published on the mass conversion of Israel were timely as well as John Oakes messages on the Kingdom of God. Thanks!   […]

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Comment: I am wondering about the idea of sins of the Father being passed on to the future generations or in this case all of us being blamed for Adam’s sin.  By ANY measure you wish to use, this is against all natural justice and fairness as is the idea that someone/anyone can take away […]

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Questions: If Genesis is not literally true (for example Adam and Eve made in our image as we are now), then can Christians at least accept it calls into question the fall of man and a need for redemption by God via human sacrifice of Jesus? Simple question 1. If you accept the Bible as […]

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QUESTION: I have tried to convince Jehovah Witnesses that Jesus is God but they interpret differently the scripture.  Do you have a different aproach or material about this question? Answer: I address the question of Jehovah Witness teaching in notes and a power point at the web site. I suggest you go to the power point […]

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Question: I need your help on a few hard questions an atheist friend asked me: Before I state the questions, I wanted to let you know I have thoroughly looked at your articles on your website- Apologetics and Old Testament Atrocities.   So here are the questions asked: What do you expect from a religion whose […]

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Question: I talked with someone from Asembly church and they say we should worship God on Saturday which is Shabbat day. Here are some scripture he showed me.   Gen 2:1-3   Exo 20:8-11   Num 28:9-10     Mat 5:17-18    Jn 1:29    Lk 4:16    Mat 7:21-23   Mat 15:7-9     Mk 16:9    He said, worshiping God on Sunday is the ritual of men […]

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QUESTION: What does 1 Thessalonians 5:20 “Do not scoff at prophecies,but test everythiing that is said”  mean? Answer: We do not know the exact context of the interesting command from Paul to the Thessalonians. We must assume that some were “scoffing” at prophecies. Another translation has them treating certain prophecies “with contempt.” I will speculate […]

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Question: I have tried to find out for a long time what the word “hupostasis” in Hebr 11:1 means – “Faith is the ‘hupostasis’ of things hoped for…”   confidence, assurance, substance, and title-deed are some translations of the word “hupostasis”. The translation of this word is critical to the understanding of the verse and […]

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Question: Hey Dr. Oakes, I have a question about predestination.  I have been running into people that use Romans 9, or Romans 8:28-30. They claim that God chose those who are saved already and we have no free will. The particular verse in Romans 9 was verse 11-18. Answer: I have taught a class on […]

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Question: Hello! I was just looking through you’re site – a very interesting one, very thought provoking – and came across this article: Now, I should say at the forefront that I am what you may call a “Calvinist” – that is, I believe that the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints is […]

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QUESTION: I studied with a Catholic guy long time ago… He argued that they believed in baptizing infants because there are example(s) of such in the Bible, citing Acts 16:31-34; 16:15. I tried to convince him on the essence of ‘faith’ in salvation(Gal. 2:16; Romans 3:25-26;Romans 6:8) of which infants can’t even understand. but the […]

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[Editor’s note:  This question has little to do with Christian evidences, but I have gotten several versions of the question.  Apparently it is on the minds of many EFC users, so I am providing an answer.] QUESTION:  In Acts chapter 8 Philip, one of the Seven, goes to a city in Samaria and preached the gospel. […]

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[Note: this query comes from a believer who got these questions from a friend who is Bahai. Question: One of my questions was WHY had not God in the Old Testament chosen for himself, the name Jesus the Christ, but many other names ? In addition, Christ Himself also promises that when he returns, he […]

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Editor’s Note:   I just posted a Q & A on cremation a couple of weeks ago.  Normally, I would not post two in a row on the same topic, but apparently my fairly short answer raised as many questions as it answered, so I am publishing a second question and the follow-up.  I suggest that […]

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Question: I am deeply grateful for your research and teaching for brothers and sisters in the faith. Your web-site and publications have been so helpful, insightful and informative. I have been a Christian for over 21 years now, and your works, and those of other teachers, have proven helpful as tools to help deepen my […]

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Question: I was just browsing and came upon your website. I read through some questions/answers and was surprised to read that you believe that the Bible’s account of Eve being formed/created out of Adam’s rib is metaphorical.  So your God can create a universe and yes, even Adam and Eve ex nihilo as you like […]

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[Editor’s note:  This question clearly has nothing to do with Christian evidence, but I have gotten similar questions enough times, that I thought I should post an answer.  John Oakes] QUESTION: Is it right to take communion/Lord‘s supper even if someone is in sin or have unconfessed sin or hidden sin? Answer: The Bible does […]

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Question: I’ve recently listened to an interview by Grant Palmer who is a former Mormon but applied “critical analysis” to the Mormon Bible and converted to Christ. In his interview, he also expressed some concern with the Christian Bible including:     1. timing issues in the creation account       2. Adam and Eve being actual/symbolic        3 the tower […]

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Question: You may already know of my doubts of my Calvinistic views from one of my previous emails. Specifically the lore of election.  Now I was wondering if you can absolutely refute the five points of Calvinism? [Editor’s note: he is referring to the standard formula of Calvinism: TULIP Total Depravity, Unconditional election, Limited Atonement, […]

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Question: I read your article on how to help convert our Jewish friends, the problem is that yes, “our version” the Old Testament mentions things about Jesus, but when you bring that up, they show you in “their version” that is in Hebrew it is different.  Where ours says a virgin will give birth…but in their […]

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Question: When Did God give Jesus all authority on heaven and Earth?:    After His resurrection, and just before Jesus returned to heaven, He told the disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:18)  Then, in Ephesians 1:20-23 we are told […]

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Question: Thank you so much for writing “From Shadow to Reality.” It has strengthened my faith by seeing how only God could have orchestrated the foreshadowing in the Old Testament. I have learned a lot, and have had theories of my own on foreshadowing confirmed by your explanation of the related Scriptures.   One issue […]

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Question:   May I ask why anyone should believe in the Bible?    You claim that the global flood was miraculous, yet what does that have to do with evidence?  Did God completely heal the earth? Is that what you’re saying?  You wish people to believe that God kept the ocean animals, plant life, bacteria all from […]

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Question: I wanted to thank you for your last email and for answering some of the questions I had. I appreciate you taking the time out of your undoubtedly busy schedule to do so.It helped me greatly. I hope I do not wear you out with my somewhat simplistic inquiries.    The reason for this question […]

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Question: I have recently been troubled by a theological dilemma regarding 1 Corinthians 11 and veiling. Actually, I should say I’ve been wrestling with it for years and the conflict comes and goes.   How can we as disciples of Jesus KNOW that Paul is speaking culturally? I know that David Bercot is popular throughout churches […]

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Question: Since you believe Jesus fulfilled Zech.6:11-13, do you also believe the body of Christ is the Temple? Answer: I believe that Zechariah 6:11-13 is really more of a messianic foreshadow than a historical messianic prophecy. In other words, it is a picture, in earthly terms of an equivalent future reality in heaven. The vision […]

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Question: In Acts 10:44 Peter is at Cornelius’ house and the spirit of God falls on the Gentiles pre-baptism (while they hear the testimony of Jesus from Peter). Most commentaries suggest that this is more crucial to the argument of Jew v. Gentile and all being alike now, but how could the Holy Spirit come […]

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Question: What do you think about this take on Songs of Solomon… [Editor’s note:  the gentleman writing this article rejects the “traditional” view that Song of Solomon is about a loving monogamous relationship between Solomon and his wife] Answer: A few logical fallacies or weak arguments on the part of this person (I will […]

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Question: I’ve been reading a bit over the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus’ commands for personal righteousness.   However,  some passages leave me with dilemmas on interpretation.  For instance,  how should one interpret passages on “offer your shirt” in light of this scenario: if I own a business as a Christian and enter into a […]

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QUESTION: This question is regarding Hosea 3:1 “And Jehovah said unto me, Go again, love a woman beloved of her friend, and an adulteress, even as Jehovah loveth the children of Israel, though they turn unto other gods, and love cakes of raisins.” I have a question about the issue with the Israelites love of […]

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Question: What is the context of 1 Corinthians 12:3?   If a Christian confesses Jesus is Lord before baptism, when we do not have the Holy Spirit yet, then there appears to be a contradiction here.  What are your thoughts? 1 Corinthians 12:3 NIV “Therefore I want you to know that no one who is […]

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QUESTION: Does 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 imply that if a believer marries a non-believer, that the non-believer can be saved through that marriage? Answer: Yes it does, but we should be careful how we interpret this. Paul is saying to the Christian sister who is married to a non-Christian that she should not leave her marriage […]

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QUESTION:   [editor’s note: questioner clearly does not have English as first language, so this is my best attempt to reconstruct the original questions.  My apologies if I am misinterpreting the questions] The Bible tells to stone a female if found in adultery?  Why does it not say anything about men caught in same act? […]

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Question: I understand that the Day/Age Theory of Evolution reconciles with the scriptures and even allows for the possibility of Adam evolving from chimpanzees, australopithecenes, or something else. However, what about Eve? Do you believe that the account of her creation from Adam’s rib is clearly to be taken literally and plainly? If so, that […]

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