Question: I believe in God and all that his Bible says. So my question is in answering unbelievers who think we (humans) were put here by extraterrestrials. To me that idea is very silly, yet they seem to have their own set of  "evidences" that confirms their beliefs. what do I say to these people? […]

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Many atheists seem to dismiss the belief in the "supernatural". Is the word supernatural in the Bible? Are Christians making assumptions, or portraying God in a way that is non-Biblical.  I probably haven’t thought about this much, but saying "supernatural" means saying "magic" or "impossible" to a non-Believer. How can we explain this to a […]

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Question: Are there any examples of failed Prophecies in the Bible and scientific contradictions in the bible as claimed by some books? Answer: No, there are not. Of course, there are people who say that there are, and I have heard such claims. For example, in a debate held last June in Chicago, the claim […]

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Question: I was reading the website of Yusuf Estes. A muslim apologist who used to be a Christian Minister. He claims that in his study of the Bible he saw the Bible is littered with contradictions, and that after reading the Koran he saw it had no errors and so could only be from God.  How […]

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Question: A new question has been submitted by Francisco ( on [08/21/08]: Everytime I read the gospels I wonder how possible it was  to keep Jesus’s exact words in each of the writings. Thus, I have a question: Is it possible that someone took notes while walking around along with Jesus, maybe one of hs disciples? Answer: This […]

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Question: I am reading your book on Daniel after listening to the sermon you gave out in Riverside back in 2005 about the book of Daniel.  This was prompted by a read through the Bible were I am currently in Daniel. I notice in most versions the "ab" is translated father in Dan 5:18.  However, […]

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Question: 1) Is there anything distinctively Christian about apologetics? Why or why not? Do all religions include apologetics? Why or Why not?;2) How much do you think natural human reason can accomplish in religion? In general?;3) What good does it do to argue for your faith? What harm can it do?;4) How useful are merely […]

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Question: I am a sophomore in high school, and I recently began to engage in dialog with one of my atheist friends about the existence of God. My interest in the subject began last summer while my friend was attending a philosophy camp at Duke. He knew I was a Christian, so he sent me […]

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Question: Where can I find balanced information on historical/theological reading of the Word? As a born again, Bible-following Christian for 22 years, I’m always excitied to read of some archaeological development that sheds light on people, times and/or places of the Bible. But I’ve also I’ve read enough about what archaeology has not been able […]

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Question: I am reading one of your book titled “Reason for Belief”. I must say it is really impactful. However, I have a question on one area there. You mentioned about the base of our faith. If we want to grow deep, we must explore the basis of our faith, could you expand on each […]

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Question; Is the quality of the lives of believers sufficient evidence of the truth of Christianity? Answer: I do not know what you mean by “sufficient evidence.” Sufficient to whom? I know from experience that for some people, seeing the life of Jesus Christ lived out in individual followers of Jesus is sufficient to convince […]

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Question: My pastor preached a sermon suggesting that we should not believe that the Bible is without error. I happen to disagree with his assertion however, he said that the numbers in the book of Numbers do not add up and used this as proof of his belief. He did not go into detail on […]

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Question: The NLT of Genesis 7:20 says the water was “standing more than 22ft above the highest peaks” What may I ask is ambiguous about that? You cannot be “agnostic” about the Word of God. It is perfectly clear in what sense it covered the mountains. The depth of the water matters as much as […]

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Question: (note, this is a long series of questions, followed by a general response to all the question) (1) Should the sacred texts of a religion be understandable to anybody that reads it (ex. Buddhist texts are fairly hard to understand in Chinese…even to those that know Chinese)? (2) Should there be a presence of […]

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Comment: You state in your book Is There a God “Comparison of Genesis one with scientific knowledge implies a transcendent source for the creation story.” Why only limit it it to Genesis one? What about Genesis two? Not so brave there – you have to fall back on faith. There is no strict logical implication […]

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Question: I have done some studying on Psalm 22, with its supposed prophecy about the Messiah having his hands and feet pierced. I did some more work on this at I am happy to accept “pierced” as a possible translation, but think it is questionable as one of the authorities says, “we do not […]

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Question: How do we know that the Biblical accounts are true? How do we know that the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are reliable? How do we know that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God? How do you know that the “other gospels” are not inspired? Answer: This is […]

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Question: I have recently begun studying the evidence supporting Christianity and the alleged contradictions in the Bible and all that stuff… [my brain hurts 🙂 ] I was wondering if you have any tips for me in my ‘journey’ of intense study into Christianity, or provide cautions to stop me from making mistakes (see below). […]

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Question: If the Bible/Christianity is so obviously the truth and the correct religion, why isn’t the whole world Christian by now? Or, why aren’t there more articles in the newspaper or more things on TV about it? I mean, when the whole thing with DNA was figured out, most people knew within …a few years?? […]

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Question: I’m doing my senior project in high school on this topic of whether Jesus was actually the Son of God, and thus everything he said was actually true. I have a few more questions: Is it possible that the Bible lasted for so many years just because no one questioned it? For example, Aristotle’s […]

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Questions (there are several here): Let us take the final 11 verses of Mark for which the earliest evidence is non-existent. Why and by whom were they later added? Why was Jesus described as riding on a donkey? Because the writer knew it would be seen as the fulfilment of OT prophecy and would therefore […]

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Question The earliest Gospel was written c. 70 AD. We have only purported reports of what Jesus said – see for example Geza Vermes ” The Authentic Gospel of Jesus” or further ” The Jesus Mysteries” by Freke & Gandy. Even evangelical writers such as Mark Stibbe talk of “redactors” and “interpretations.” The claims you […]

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Question: I am doing an apologetics project to help me answer the questions of critics and am struggling to find a decent secular source on Jewish burial practices in the first century. The reason that I am seasrching for this is that I am currently looking at different versions of the swoon theory and the […]

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I’ve decided that there has to be a creator of everything due to the complexity of life and all creation, but how do I know Christianity is the right religion and not Islam or Judaism? This is a very good question. It is a bad assumption that one can simply leap from belief in God […]

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I’m doing a study on non-biblical sources about Jesus’ existence. I know there are people like Josephus, Lucian, Thallus, Jewish Talmud, Cornelius Tacitus & Seutonius. I was wondering if you know any websites/books that have in their writings specifically the parts that talk about Jesus. Also if you know any more people that write about […]

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How would you respond to the question: can’t you use existing facts to prove any claim, in this case Christianity, but in reality any thing you wish? I would say you raise a very good and valid question. The fact is that if one chooses to suspend use of correct lines of reasoning, then one […]

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I was just reviewing that article you wrote about people believing God isn?t real. When you try to explain how God is or isn?t real, you can’t use the Bible because the Bible is a human written book. There is absolutely no proof that any of these actions occurred, well little if any. There is […]

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I have a question for you. I was wondering if you could give me advice on helping people who argue that the Bible we have today cannot possibly be the original Bible. I obviously cannot tell them that I believe by faith that it is the inspired word of God and that He protects His […]

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Note: The question is quite long. The answer is about five paragraphs down the page How does Christianity justify its staunch and abusive criticism of so called “Pagan” Religions in the light that it developed well after many other religions that were also the belief of many people before it? Too often “pagan religions have […]

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How do I know that Christianity is the one true faith, and that Buddhism, or Hinduism, or any other religion isn’t the "right one?" I have received a couple of questions which are pretty similar to this one. Below I have included two similar questions and the answers I gave. After these two questions/responses, I […]

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The Bible is generally used as the primary reference for Christians. Even if I accept that the Bible is actually God’s word, you have to admit that it was put on paper by humans. And since humans are imperfect, how do you put such faith in the Bible? Also, what about the books of the […]

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The Bible is generally used as the primary reference for Christians. Even if I accept that the Bible is actually God’s word, you have to admit that it was put on paper by humans. And since humans are imperfect, how do you put such faith in the Bible? Also, what about the books of the […]

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