Question: One philisophical principle is that in a set of hypotheses, the one with less assumptions should be validated.  Most of my friends think that materialism is the worldview with the least assumptions since it only requires that we assume the physical world can be perceived, measured and understood by our human senses.  These materialist friends say […]

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Question: I would be interested in hearing your notes / commentary on Genesis 1-11.  From my research, there appears to be a lot of interpretation going into the transalation of our English language bibles. A superficial reading of our English language Bibles in Genesis would seem to support a young earth and a global cataclysmic […]

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Question: Why do most scientist reject the possibility of God`s existence?  Why do they embrace evolution? Answer: Two really good questions!  First, it is simply not true that most scientists reject the possibility of the existence of God.  Many do, but more do not.  This is a stereotype which is created largely because the atheist […]

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Question: I hope this email finds you well. I am a Christian and have a friend who is going through some unbelief, and he sent me this video to watch: which illustrates his thought process. He doesn’t believe in God anymore, and doesn’t believe Christianity is any more right than any other religion.  My […]

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Question:   [editor’s note:  This is a series of two questions from the same member of the same topic] I wanted to know if you know much about fulgurites and the evidence they give to support the reality of the ten plagues in Egypt?   How about this for a bible study?  Studying out about […]

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Question: I have a comment regarding your response to the question “If the Hebrew word “yom” in Genesis means a 24 hour period, why do you interpret it figuratively to be a period of time?”  I do not agree with your answer.  In NET translation it says “There was evening, and there was morning, a […]

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Questions: 1. What relationship exists between science and religion? 2. Can science prove the existence of God? 3. Is there any evidence of proof (aside from the Big Bang Theory) that will prove beyond any reasonable doubt that God truly exist? 4. Do all scientists today still believe in the Holy Bible, especially in the […]

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Question: I love listening to your material about God and Science. How old is the earth really, and why does it matter when talking to non-believers who come from a background of scientific thinking? What’s the deal with dinosaurs and the time frame of Genesis? Do we know the time frame they lived and were […]

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Question: I need to bone up on battling a family member who is an agnostic.  I want to refute his thinking, but at the same time to speak the truth in love. What do you recommend I read on this website?  Thank you! Response: You can find a power point on the existence of God […]

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Question: In discussing creation with a friend, we focused our discussion on the fact that the oceans are salty.  According to science, where did the salt come from?  When earth was first created, was the water that originally covered the earth fresh? Could salty oceans be a result of “the fall” (making the largest source […]

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Question: What proof is there that the Bible is true? Answer: To tell you the truth, this is a rather broad question.   My first answer is please just start looking around the web site.  We have more than 2500 articles, each of which is intended to answer your question!   But you asked, so […]

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Question: NASA says new observations from the Hubble Space Telescope confirm the presence of a subsurface salty ocean on Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede. Jim Green, NASA’s director of Planetary space even says that the “The solar system is now looking like a pretty soggy place”. My question is, does this discredit the Bible in any way?. Assuming […]

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Question: Genesis 5 states that the patriarchs prior to the flood lived as long as 900 years. How exactly is anyone supposed to take this into consideration when during ancient times, life span was actually shorter than it is now?  Only now are humans living longer, not shorter. So in the face of this how […]

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Question: I was just watching this video and would like to ask you (since I never really bothered to looked into this subject in depth) What does it matter if the earth is 6000 or 6.000.000 years? Response: The speaker in this video implies that if we do not believe in the 6000 year […]

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Question: Hello, I have a couple of questions concerning our souls.  If consciousness can be determined to depend on the physical brain, does this mean our consciousness ceases to exist after death? Isn’t it obvious that if the brain is damaged in any way that it directly affects our consciousness immediately.  Also, if we have […]

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Question: I am finding it difficult to accept the concept that one could actually have an intimate relationship with God. God in His most simplistic definition is invisible and an immaterial being, additionally why would the very creator of the universe speak a human language. Isn’t that a hint the mankind has formed and molded […]

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[Editor’s note: The comment and response below are a follow-up to an earlier question and answer in which some terminology produced a bit of a miscommunication.  For completeness, the original exchange is below this comment and response.] Comment: I was at a roundtable discussion that included Denis Lamoreaux.  I definitely aggree with his thinking on evolution.  But […]

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Question: If evolution and abiogenesis have simply naturalistic explanations behind the origins and development of life itself, then wouldn’t this replace any need for a god? Abiogenesis for example gives forth purely scientific and naturalistic reasons behind how life came into existence, why at this point would there be a need for such a deity? Same […]

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Question: I was so grateful for your sermon yesterday in the Cape Town church. I was wondering how you would assist someone who comes from the quantum physics background to believe the Bible.  In particular my friend adheres to the teachings of Bruce Lipton “The Biology of Belief”? Answer: Bruce Lipton is a well-qualified molecular […]

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Question: If miracles are to be considered divine singularities, is the scientific method appropriate for evaluating the occurrence of miracles?    Does recognizing the occurrence of miracles halt scientific progress since doing so would require recognizing the miracle as a divine singularity instead of a repeatable regularity, and also result in the scientist’s giving up being […]

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Question: Do you know that a theory scientifically is a fact? Don’t confuse theory’s perjorative and colloquial use with its actual definition.  Also, just to state the obvious, referencing your q&a on evolution… Introducing supernatural forces makes everything easier. duh. That fairies took my box of halloween decorations and hid it underneath a box of […]

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Editor’s note:  The following is a series of questions and answers.  The tone is more familiar than usual because this discussion is happening with a good friend. Question: I just read your paper, “A Closer Look at the Laws of Thermodynamics.”  It was great.  Thanks.  I have a comment, though.  From Pr 16:33 we learn that anything that […]

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Question: I was looking over you site and was wondering if there has been any evidence found that the “sun stood still”  or “altered it’s position”? As recorded in Joshua 10:13-14 and Isaiah 38:7-8?   I may be wrong as I’m not acquainted with astrophysics but I can only imagine that our earth or the sun’s […]

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Question: I was going through a book by Spinoza and he describes a substance as having its characteristic as existence and independence from any other substance. But if that’s the case, then matter has existed ever since and will continue to exist. It cannot be destroyed or created.In this sense isn’t matter self-existent? My physics […]

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Question: I am now reading one of your books “Is There a God” [editor’s note:].  I wondered about this: do simple one-celled organisms contain DNA? (I have heard of Dr. Flew’s view that DNA is too complex for accidental origination.) Answer: That is a simple question. All living things have DNA. Even the simplest […]

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Question: Does Einstein’s Theory of Relativity require that God be temporal or atemporal to logically interact with His creation?  What is essentially the effect of God that is greater than the speed of light in this understanding?  In his book A Brief History of Time in pages 25-28, Stephen Hawking describes time existing as a […]

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Question: I had a recent debate with an atheist friend who claimed that those who believe in God have the burden of proof to support their claim.  I would like to hear your thoughts on this question.  Also, I came up with my own response shortly after debating my atheist friend.  It attacks the prolific misuse […]

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QUESTION: I recently listened to a debate between Sam Harris and Dr. Craig. I remember listening to your audio where you mentioned that you have not come across any scientific discrepancies in the Bible. This is more or less a statement that Sam Harris made in regards to scientific discrepancies found in the Bible: ‘Genesis […]

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Question: I have been reading quite a bit lately about advancements in stem cell research especially in the area of tissue/organ regeneration. One article states that within 10-20 years the majority of damaged tissue will be able to be “grown” using stem cells. This may seem like a silly question, but will science/medicine get to […]

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Question: I have an issue I’d love for you to weigh in on if you can please? I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the 3 part debate between Dr William Lane Craig and Prof Krauss? (if not, the are on YouTube). If so, can you please shed some light on responding to Krauss in […]

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Question: The past few days I have been wrestling with my faith. I have been experiencing symptoms of severe anxiety and depression such as excessive sleep, not eating or drinking, nervous breakdowns, etc. The things that have been bothering me the past few days have to do with evolutionary psychology and the resurrection of Christ. 1. Evolutionary Psychology- I […]

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Question: I’ve recently listened to an interview by Grant Palmer who is a former Mormon but applied “critical analysis” to the Mormon Bible and converted to Christ. In his interview, he also expressed some concern with the Christian Bible including:     1. timing issues in the creation account       2. Adam and Eve being actual/symbolic        3 the tower […]

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QUESTION: I  have a question for in regards to an article posted by Fox News today. Apparently a 1.8 million year skull has been found which apparently is some evolutionary link. Does this mean tha there was some sort of pre-adamic race? Are they even sure the skull is that old? How would this reconcile […]

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Question:   May I ask why anyone should believe in the Bible?    You claim that the global flood was miraculous, yet what does that have to do with evidence?  Did God completely heal the earth? Is that what you’re saying?  You wish people to believe that God kept the ocean animals, plant life, bacteria all from […]

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Question: I am asking a series of questions that come from 1 Cor. 15.     Several times in the chapter Adam is referred to as “one man,” a single individual.     If Adam and Eve existed as an “original couple” and had a real Fall, I believe this may present major problems in trying to harmonize evolution with […]

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QUESTION: I have heard several times that moral “law” is said to be observed in animals, suggesting a natural, rather than supernatural explanation for morality. That sentence might not be clear enough, let me elaborate: A good example of a proponent of this is Anthropologist Frans de Waal. de Waal has studied primates for years […]

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Comment: I would like to say that I envy you. I can’t seem to reconcile my faith with evolution. I’m sure that the things I was told at church about evolution has a big part to play in my crisis but I think it’s also the way that science has presented it. Ever since Darwin […]

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Question I am uncertain if you have seen this but here is a piece of scientific coincidence with an implication of God inspiring the Bible:   Your response? Answer: This certainly seems interesting, but I would not put too much weight on it. I would like to hear some geologists comment on whether this […]

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