Question/Comment:  I believe that Genesis should not be read literally as it conflicts with our current scientific models such as the dating of the universe and Evolution. As a result I believe that we must read Genesis as a theological poem not a scientific textbook. Thus I see that we were created and we fell […]

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Question: How about those who born in other religions who have already a deep conviction.  It is definitely harder for them to accept the Bible.  If they cannot be saved, is it unfair for them if compared with those who were luckily born into a christian family for they have a bigger chance to trust in God? Answer: It is tempting […]

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Questions: I have compiled the following article of pure historical events as they relate to the Christian religion. Can you please proof read it and critique it? I believe it to be 100% accurate.  Please let me know.  Answer:   Normally, I do not like to get into one denomination versus another denomination as this is definitely […]

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Question: I wondered if you could point me in the right direction with regards to the geneology in Luke which mentions Nathan and not Solomon.  Forgive my ignorance, but what is the significance in your view? I read it was related to a King Jeconiah.    I understood that messianic lineage goes by the father, so Mary’s lineage […]

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Question: According to the Apologetics Bible, and other sources I have read/heard, physical death hadn’t occurred until Adam/Eve sinned.  I disagree because of the fossils that would have existed prior to Adam as well as Genesis 3:22; And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. […]

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Question: Does the term: "God of gods" used in Deuteronomy 10:17, Psalms 136:2, Daniel 2:47,  and Daniel 11:36 show that there are other gods?   1 Corinthians 8:5 states there are many gods and Psalms 82:1 says God gives judgment "among the gods."  Of course there’s one true God, the Almighty but would this support the belief […]

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Question: 1.  I’m not sure what 1 Cor. 3:15 means.  This verse comes from a passage about God testing the quality of our work.  And this verse appears to be saying that even if our work and lives as Christians do not measure up to God’s standards, we can still be saved.  Yet this verse […]

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Question:  Could you please help enlighten me – I am trying to research what happened to Joseph. He assumed loco parentis during his early childhood, his geneology was respectfully referred to as if he were blood related , which in itself confuses me, as we don’t suppose he was his father. I can see no […]

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Question:  I believe that God transcends time and by nature is timeless.  However, AFTER Creation, did God enter into time and is now time bound?  Many philosophers argue that God must be "in time" subsequent to creation if libertarian freedom is possible.  How can God interact relationally with us if not in time and everything to […]

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Question: How do we show those that think Jesus is Michael that he is not? How might you use Jesus’ prehuman existence to bring this out?  Answer: I do not think that "we" need to show that Jesus is not Michael the Archangel.  I believe that surely the burden of proof is on those who try to teach […]

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Question: If someone leaves the church what can he or she do to return?  Another question:  Does a person who leaves the church lose thier salvation? Answer:  The Bible does not prescribe a fixed means by which those who have chosen to leave the church should be returned to the fellowship.   We could look to 1 Corinthians 5 […]

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Question:  If God understands my humanity and sin nature better than I do, why does He still hold me accountable for what I cannot help doing? Answer:  This is a very good question.  This gets to the heart of the question.  Is God truly fair and is he truly just to judge us for our […]

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Question:  Were the Elohim the Anunnaki’s?  Answer:  Many people try to claim that the Jews borrowed their idea about Jehovah from the neighboring peoples: especially from the religions in Mesopotamia.   This is certainly not a new claim.   I will admit that there is at least some marginal parallel between some of the concepts the Jewish […]

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My question is, why are disobedient children stoned in Deuteronomy 21:18-21?  Isn’t that cruel? Answer: This is certainly a reasonable question.   I will have to say that my first emotional response to this commandment is to say that it certainly seems harsh.  I am not sure about cruel, but certainly it appears harsh or like […]

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Question: A couple of my buddies always ask about God in the Old Testament: especially about how harsh he can seem to be at times.  Have any advice or recommended reading about the topic?   Answer: Clearly this is a good question.  I have gotten one version or another many times.  If you do a […]

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Question:  I am not a Christian and had no kind of guided religious upbringing, though I have admittedly felt drawn towards Christianity at times.  I never really thought about my origins or the reason for my being.  However, lately I have been nearly consumed by those "big questions."  The idea that the universe and our […]

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Question: I have come across a statement which a 7th Day Adventist claims. They say Jesus and the Archangel Michael is one and the same person. Their reading is in Daniel and also revelation with the war in heaven, I think its chapter 12. I find this hard to believe.  What are your views in this? Answer: No, […]

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Question:  My question is about the relationship between brain and soul, and how damage to the brain can damage the soul. Say if I am a careful Christian who does everything the Bible asks of me and takes all its lessons to heart. But say if I have an accident that damages my brain and disrupts […]

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Question: The work that I have been reading a great deal about is that of Christina Hayes, who is absolutly brilliant. Also, the work of Naham Sarna is another of my favorite biblical scholars. They both are finding many examples of symbolism and contridictions. You say that these things are simply not true, but I […]

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 Note;  Each of four questions is followed by an answer, so there are four separate Q & As below.  Question #1:  I noticed on your power point concerning prophesy that when talking about Daniel’s vision of four beasts you referred to ancient kingdoms I thought this vision referred to the end times or does it have a […]

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Question:  I have a question about Theistic Evolution, which clearly puts death before sin. Evolution would state that many organisms died in the intermediate steps leading to man, which then sinned. How would you reconcile death before sin to Romans 5:12? "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, […]

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Questions and Answers: 1] In Matthew 8;12 Who are the subjects that Jesus is talking about? "The subjects of the kingdom" are the Jews who do not receive Jesus.  One can generalize this to include anyone who has been saved but later chooses to ignore his own calling, but in the context, Jesus is telling […]

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Question: You say in your article that "Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-20 that he fulfilled all the requirements of the Law, so that we are free of the need for that Law".  So….. you are telling me that  I can commit adultery, murder, steal, covet, lie, have many other Gods, worship images take the name […]

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Question:   Who was the 1st person to say that Jesus was God?  I’ve heard a lot of people say that early Christians believed that Jesus was nothing more than a great prophet. Which leads to the question, how do we know that Jesus really is God, and not just a prophet? Answer: That is […]

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Question: What are the diseases associated with demon possession in the New Testament (for example in Matthew 4:24; Luke 8:27, and Luke 8:26-39.)?  Also, during the time of Jesus, what was the meaning of being possessed by a demon? Answer: Many commentators have noticed a similarity between the symptoms of demon possession described in the New Testament […]

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Question: What is the point of, or the reason for, the difference between the premodern notion of “reason” and the modern notion? What are the pluses and minuses of each? 2.      How do you think reason is related to : (a)     authority (b)     love (c)     intuition: (d)     mysticism (e)     symbolism (f)     hope 3.      How .   […]

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Question: I have a friend who is a member of Seventh Day Adventist. He mentioned  the observance of Sabbath days (Saturday), and the Law according to the Old Testament. He said that when Jesus died the ceremonial law has been fulfilled while the moral law still stands. is this true?  They don’t eat pork and […]

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Question:  I get confused sometimes with interpretation in general of the Bible. Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, etc. All have different forms of theolgical understandings of scripture that has resulted in various denominations. Why, and how do you decide which one to agree with more or less?? Answer: The particular false teachings you are […]

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Question: I don’t understand the whole "hardening your heart" idea in the Bible. For example in Hebrews 6:4-7, is the situation that the person can try to repent and cannot be restored or is it because their heart is hardened so they won’t repent or turn to God? The Bible says that He will always forgive us when we turn to […]

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Question: Why does the God of the Old Testament seem so mean, and unmerciful, but God in the New Testament is gracious, loving, and merciful? Answer: Yours is a very common misconception of both the Old and the New Testament.  There are two misconceptions here.  First, it is common to view the portrayal of God […]

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Question: 1.      Why would an all knowing benevolent God give such ridiculous laws? Not using two different types of fibers? Cutting off the hand of a woman that grabs the private parts of the man that fights her husband? Not touching a woman for seven days after the beginning of her period? What is that???? The almighty […]

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Question: Is Jesus really an acceptable sin sacrifice according to the Old Testament?  The new covenant couldn’t have been active till after Jesus’ death and resurrection, right? So it would make sense to say the initiation of the new covenant shouldn’t violate the standards of the old. Does Jesus REALLY count as a sin sacrifice? […]

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