Question: What does the Bible say happens to homosexuals? If it is not a choice how can it be a sin and mean being sent to hell upon death? I’m a Christian but have a few homosexual friends who are bitter towards the church because of this, what should I tell them? Answer: The Bible […]

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Question: Talking with Jehovah’s Witness always gets confusing. My question is in Daniel when he says that Michael the Archangel will lead the people, how do I explain to my aunt and cousins that Jesus is NOT Michael and is fully God and fully man even though they interpret most angel verses in the Bible as Jesus […]

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Question:  Do animals have souls? Since i last wrote to you I have done some research on this subject.  Although I don’t know any Hebrew scholars personally, I do have several books in which they have made contributions, also a copy of Vine’s expository dictionary of Bible words. What my research revealed is that the word ‘soul’, Nephesh in Hebrew, […]

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Question: Psalm 82:6-8 as referenced in Jn 10:34 says "you are gods". What does this mean and who is speaking? Answer: This is a difficult question and these are difficult passages to understand and interpreet. Let me start with Psalm 82:6-8. "I say you are gods; you are all children of the Most High. But you […]

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Question: Gen.2:7 says that "God proceeded to..blow into his (Adams) nostrils…and the man became a living soul." Elsewhere in the Hebrew text animals are spoken of as "souls" (Gen.1:20; Num,31:28 ect)It seems to me a soul is what we are, not something we have. Eccl.3:19 says that at death man has no superiority over the […]

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Question: I wanted to ask, how would you respond to a comment like this, done in the form of a cartoon:  I know that it is useless to argue or to try to convince people who are blocked and refuse to believe anything about Christianity, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts […]

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Question: Is Saint Augustine’s exegesis of the 2nd and 3rd chapters of Genesis correct? Do a Google search: First Scandal. Answer: No, it is not. I found the article you are talking about using Google. He makes a bit of a simplication to conclude that there are two points in Augustine’s exegesis of Genesis 2 […]

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Question: Any thoughts on the book "The God Part of the Brain" by Matthew Alper? Answer: Note:  This book has as its thesis that religious thought is entirely the result of genetic/physiological causes which were created due entirely to evolutionary forces.  It is published by Sourcebooks, Inc., Naperville, Illinois. There is a lot of good […]

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Question: Where did the concept of the soul, after-life, and triune God originate? Some say that the concept of the soul is only mentioned when David tries to stir up his troops before battle, giving them something great to hope for, that Heaven and Hell and scarcely mentioned in the Bible, and lastly that the […]

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Question: Is baptism a mandatory step for getting salvation and only through it a person gets the Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of sins?  Or is it an important step but it is for declaring that you are a follower of Jesus Christ? Answer: Biblically, there is no question at all about this. In the New Testament, […]

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Question: I was wondering if you have any thoughts or might recommend a book(s) on the topic discussed in  There are some convincing arguments there on why we should observe the Lord’s Supper, during supper time of day one of the sabbaton, which is closer to the resurrection moment of Jesus…  Answer:  I spent […]

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Question: I am currently taking a Philosophy class and I am reading different arguments for the existence of God. For example, so far we covered Aquinas, Descartes,and Spinoza. Are the arguments by these philosophers useful for Christians arguing for the existence of God? Granted that Spinoza did not believe in the Judeo-Christian God, he did […]

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Question: Where can I find (if exists) a philosophically based break-down of the Christian world veiw? Having read Plato, Sartre, Macmurray, etc. Im interested in comparing directly these philosophies and world views with something other than my own convictions, which are more intimate and less universal. Answer:  By coincidence, I just taught a lesson on […]

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Question: Is there really a God? Are the proverbs, histories, and all spiritual teachings in the Bible (either Old or New Testament or both) recycled from preceding spiritual teachings of the day (outside of that of the Jews, hence, originated in man) Why can’t we see God or "prove" His existence? How can we experience […]

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Question: Is understanding that baptism is a participation in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus necessary or is knowing the Gospel sufficient? If one knows the Gospel, repents, confesses, and is baptized; but doesn’t understand that he is participating in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus is he just getting wet, or is […]

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Note:  The question is quite long, including some quotes from scientific journals.  I have moved much of these quotes to after my answer so that the reader will not get distracted by too long a question. Question: I would love some help in one area, because I feel like I don’t know enough to tackle […]

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Question: Before I became a Christian I was a part of a charismatic church. "Speaking in tongues" was a very big part of the Sunday Services. I have actually done it a few times before I became Christian.  I am convinced that ecstatic utterances  are not supported in the Bible, but how could those experiences […]

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Question:  I have a question regarding something a friend in the Seventh Day Adventist Church said.  Regarding the Sabbath day, you mentioned in a Q & A at this site: "Paul attended Synagogue on the Sabbath at times to preach Jesus, but all the evidence points to the undeniable fact that the church in the first […]

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Question: I have a question I hope you will kindly answer. I need an expert Bible opinion about the similarity of this Quranic passage that deals with the birth story of Jesus to that account we find in Luke. Thanks for taking my question seriously. Editor’s note:  The passage from Surah 19 of the Qu’ran […]

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Comment: This a more a human question than a theological one. Why is it that most of your responses are anti-Roman Catholic?  At the least seems that way. Response: I want you to know that I take this very seriously. I REALLY do not want to be anti-Catholic or anti-any Nicene Creed accepting "Christian" group. […]

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Question: How do you answer someone who tries to use 1 John 2:19 to say that people who leave God were never really saved in the first place? Answer:  If you have had many conversations with people on doctrinal subjects, you will learn eventually that if we so desire we can find "proof texts" for […]

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Question: How can I explain salvation of people, like Abraham, Moses and David, who existed before the death of Jesus, when He makes a statement "He is the only way"? Your reply will be very much appreciated.  Answer: Like you say, the Bible makes it plain that salvation is found in no other name than […]

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Question: I have always felt that hell is a temporary place. I don’t understand a separation from God for eternity especially in an eternity of pain. I don’t understand how God who knows everything would justify a person being born if that person were to ultimately reject God and go to hell. Wouldn’t God have […]

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Question: Is Paul responsible for Christianity? If so, what influence did he have? Did Jesus come to save Jews only? Answer: Obviously, the person who had the most influence on the direction of Christianity was Jesus Christ. One can argue for either Paul or Peter as the two humans who had the greatest influence on […]

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Question:  I am studying with a man who is very eager and has read Genesis on his own.  A question that he asked was regarding sacrafice? How did the people know to sacrifice? Was there something given to them from God directing them? Also, question was asked how long before Jesus did the prohecies about […]

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Comment:  (Editor’s note:  This one is a comment, a response, another comment and another response) I do not view Christianity as a socially healthy phenomenon–I think it hurts far more than it helps, that it retards our growth globally. To prolong its survival isn’t an attractive proposition for me.   Response: I do not question the contention […]

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Question: I am the son of a Baptist minister and admit that I long ago dismissed Christianity as the most convoluted, indefensible patchwork of complete nonsense perpetrated on mankind in the last 2000 years. I believe this as strongly as you apparently believe in your inherited Jewish God from the magnanimous Jesus (oh, we lucky […]

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Question: Would an infallible God PREORDAIN to have to kill himself in order to appease himself? Would an all-powerful God somehow suffer from a communication problem which compels him to recruit some primitive Jews to write his biography? Answer: I will have to say that your question seems like a reasonable one.  However, it is based […]

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Question: I was watching a show on T.V. and the "experts" were arguing that the Christians borrowed their concept of Hell from the Greeks concept of Hades.  According to these individuals, Hades has different levels and the last level is where individuals are punished eternally by fire and other ways similar to the way explained […]

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