Questions: 1) Why does God need to sacrifice His only Son in order to forgive other people’s sins? He is God, so couldn’t He do this without sacrificing his son?  2) Is the trinity a contraction? (How can God sacrifice Himself to Himself?) Answers: You are asking some really big questions here.  I am answering […]

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[Editor’s note: I have posted an inordinate number of articles on the biblical doctrine of baptism lately at the site. This is, on paper, a Christian evidence website, which seems to not fit this question, but this is a serious question, and apparently many are asking about this important topic, so I felt I must […]

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Question: I am an undergrad at [unidentified prestigious American university] who has been having a discussion with some friends about the following question:  Why is it so much better to be a Christian than a virtuous person in the world? Why is it better to acknowledge God and live an exemplary life rather than just […]

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Question: I have been reading the book of Romans with some family members who believe salvation occurs by “praying Jesus into your heart” and that this salvation is not swayed by a lack of obedience towards God. It has been really exciting to go through Romans with them as it does not support these ideas […]

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Question: In reviewing one of your Q/A online I saw you refer to “original sin” as a false doctrine? What is your basis for this statement? Are you meaning that you don’t believe that sin originated with Adam and Eve? Do you believe that creation was perfect before Adams sin–that mankind did not, sin creating […]

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Question: Hi, you’ve helped so much on my journey to Christianity. There is just one thing holding me up: pantheism. I just want to know what your thoughts are on the idea that everything/everyone is ultimately one essence and everything we see in the world, including our personhoods, are just illusionary–that once we die we […]

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Question: I would be very grateful for your advice, opinion or any information concerning the matter of the origin of hominids as modern anthropology sees it in contrast to the Biblical story. I decided to ask for your help because I have been translating your book From Shadow to Reality for Moscow Church of Christ […]

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Question: I am a doctor and a Hindu by birth, but also a lover of all religions. I have been very fond of the Bible in particular since childhood.   My question to you is this, in the Bible, in matters of vows, promises and covenants, at all places it is mentioned about words coming out […]

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Question: Hello. I want to ask some question if you don’t mind.  1. How do we relate the Law of Moses with the Christianity nowadays? I’m somewhat  confused because some sources I heard said that breaking the Moses Law does not mean you sin. So how do we consider this Law of Moses Only as […]

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Question: How can I defend my faith in Jesus when the question arises as follows:  How can a physical shedding of blood cleanse the sins and iniquities of a person?  Is it not like a superstition and even nonsensical?  How can I defend the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ to the materialists? Answer: This […]

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Question: Did God order that 6th commandment be broken when in 1 Samuel 15:3 He ordered the murder of the innocent children and infants (innocent in terms of them not having done the things the Amelikites did that forced God to order their killing). Or am I confusing the definition of murder? The reason I […]

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Question: I am confused with omnipresence of God and the theophany in Old Testament. My question is how the omnipresent nature of God can be consistent with theophany? Hope this helps.  A similar question goes for the incarnation and the second coming of Christ. If God is omnipresent how then can theophany or incarnation makes […]

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Quetion: I saw this comment online that reads : “Why do we teach that a person must continue to ask for forgiveness for sins that God is not counting against us and for which no sacrifice remains that God requires or accepts (2 Corinthians 5:19; Hebrews 10:17-18)?”.   I know that we can’t deliberately keep on […]

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[Editor’s note: This is a rather long question with a fairly short answer.  See below] Question: When we say to an anti-Trinitarian that the Holy Spirit is a person because in the scriptures we find personal characteristics they say that the personality of the Holy Spirit is not allegorical or symbolic. They say that the […]

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Question: Why does Job 25:4 say that no man born of woman can be pure if Jesus, born of woman, is pure? Answer: Job is unique among biblical writing.  It is an account of the Satanic attack on Job, on his own response, on the opinions of his friends Bildad, Eliphaz, Zophar, Job’s responses and […]

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Question: Which of the Jewish biblical customs that are still binding on Christians today? Answer: This goes down as my easiest question this week.  None.  Period.  Not one.  We are not subject to the Law of Moses.  Jesus fulfilled the Law (Matthew 5:17) so that we are not obligated to the Law of Moses.  Jesus put […]

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Question: If Jesus died for our sins…why should we need to be baptized for the forgiveness of our sins (besides the fact of it being a command)? Answer: I do not mean to be facetious, but the simple answer is “Because God said so.”  If God tells us to do something, it is not required […]

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Question: My friend asks if Jesus is the only parameter to get to heaven. Not everyone gets to know Jesus like some do in their privilege. So she finds it hard to believe in a religion that doesn’t give everyone a chance. When she asks how the people prior to Jesus were saved, she was […]

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Question: The Catholic Church says that we must be perfectly sinless before we can enter heaven. So we can’t go directly to heaven after death if we have sin in us because God does not allow imperfection to enter heaven.  Therefore the Catholic Church invented purgatory as a place to cleanse ourselves before we go […]

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Question: Please could you clarify the doctrine of original sin?  Some say there is such a thing as original sin and some deny this.  Why is it that believers, theologians and Bible students are unable to have a single conclusion about original sin? Please help me with my doubts about this.  1. What is the […]

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Question: Do you believe Adam had an alternative to not to sin or God has predestined the sin of Adam and Adam had not an alternative and he must only have sinned? Since our choices are determined by our DNA, our environment, our past experiences, our education (all factors we have not chosen) do you […]

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Request: I had a conversation with someone who knocked on my door from a “nondenominational” church. They meet on Saturdays. Can you point me in the right direction to figure out why meeting on Saturdays matter?  Response: The answer is that meeting on Saturday does not matter.  Christians can meet on Saturday or on Sunday […]

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Question: I am trying to understand how the early Christians viewed the Sabbath, how the non-Sabbath keepers justified a neglect of the fourth commandment and particularly if we can really be clear that God doesn’t intend for us to continue upholding the seventh day as a day of rest (doing no work, also taking into consideration […]

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Question: 1 – I’m reading a book where an atheist asks: “How can the heavenly voice at Jesus’ baptism have said both ” You are my beloved Son” (Mark 1:11) and ” This is my beloved Son” (Matt 3:17) at the same time? “ 2 – Why did God order killed the Canaanite children? Are […]

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Question: My son has a “logical” but non-Biblical idea.  He believes that God’s will is omnipotent, sovereign and therefore (because God is good) all obey His will and therefore are not responsible for what they do. Their actions are all predetermined.  How do you respond to this quandary? Answer: This may be the single most common […]

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Question: What are the origins and influences of the science of positive thinking and personal development?  Is it biblical when we know that this science mainly advocates the exaltation of the self? Autosuggestion, visualization and mental imagery?   What do you think of the fact that some philosophers or psychologists claim that Jesus is a great […]

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Question: What is the way to respond to this question? Can God make a rock so big, he can’t move it? Answer: This is one of the classic “challenges” to the idea of the Christian God that atheists and agnostics throw out there.   It is really a rather unsophisticated challenge, but for those who do […]

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Question: Some people think that Jesus was begotten by the father only at his resurrection because the apostle Paul said about Jesus that he was appointed Son of God by His resurrection ( Romans 1 – or the speech of Paul in the Act of the Apostle).  I’m currently reading the Bart Erhman’s book “How Jesus […]

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Question: While sharing my faith with a person of another religion, he was questioning me about why my God is so cruel to kill people when He is zealous.?  I was going through Old Testament books and see lot of battles, killings etc..  I just want to be clear about what God want us to understand when […]

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Question: My friend has argued that needing to be baptized with water to receive salvation is a false doctrine. Her argument is based on the idea that the baptism Jesus established is entirely spiritual- a baptism of the Holy Spirit- and baptism with water is only a “work” one does out of obedience after one […]

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Question: “The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.”  ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬    I wanted to know if God regretted making humans, then can we conclude that he made a mistake making humans. What would it mean if we say that God makes mistakes? Answer: This is […]

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Question: Please help me to understand this apparent contradiction.   Jesus said that we must observe every detail of the commandments and precepts of the law of Moses.  Jesus said in Matthew 5:19: ” Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the […]

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