[Editor’s note: This is a follow-up question to one posted just yesterday from the same gentleman.  The second question was actually dozens of questions–so much that I informed him I will only answer one of them for now, which is the one below.  However, one book recommendation and one scripture reference in my answer only […]

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Question: The definitions of both anger and disappointment are emotions based on an unmet expectation by either a person or circumstance. There are numerous Bible verses that refer to God’s anger, wrath and disappointment. I don’t understand why God would be disappointed or angry if He knew in advance what the outcome would be.  Also, as […]

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[Editor’s note: This is obstensibly a Christian evidence web site, but I have gotten a LOT of questions about baptism lately for some reason. Apologies to those who find this topic not important] Question: I wanted to get some feedback on the scripture in regards to baptism.  If baptism is necessary for salvation, why would Paul […]

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[Editor’s note: The original question was followed up with another which is below.  It became clear that the intent of the original question seems to have been to support the idea that baptism is not necessary, as the questioner quotes from Matt Slick who is a kind of self-appointed archenemy of those who believe that […]

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Question: Why God has allowed the discovery of vaccines and antibiotics to cure illness? If diseases are punishment from God then if we cure them we go against the will of God who want to punish us. If vaccines and antibiotics are discovered because God want to bless us, then why did God contradict Himself […]

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Question: If I understand correctly, God’s will is not always done. This is implied in the Lord’s prayer (in which Jesus prays, “your will be done”). To complete my understanding, we are also given the free will which may sometimes triumph over God’s will. When this happens and God allows it, I would assume that […]

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Question: You said that there are several examples in the Bible in which God says that something is forever, yet the thing is replaced by something else. You claim that this is because the meaning of the word often translated as “forever” in the Bible means “forever, or until the end of the age.” Can […]

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Question: Since Jesus lived under the Hebrew calendar, does this imply that our “Sunday” begins on Saturday evening and the Lord’s Supper should be observed at that time?  After all, when the church was established in Acts, they all lived under the Hebrew calendar.  Since most Christians today have their Sunday services on the actual day […]

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Question: Can man be moral without God?  What about atheists who claim one doesn’t need religion to be moral?  Does every bit of morality we have stem from the Bible?  What about cultural differences? Answer: Please forgive the slow response.    I believe that it is possible to be moral without being a Christian, however it […]

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Question: What is the evil spirit that God sent on Saul in 1 Samuel 19:1-10? Why would God send an evil spirit to Saul ? Answer: This is a good question.  At first glance, the scene depicted in 1 Samuel 19:1-10 does seem surprising, given what we know about God.  It can seem to imply […]

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Questions: I have some questions that have been hindering my relationship with God and have made me struggle for several years. How does God view those who have an addiction as a believer? Does Hebrews 10 talk to the addict when it says those who continue to deliberately sin? It is difficult to believe God […]

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Question: Among Christians there are so many doctrinal disputes. Many died making wars because of these different opinions. Why did God not intervene to clear up our understanding in order to avoid wars and disputes? Just after the Protestant Reformation eight million Christians slaughtered each other because God did not communicate the correct doctrine doctrine clearly to them. […]

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Question: How can [editor has added: mentally] handicapped persons can be saved if many of them could not know Jesus because they are incapable of understanding the gospel and reason correctly? If the answer is that handicapped persons are surely saved, then why did God curse me so much in giving me a healthy mind […]

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Question: How can I understand the meaning when the Lord’s Prayer says- lead us not into temptation. This is confusing to me because of what James 1:13-15 suggests, which is that God does not tempt us.  The Lord’s prayer seems to clearly say Jesus is telling us to ask God, “Please don’t lead us into […]

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Question: There is a group of people called ”The Twelve Tribes” who believe that in order to become a true disciple you have to sell all you have and live together in a community. They quote Acts 2:41-47 that all those who believed sold all they had and shared everything in common, neither rich or […]

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Question: I have 2 questions: 1) As you know, in the earlier Bible translations 1 John 5:7 ‘these three are one’ (referring to the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit) and this is not found in the later Bible versions. But when I read this verse in the Interlinear Bible, it corresponds to the […]

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Question: Recently I’ve read some news about Sophia, the first AI (artificial intelligence) robot to be ever granted a citizenship. [editor’s note: the questioner is referring to Sophia being given citizenship in Saudi Arabia] Do you think this could be the first step toward a robot getting to be more human?  As a believer, I […]

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Pregunta: Existe profecías que no se haya revelado de la Biblia en el día de hoy.  Tengo un amigo que me manda profecías que no sean cumplido como un terremoto que pasará el Añó 2018 por todo el mundo. Repuesta: Según entiendo el Nuevo Testamento, el don milagroso de la profecía casi con certeza ha cesado. […]

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Questions: 1. Why would Jesus charge the blood of all the prophets since Abel on the generation of Jews at the time of Jesus? 2. What is the definition of a prophet according to the Bible? I thought prophet means messenger of God, perhaps much like an angel. If so, why would Abel be called […]

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Question: I have recently been thinking about what we experience when we die. I understand that information on this is extremely limited and most answers are speculations.  Also, it is my understanding that people do not possess a soul but “are” in fact a soul. God says that when man was first formed it took […]

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Message: For some time, I have heard people use the term “the concessionary will of God.” I think this term may have been created by Gordon Ferguson in an article Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (http://gordonferguson.org/articles/kingdom-teachers-february-2001/):  “Therefore, all divorce allowed by God is concessionary in nature which shows that God has both an ideal will (no […]

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Question: Someone asked me a question this weekend that I really thought I had a better answer for, but I didn’t.   With God’s new covenant, what parts of the law are abrogated and which do we still follow (if any)?   I know Hebrews 8 says the first covenant is obsolete with the bringing of the […]

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Question: My first question is about John 3:1-8. I was sharing this scripture with a friend and he said the water here is the same living water referred to in Jeremiah 2:13. Therefore the water is not literal but being born again by God who is the living water. I believe the scripture in John […]

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I have a question regarding an article that was posted a few days ago. In this article it talks about how Satan is linked to the serpent in Genesis. The author then goes on to state that the idea of a “prince of darkness” only came about in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC and […]

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Question: Recently some of the relics of St. Nicholas were brought to Russia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas). Thousands of the faithful lined up in a kilometer-long queue to kiss them and kneel before them. How should we react to this tradition to worship the relics, because it looks to be clearly idolatry?   Do you know how the […]

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Question: According to the Bible, we are counted as righteous and will be saved not because of our works but by our faith. On the other hand, James said that faith without works is essentially dead. My question I believe is a pretty common one, asked by non-believers or non-Christians, but I’d like to hear […]

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Question: In spite of the clear teaching in the Bible about being baptized as a necessary part of the miracle of regeneration, how do you explain people’s denominational experience of a changed life when they “prayed Jesus into their heart?” Answer: First of all, I have made it a practice for many years not to […]

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Question: I’m a bit confused about 2 Samuel 21 and need more clarification.  David’s oath to Saul is to not kill off his descendants or wipe out his name from his father’s family (1 Samuel 24:21-22). David’s oath to Jonathan is to not ever cut off his kindness from his family (1 Samuel 20:15). Both […]

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Questions: 1) In your answer of my previous question, you said that Original Sin is unbiblical. But doesn’t the Bible say that all humans inherit the evil tendencies/desires ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God for the first time? 2) In the book of Joshua, it is mentioned that God stopped the sun from moving […]

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Question: For a while I have been considering the relationship between man’s consciousness, free will, and his physical nature. This naturally brought me to questions regarding our free will. Namely, is there an intrinsic sense of randomness to our free will, an irrepeatable nature? Given the same circumstances repeatedly, would we make different choices or […]

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Question: What are the biggest differences between Christians and Jehovah Witnesses? I know JWs don’t believe in a hell when in fact Jesus talks more about hell then he does Heaven so why don ’t they believe in a Hell? Answer:  There are a rather large number of absolutely fundamental differences between what the Bible […]

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Question/Comments: Why are you misinforming the public about the Holy Catholic Church? I see that you state priests wearing vestments is unbiblical?  How wrong you are. God commanded they be used in the Old testament. ‘For your brother Aaron you will make SACRED VESTMENTS to give dignity and magnificence…they will use gold and violet material […]

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Questions: If the Passover of the New Covenant (Jesus flesh and blood) is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins, then why did the Council of Nicaea remove this important teaching in AD 325? If the Passover of the New Covenant (Jesus flesh and blood) is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins, then […]

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Question; I’m a faithful Christian.  I believe with all my heart that Jesus died for my sins and He is the way, the truth and the life. But one question has been bothering me a lot. The question is- How can we say that Christianity is the true religion if there are many other religions […]

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Question: In John  5:26 it says For as the Father has life in Himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself.   So if God gave Jesus his life then doesn’t that just make him another prophet?  Also God had life always so that’s why he’s God so why is Jesus God if he was […]

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Question: Does the Bible address the topic of the origin of demons? Are they spirits of the dead or spirits of the fallen angels? Alexander Campbell delivered a very learned lecture in Nashville, Tennessee on March 10, 1841, in which he, in rather persuasive fashion, argued the case that the demons of the ancient world were […]

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