Question: Hi Dr. John. I want to have a better understanding about Melchizedek and the relevance of him to Jesus.  Based on the text found in Gen 14:18 and Hebrews 7.  What is his relevance to Jesus Christ?   Thank you! Answer: Good to hear from you.  It just so happens that I just published a […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a series of six sermons from the Book of Ezekiel Fall, 2019 in Bakersfield.  Audio, PPT and notes are included. Ezekiel I God Commisions a Prophet  Ezekiel II God’s Watchman    Ezekiel III God’s Justice    Ezekiel IV God Calls a Remnant  Ezekiel V God Saves a Remnant  Ezekiel VI Gog […]

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Dr. John Oakes is doing a very brief teaching tour in Mexico, specifically in Tlaxcala and Puebla.  These two cities are part of old Mexico. Tlaxcala is the location of the first Catholic diocese in Mexico and is the route through which Cortex conquered Tenochtictan/Mexico City.  Heb 11 Living by Faith Tlaxcala   Viviendo por la […]

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Question: Which of the Jewish biblical customs that are still binding on Christians today? Answer: This goes down as my easiest question this week.  None.  Period.  Not one.  We are not subject to the Law of Moses.  Jesus fulfilled the Law (Matthew 5:17) so that we are not obligated to the Law of Moses.  Jesus put […]

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Question: Why do people use the first eleven chapters of Genesis for data on creation even tough it is one big poem pointing to our amazing creator? Answer: Probably the best way to get an answer to your question is to ask the people who do this. They are in a position to tell you […]

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Question: A Jewish Rabbi said that the Hebrew Tanakh (Tanach) and the Christian Old Testament are quite different . It seems Tanakh is not an Old Testament. More so, he said that Catholic Church misinterpreted  several important verses (over and over) of the Old Testament to suits New Testament claims in order to make it fit […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a twelve hour class on Christian evidence specifically for a group of campus ministry interns in Fresno, California July 11-12. Power Point presentations and audio will be uploaded from the class.

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Question: Is Zechariah 13:7 talking about the Messiah or is it about the false shepherd whom God strikes in Zechariah 11:17 or perhaps the false prophet in Zechariah 13: 1-6? Answer: The shepherd of Zechariah 13:7 is the Messiah.  I know this for sure because in Matthew 26:31 the inspired gospel writer Matthew tells us […]

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Question: I have three questions: 1- I have searched and found that there is division between scholars about dating the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Although some believe that they were written before 62 AD because there is no mention of Paul’s death or destruction of Jerusalem, most scholars believe that they […]

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John Oakes taught a four-day thirty hour class on Church History for the Los Angeles School of Mission and Ministry.  This is a lot of material!!!    Church History audio 1   Church History Audio 2   Church History Audio 3    Church History Audio 4   Church History Audio 5   Church History Audio 6   Church History Audio 7   Church...

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Question: Jehovah’s Witnesses state that Constantine made the Bible pagan, Hence their New World Translation. Do you have any evidence against this as nobody yet has been able to provide me something that backs up their claim. Thanks very much. Answer: This claim is so blatantly unfounded that for anyone to make the it they […]

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Question: Is PSALM 14 7 ” someone out of zion ” or “salvation out of zion” Answer: The Hebrew word in question here is yeshua.  It is the word translated as salvation in most Bibles, which is the word equivalent of the names Joshua and Jesus, both of which are yeshua in Hebrew.  The word Jesus means salvation. […]

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Question: In Leviticus God tells the Jews not to eat winged insects which fly.  Why, then, did John the Baptist eat unclean locusts and honey in the desert? Answer: About locusts being clean, Leviticus 11:20-23 addresses this issue.  This passage declares all flying insects as unclean with the exception of those which walk and hop […]

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Question: Is the Hebrew word “Lord” really a pagan title? I have come across teachings in books that claim to reveal the truth about Christianity’s pagan roots. Of course most of these sources claim to be Christian but they call themselves Messianic. I really think some of the things they teach are true but they […]

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Question: In Colossians 4:16,Paul asks them to read a letter he wrote to the Laodiceans. Is this book available anywhere or is it permanently lost? Answer: That is one of the easier questions I have gotten.  The answer is that this letter is lost.  It is possible, but very unlikely, that this letter will surface.  […]

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Question: Shabir Ally frequently uses the ‘number miracles’ in the Quran to prove that it is the word of God. Here are 2 clips which shows what he’s trying to claim: 1) 2) How would you respond to this claim? Answer; Actually, I have met Shabir Ali personally.   We arranged a debate between […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching for the Salt Lake Christian Church at the University of Utah.  God and Science SLC   Science and God PPT   From Shadow to Reality SLC1    From Shadow to Reality SLC 2   From Shadow to Reality SLC 3  From Shadow to Reality SLC 4   From Shadow to Reality PPT   Living by […]

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Dr. Jennifer Konzen taught a class on the part professional counseling plays in the life of Christians.   Christian Counselor 1   Christian Counselor 2   Christian Counselor 3   Christian Counselor 4   Christian Counselor 5   Christian Counselor 6    Christian Counselor 7     Christian Counselor 8    Christian Counselor 9...

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Question: How can I understand the meaning when the Lord’s Prayer says- lead us not into temptation. This is confusing to me because of what James 1:13-15 suggests, which is that God does not tempt us.  The Lord’s prayer seems to clearly say Jesus is telling us to ask God, “Please don’t lead us into […]

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Question: Today I came across a difficult passage of 1Timothy 2:11 about how a woman should learn in quietness and that Paul doesn’t permit women to exercise authority over men. He further argued that this is because of how Eve first fell into temptation and not Adam and that Adam was formed first.  The passage […]

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Question: I read your book Daniel: A Prophet to the Nations (editor’s note: available at and enjoyed it very much. I was going over my notes from it and got to the part where you talked about the prophesies in Daniel about Antiochus IV and how he was going to desecrate the temple and […]

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Questions: If the Passover of the New Covenant (Jesus flesh and blood) is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins, then why did the Council of Nicaea remove this important teaching in AD 325? If the Passover of the New Covenant (Jesus flesh and blood) is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins, then […]

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Question: Is it true that 1 john 5 :7 was added later and was not in Greek manuscripts until the 1500s?  Please explain this to me. If so why is it in King James Version?  If this is the case, has the Bible been subject to changes by human hands? Answer: Yes, this is true. […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave many lessons to eight different churches in India, Bangaladesh and Sri Lana Jan 5-22, 2017. From Shadow to Reality India Audio   Existence of God DelhiAudio    Reliability of the Bible Delhi Audio   Marriage Divorceand Remarriage Delhi Audio   Acts and Church History Delhi Audio    Holy Spirit Delhi Audio    Hebrews Living by Faith Audio    Freedom in...

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Question: How can I decide if a particular writing by one of the church fathers is authentic?  I’m asking this question because critics [editor’s note: he is talking about Muslim critics of Christianity] criticize any writing, not only Irenaeus.  They say, for example, that we don’t know who wrote the writings of Justin Martyr, Origen… […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a lesson for Proyecto Esdras in Mexico City on the sacrifices and festivals in the Covenant of Moses as prefigures of things in the New Testament.  The Power Point is attached. John Oakes dio una leccion para el Proyecto Esdras en D. F sobre los sacrificios y festivales en el covenento […]

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Mark your calendar:  Nov. 11-13 The Apologetics Research Society is excited to announce our tenth International Christian Evidences Conference.  The theme will be the evidence from History and Archaeology which supports the reliability and the message of Old and New Testaments.  The dates will be Nov 11-13.  The conference will begin on Friday morning.  Speakers […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a new class on the controversial biblical topic of divorce and remarriage for the staff of the Delhi Church of Christ.  Audio and notes are attached.    Marriage and Divorce Notes    Marriage Divorceand Remarriage Audio

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Question: One philisophical principle is that in a set of hypotheses, the one with less assumptions should be validated.  Most of my friends think that materialism is the worldview with the least assumptions since it only requires that we assume the physical world can be perceived, measured and understood by our human senses.  These materialist friends say […]

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Question: I have several questions I hope you may help with: -Does Jesus not fall under the Curse of Jeconiah in Jer. 22:30, 36:30 in which none of Jeconiah’s descendants (Matt.1:11 states Jesus is a descendant) shall sit on the throne of David nor rule in Judah? -Did Paul violate Deuteronomy 23:16 and Jer. 34:13-17 when […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a lesson for the Seattle Church of Christ titled “What is Truth?”  The lesson discusses the Christian and other Worldviews and how to explain Christianity to those who have a different world view.  This lesson has been posted before, but the PPT has been updated extensively.  What Is Truth PPT    What is […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave many lessons in Kiev, Odessa, Kishinev (Moldova), St. Petersburg and Moscow in June/July, 2016.  All are in English with Russian translation.   GodandScience Moscow   Church History Russian    Daniel Moscow    World View Moscow   Freedom in Christ StPet   Great Bible Study Russ    Revelation Russian II     Revelation Russian III   God and Science Russian    How...

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on the books of Ezekiel and Jeremiah in San Diego March and April, 2016.  Pedro Figueroa taught the fifth of six classes.   Prophets of Exile PPT    Prophets of the Exile    Prophets of Exile Audio 1    Prophets of Exile Audio 2    Exile Proph SD 4     Prophets of Exile audio […]

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Question: (maybe you need to change 4 Kings to 2 Kings. In the Russian Bible, 2 Kings is 4 Kings)  Can I ask you to help me deal with the chronology of events in the life of Hezekiah? In the Bible, king Sennacherib wanted to conquer Jerusalem, threatening its residents. After this comes a description […]

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Randall Hroziencik, one of the students in our ARS Apologetics Certificate Program submitted a paper on the cultural and theological background to the two Genesis creation accounts, focusing on the genre of the first part of Genesis. We feel that this paper is of a very high quality and offer it for your consideration.  Thank […]

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