Dr, John Oakes is giving a series of classes on the Holy Spirit for the staff of the San Diego Church of Christ.  The first class is on the Role of The Holy Spirit in our Lives.  The second is The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts.  These will be followed by classes on  The […]

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Question: My question would refer to the harmonization of theme and chronology.   I’ve seen that modern liberal scholarship takes aim at disproving the reliance of the gospels by picking these things apart. My teacher will make points about the same stories being at different times in different gospels with different details (albeit small details). He […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a class on six consecutive Saturdays beginning 2/27/16 from 9:00-10:40 at 4324 Clairemont Mesa Dr. San Diego, CA  92117.  The class will be an exposition of the books of Ezekiel and Jeremiah.   For those who cannot come, we will be posting the outline, power point and audio.  To register, […]

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Question: I have a question for you! I have thoroughly studied out baptism and the significance of the saving act for a believer. I also have examined every article on baptism on your website. I was at a recent baptism of a friend.  I posted a picture on social media, saying we baptized my friend […]

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Question: My teacher just told us that the verse in Luke where Jesus sweats blood was not in the original text and is a textual issue. Have you heard this argument before? Answer: It is true that Luke 22:43-44 is not included in the majority of the oldest and most reliable manuscripts of Luke.  This […]

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Question: Why is the cleansing of the temple at the beginning of John and at the end of the Synoptics?  What were John’s motivations for placing it earlier?   Also:  How do you harmonize the different gospel accounts amidst editing and audience?   I’m taking a class that is picking the gospels apart and I would like […]

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Illumination Publishers just released a new 9-hour CD set.  The class is on Christian Theology.  It is team taught by Dr. John Oakes and Robert Carrillo.  This class provides the basics for understanding who God is, which is, arguably, the most important topic any believer can study.  It is available at www.ipibooks.com

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Question: Are you famliar with a church called “The Way?”  I looked them up online…  http://theway.org/index.php?page=home&lang=en   I have a friend coming to my church who grew up as part of The Way church – her parents were in the ministry.  As I understand it, The Way does not believe in the trinity. They believe Jesus is not God… […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a five hour workshop on the Book of John at SDSU April, 2016.  Recordings attached.  John Workshop Audio 1    John Workshop Audio 2   John Workshop Audio 3    John Workshop Audio 4   John Workshop Audio 5   Book of John Notes    Gospel of John PPT...

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Question: I recently received an email response from the Muslim: Khalid Choudhary.  Here is what he said to me: We do have the original manuscripts of the Quran. Our Prophet’s companions gave those manuscripts a book form. Since we have only one Quran all over the world, that’s enough proof in itself of the original […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on the books of Ezekiel and Jeremiah in San Diego March and April, 2016.  Pedro Figueroa taught the fifth of six classes.   Prophets of Exile PPT    Prophets of the Exile    Prophets of Exile Audio 1    Prophets of Exile Audio 2    Exile Proph SD 4     Prophets of Exile audio […]

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This is a four part series on the Holy Spirit, taught by Dr. John Oakes for the San Diego Church of Christ staff.  It covers the role of the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts  and the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.    The Holy Spirit SD    Holy Spirit II...

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Question: What is Freemasonry and what should the Christian response to this organization be? Answer: To some, Free-Masonry is a Satan-inspired conspiratorial organization of secret anti-government, anti-Christian men, and to others it is a fraternal social organization very similar to the Elks and the Lion’s club.  The truth lies somewhere in between, but for the […]

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Question: I believe that the Bible is the word of God and is the greatest text ever written. It is 100% accurate and reliable. That being said, are there any other inspired texts that were written in the first century that one can look at and research and that are reliable? I’m asking about other […]

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Is Baptism a Work of Salvation? I have repeatedly gotten questions at my web site asking about where baptism fits into Christianity.  These questions usually come from people who have been influenced by the prevailing theological and doctrinal landscape within evangelical Christianity—primarily from reformed theology and Calvinism.  The premise of these questions involves two aspects.  […]

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Question: One philisophical principle is that in a set of hypotheses, the one with less assumptions should be validated.  Most of my friends think that materialism is the worldview with the least assumptions since it only requires that we assume the physical world can be perceived, measured and understood by our human senses.  These materialist friends say […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a five hour workshop on the Book of John for the San Diego Church of Christ April 24, 2016.  The class focuses on what makes John unique–especially John’s use of the Jewish festivals to tell us about Jesus.   Gospel of John Notes    Gospel of John PPT    John Workshop Audio 1    John...

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Dan Conder and Dr. John Oakes taught a six-hour class on Understading Islam at UC San Diego May 21, 2016.  Topics include History of Islam, Life of Muhammad, Qur’an and Hadith, Apologetics and Islam, Jihad and Islam, Modern Islam.  Apologetics and Islam notes John   Understanding Islam PPT John   Understanding Islam Audio 1    Understanding Islam Audio...

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Question: I would be interested in hearing your notes / commentary on Genesis 1-11.  From my research, there appears to be a lot of interpretation going into the transalation of our English language bibles. A superficial reading of our English language Bibles in Genesis would seem to support a young earth and a global cataclysmic […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught on Calvinism–its history, basic theology and reasons to reject its basic tenets–in Manila Jan 23, 2016.  The notes and power point are included.   Answering Calvinism Notes    Answering Calvinism PPT   Due to technical glitches, only part I and part IV are available in high quality Calvinism I Audio     Calvinism IV Audio but the […]

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Question: I have a question about Isaiah 59:1-2.  I have heard it taught that the last words of verse 2, “your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear”, means that when people who are not Christians pray, their prayers were not heard, even if they are sincerely religious.  I always […]

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Question: I am trying to share the Gospel message to a Muslim, and I need help in responding to his email. Here is his response:  [Editor’s note: Because there are so many questions here, the answers are interspersed among the different questions.  The questions are in italics.  J. O.] God created human being, showed them […]

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Question: I have just finished to read all the NEW TESTAMENT and I have some questions about some points. 1  Can you explain how a death ( Jesus’ death on the Cross) can forgive the sins of any human being  even many years after? I think it is tough to understand  and its a matter […]

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Question: If a person was locked alone in a room with a Bible, and knew nothing about Church history, would they really come out of this room as a cessationist? I have trouble believing this statement. I am attaching a debate link that I found useful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLOSesbHxQr2ShoYe9sgnTZ1er9GGYz5F0&v=c0biTwj635I&app=desktop [editor’s note: the questioner is using the word […]

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Question: The OT describes the prophecies regarding the coming of the Messiah.  The doubt I have comes from the question, did God the Father command Israel to worship this Messiah?  Or on the other hand, did he only predict the coming of a great prophet who will teach Israel his way (like the old prophets […]

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Question: What is your take on supernatural biblical scholars (like Tom Horn ) who spend a great deal of time, research, field trips etc into writing books, documentaries, and then go on to Christian tv shows using current events to corroborate with the  bilblical/ extra bibilical prophecies?  Some of the stronger claims they allege is […]

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