Questoin: I’m studying the book of Isaiah. When you look at the historical background of Isaiah, there are non-Messianic prophecies that were fulfilled, as the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions of Israel and Judah. Could you please write about these? Response: I have written some about prophecies in the Old Testament fulfilled before New Testament times already in my […]

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QUESTION: Many congregations are attracted by the act of falling backwards when Pastors lay hands on them to pray. Generally these falls fail to bring-forth any results either. Is this act Biblical? Answer: There is obviously no mention in the Bible of what is sometimes called “slaying in the Spirit” in Charismatic churches. As far […]

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QUESTION: In 1 Peter 3:20 – 21 the Bible says “this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also.”  What is Peter referring to ? What is “This water”? and what does it symbolize? Answer: “This water” is a reference to the water of the flood.  The same whater which deluged the world and destroyed […]

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Robert Carrillo and Dr. John Oakes taught a six week class on the writings of John.  The class was on Saturdays 10/6,13,27, 11/4,11 and 1/26/2013 at the Mission Center of Hope 6162 Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, CA 92120.  For more information, contact Jan Oakes at or 858-505-8841.  Schedule and recommended reading below.  Recordings are now in the […]

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Question: The question I have is about the treatment of the Israelites in the wilderness and how it applies to the Christian walk. It seems that God did not equip the Israelites sifficiently for battle compared to the major cities they were up against. He also gave them the same food everyday. A reasonable person […]

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Question: I want to ask about how to interpret scripture correctly. Why do people end up having different conclusions when they study the Scripture? For example, some people think that the creation account was not made in 7-24 hour days. Also, in 1 John 1:1 some say that John is trying to explain the existence […]

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Question: How do you give it all to God if he owns everything? Answer: A really fair and reasonable question.   God gives us free will.  He gives us sovereignty over the things in our immediate sphere and in our lives.   He gives us “ownership” over our time, over what we think about, over what we possess, […]

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QUESTION: According to Fee & Stuart, there are at least five major school of interpretation of scripture. What are they? Which do you prefer or which is more helpful to have a sound interpretation for the book of Revelation? And why are there such different schools of interpretation? Isn’t it possible to have one school […]

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Question: I was reading about the Westboro Baptist Church protesting at the Newtown, Conn. funeral that was held for the slaying of the 20 children and 6 adults. The church was “giving praise to God for executing His judgement” in reference to Connecticut’s promotion of gay marriage. At first, I was abhorred by this, considering […]

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Question: I have a question about how to get the best meaning from the context of the Bible (How to understand what the writer’s intent was). I was wondering since no Bible translation is perfect, is it good to get a Hebrew and Greek interlinear Bible? I have used one from a download online called Scripture4all. […]

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Question: Did Adam and Eve really exist?  Some say they have disproved their existence.  I have seen this claimed many  times.  For example, on wiki answers they say that the Bible does not contain the earth rotating on its axis. But we can look at what God said in the book of Job (38:12-14) “Have you […]

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Questions: I have been considering a full time life in missions in a third world country and had some questions I thought you could answer related to what I think may seem contradictory or unjust in the Bible. I have had some experience with “gospel friends” or people I try to teach Christ to currently. […]

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Question: I have a question from an atheist ex-Christian.  Regarding John 14:12-14, my friend asks me why so many prayers go unanswered? Basically he’s using the premises from this page: . He also claims time is not a factor, if we wait long enough, prayer will not be answered also (I guess he means when […]

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Question: I have had a discussion with a New-Age friend.  Jesus is the only way to God (as opposed to New-age belief many roads lead to God) mainly based on Jesus’ statement in John 14:6. and also from Acts 4:12. My New-ager friend is aware of these passages and asks “How do you know that Jesus hasn’t […]

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Question: I would like to claim that God is consistent in everything but I wonder why an eternal God outside of time would use pretty strong language such as “detestable” and “unclean” denouncing certain foods (Leviticus 11) and then decide to change it and say everything is clean (Acts 10) in the New Testament. Why […]

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Question: First, let me just say I love your website. It is one of the few Christian websites I know of that answers such difficult questions and so many of them. To the heart of the matter: I understand you are a theistic evolutionist and I am wondering how the Doctrine of Original Sin fits […]

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QUESTION: How should I understand what Jesus said in Revelation 2:28 when he said that he will give those who are victorious the morning star when he is the morning star? Answer: I assume you are aware that Revelation is written in a highly symbolic style.  As a rule, we should not take what is […]

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QUESTION: What does Revelation 21: 8 means when it says that the wicked will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur?  Are the souls to be punished there eventually going to vanish? Answer: The meaning of Revelation 21:8 is that those who rebel against God and refuse to accept his love and salvation […]

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QUESTION: I know that you are probably busy but I hope you can answer some of my concerns. I am currently a Christian bordering on converting to Nihilism. I grew up believing in God creating everything as per the Genesis account even though I believed in an old universe. I believed that God physically created […]

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QUESTION: Can you please tell me how to share the gospel in a simple manner?  My friend is a Hindu but does nt particularly believe in it Answer: My experience tells me that most Hidus respect Jesus, but do not understand who he was and what he said about himself.   You should start with theatcommon […]

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QUESTION: Is it biblical to celebrate our birthdays?  I think that birthdays must have been counted by the Jews and that is why we know how old everyone was.  My question is whether it is right to celebrate birthdays – parties and gifts etc. The only two birthdays mentioned in the Bible both had a bad […]

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QUESTION: In Revelation chapters 2 & 3, there are 7 churches mentioned.  Is there any reason why these particular churches were included in the list?   Why only seven?   Are they the only churches that was persecuted by the emperor that time?   Why were the church in Rome or Jerusalem or other churches that we commonly know in New […]

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MESSAGE: How could Jesus be GOD even though he used to defecate in his clothes when he was an infant?  How could Jesus be GOD even though he used to urinate in his clothes when he was an infant?  How could Jesus be GOD even though he could NOT even walk properly when he was […]

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QUESTION: When I told my friend who is a Hindu that idolatry is wrong, she said that as we Christians take the cross as our representation we take a idol and worship it.  How am I supposed to answer such a question?  Although its not the cross itself that we worship, but it represents faith in […]

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Question:   (editor’s note:  This question is a follow-up to earlier ones.  Some unedited earlier correspondence is below) I am now starting to have more confidence in the Scripture, and starting to see truth from error. So you’re saying Prof. Ehrman is on one side and that side is to work against God, and this is […]

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Question: I have a question regarding the history of sacrificial systems and hope you will be able to answer it.  I generally understand the aspects of sacrificial system and partial reason that was established because of the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice.   However, I was wondering about sacrificial system in general, its roots and human ideas about […]

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Question: I just want to give you this link and see if you can answer some of the claims Ehrman has. This video was the reason I  started to have doubts in my faith. Could you maybe give some information on the claims in this audio? I am farther in my faith now, thanks to your explanations! It seems […]

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Question: If the Bible is correct then why did the prophecy in Ezekiel 29:17-20 fail?   We know that Ezekiel made this prophecy in about 571 BC, and Nebuchadnezzar’s invasion of Egypt in 568 BC failed?   Nebuchadnezzar was suppose to conquer Egypt according to those verses – “Behold, I will GIVE the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar […]

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Question: Since the orignial writings where inspired by God, but we can’t have the 100% perfect translation what would be the best Bible to read that would be closest to the Greek and Hebrew text?   What is different between the the manuscripts we have compared to the original writings?  Any numbers wrong ?  Are there any […]

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QUESTION: I have a question concerning the following passage:  “It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing […]

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QUESTION: What are the differences between premillenialism, postmillenialism, and amillenialism? What is the most biblical view among the three? Do they have similarities? Answer: Postmillenialism, premillenialism and amilenialism are three views of eschatology, which is a fancy way of saying they are views of the nature of end-times. Arguably, postmillenialism and premillenialism are more similar, […]

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