Is the Old Testament plagiarized from the Zoroastrian scriptures? Quite simply, no. Many wild theories are thrown about by theologians looking for something to put into their ThD theses, and this is one of these ideas. The Zend Avesta is the principle scripture of Zoroastrianism, the pseudo-monotheistic sun-worshiping religion which began in Persia in about […]

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In the Transfiguration, (Mt 17:3) Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus. Where had they been all the while? They weren’t in heaven right? Jesus said no one had been to heaven except Himself (Jn 3:13). Then where were they?? Also what exactly happened in the passage given below? I mean aren’t the dead to rise […]

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What about the Giants like Goliath? Is there any record outside the Bible that describes them? And how can I explain 2 Samuel 21:19? I suppose you will find some one who will claim that some obscure reference to giants in the literature of the Assyrians or the Egyptians or so forth supports the Biblical […]

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What evidence do we have that points to the fact that the gospels were written by the apostles themselves? The first one who believed that they were written by them was Irenaius in 180 AD. It is impossible to prove absolutely that the apostles wrote the letters of the New Testament. Actually, you should be […]

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I was looking for some credible evidence for the historicity of Jesus. Two main historians who wrote about Jesus, Thallus and Josephus, are controversial. It is not clear if they wrote it and when they wrote it. Are there records which date to the 1st century which we know where scholars are sure that they […]

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If Jesus really did all the things that are recorded in the Bible, why isn’t there more information about him outside the Bible? Thousands must have seen or somehow heard from him. Is it maybe because the written testimonies about Jesus were burned, destroyed by the enemies in the 1st century ? Paul persecuted the […]

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I’ve heard a lot of people say that Islam is a religion of war instead of peace, because of Mohammed’s actions, history, references in the Koran, the terrorists etc. But the God of the Bible murdered and let his people slaughter many peoples who were not living by his standards. How can I explain that […]

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What is the difference between the Hebrew name Yeshua, Yahweh and God, Jesus? The bible says that it is through his name that we are saved. Then why do we call him Jesus instead of his Hebrew name, Yeshua? First, let me be humble and confess that I am absolutely not an expert in either […]

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How does Christianity explain the different races? And what about the fact that early humans were shorter on average? My friends say that we have evolved to grow taller. Is this true? To put it simply, the Bible does not explain the different races. The difference between the races has to do with genetic material […]

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Como ser um cristao constante. (which translates from the Portuguese as “How to be a faithful Christian?”) There are many ways to answer this question, and I would suggest you find someone you know who is a faithful Christian and ask them. (By the way, I do not speak Portuguese, and am hoping faithful is […]

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