John Oakes has been traveling in South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibia.  Below are some of the audios as well as some notes and power points for the lessons on this teaching trip.   Daniel audio Harare    Daniel PPT     Kingdom of God audio Harare   Kingdom of God notes   Living by Faith audio Harare   Living by […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught three classes in Asuncion, Paraguay and La Paz, Bolivia which were translated into Spanish.  The three are From Shadow to Reality (De la Sombra a la Realidad), Living by Faith (Viviendo por la Fe), and God and Science (Dios y la Ciencia).   Also included are power points for two of […]

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This course was taught by Kedron Jones, a board member for the Apologetics Research Society. The aim of this course was to train and equip individuals to winsomely and articulately communicate the content of the pro-life position in an attractive manner. Successful pro-life apologists pursue four essential tasks. First, they clarify the debate by focusing public […]

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We are excited to announce that the last of ten classes for the ARS Apologetics Certificate is now ready for students to take.  The class is Apologetics and World Religions.  It is taught by Dr. John Oakes and Dan Conder.  It, along with our other nine classes are currently available.  For more info, click on […]

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ARS is proud to announce that the ninth of ten classes in our Apologetics Certificate Program is now available.  The class is on the reliability, inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible.  The instructor of the class is Dr. John Oakes.   The class includes a study of biblical manuscripts and the canon of the Old and […]

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ARS is excited to announce the eighth of our ten courses in our Christian Apologetics Certificate is now available.  This is a ten hour class on the historical and archaeological support to the reliability of the Bible.  The instructors are Dr. John Wilson, professor emeritus of archaeology from Pepperdine University, as well as Dr. John […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class titled Christianity and Bioethics for the South Florida Church of Christ 8/30/2013.  The class focuses on the moral and ethical questions raised by the leaps in technology in the biomedical field.  He discusses the Christian Worldview and how it can guide us to decide which kinds of technologies Christians […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class for the South Florida Church of Christ 8/30/2013 on Christianity and Postmodernism.  In the class Dr. Oakes explains the history of modernism, discussing its strengths and weaknesses.  From there, he explains why modernism led to postmodernism, followed by a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the postmodern mindset. […]

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IPI published two new products from ARS this week.   The first is the recording of the entire 2013 ICEC in San Diego on Christianity and Culture.  The second is a 12 hour class on World Religions taught by Dr. John Oakes.  To order go to or to this link:

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All the lessons from the recent ICEC on Christianity and Culture at San Diego State University are now available through Illumination Publishers.  They are available at Much thanks to Toney Mulhollen for making these available.   Note to those who visit the site:  John Oakes is traveling and teaching in the Middle East for […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class titled Christianity and Bioethics at the 2013 ICEC at San Diego State University.  The class includes a discussion of the various technologies which we can assume will be coming in the fairly near future.  John proposes the kinds of technologies Christians should embrace and those which they should consider […]

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We are excited to announce our seventh annual International Christian Evidence Conference:  Christianity and Culture.  The conference will be in San Diego June 14-16.  Teachers will include Guy Hammond, Dr. John Oakes, Dr. Dyron Daughrity, Joey Harris, Kedron Jones, Robert Carrillo, Todd Spath, Jennifer Konzen and Dan Conder.  We will be examining the relationship between […]

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Editor’s Note: The essay below if by Randy Hroziencik, a student in our Apologetics Certificate program (see the link on the front page of the site).  It is a follow-up to another essay (referred to as essay #2) in which he answered a request to write a defense of atheism.   Thanks to Randy for permission to publish […]

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We are excited to announc that the seventh of an eventual ten classes in our Apologetics Certificate Program is now available.  The class is Archaeology and Christianity.   The principal teacher is Dr. John Wilson of Pepperdine University.  Dr. Douglas Jacoby and Dr. John Oakes also are teachers in this calss. The classes now available are: […]

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Randall Hroziencik, one of the students in our ARS Apologetics Certificate Program submitted a paper on the cultural and theological background to the two Genesis creation accounts, focusing on the genre of the first part of Genesis. We feel that this paper is of a very high quality and offer it for your consideration.  Thank […]

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Author: Bill Pratt   Editor’s note:  This article is taken from the web site Old-school atheists like Friedrich Nietzsche recognized that atheism utterly failed to answer the most profound of human questions, and thus atheism, he believed, led inexorably to nihilism.  Nowadays, most atheists are very uncomfortable with nihilism and want to distance themselves from […]

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We are pleased to announce that the sixth of an eventual ten courses in our Christian Apologetics Certificate Program series is now available for students to take the course.  The topic is The Existence of God.  The class is taught by Dr. Douglas Jacoby and Dr. John Oakes.  The class is $150 ($125 in the […]

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This power point is for a class given by Dr. John Oakes at the 2012 ICEC at UCLA October 20, 2012.  The focus is on the radical claims of Jesus and why, based on the evidence from filfilled prophecy and the miracles of Jesus, a reasonable person will conclude that Jesus’ claims about himself are believable.  […]

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