Thanks to the amazing contribution and help of Cory Wadstrom, Evidence for Christianity now has a podcast.   We will be finding different modes to make this podcast available, but in the meantime we invite you to check out our first of many podcasts to come at this link:

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching for the Salt Lake Christian Church at the University of Utah.  God and Science SLC   Science and God PPT   From Shadow to Reality SLC1    From Shadow to Reality SLC 2   From Shadow to Reality SLC 3  From Shadow to Reality SLC 4   From Shadow to Reality PPT   Living by […]

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Editor’s note:  This paper is by one of the students in our ARS Apologetics Certificate Program, Drew Tacher.  The paper is good enough we have decided to post it.  If you are interested in enrolling in our Apologetics Certificate Program, contact us at Drew Tacher Why Christians Should Believe in the Theory of Evolution […]

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John Oakes is traveling for two weeks, first to Dallas, then to Korea and the Philippines. I am now in Manila, Philippines, to teach for their leadership academy. Jan 7-9 Dallas Texas This is my first time being part of what is known as the Texas Roundup.  This is an annual gathering of Christian leaders […]

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Dr. John Oakes is currently on a teaching trip. Relevant outlines, power points and audio will be posted here.  World View PPT  Christian World View     Messianic Prophecies Study      Hard Questions PPT     Hard Questions Audio        Evidence for Jesus PPT     Evidence for Jesus Study   Evidence for Jesus Audio    God and Science […]

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A good friend sent a link about a recent article at  It reports a find of a cuneiform tablet from Babylon which appears to be from Nebuchadnezzar’s son Evil-Merodach regarding a radical change in Nebuchadnezzar’s character in which he is not attending to his responsibilities and has abandoned the worship of Marduk. Nebuchadnezzar Article

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At Evidence for Christianity we have been looking for quite a while for a primarily-Spanish-speaking apologist who would help to build up the Spanish part of our website and ministry.  We are excited to announce that God has finally answered our prayers in this regard.  Carlos Santos Aquirre is from Peru, but lives in Madrid, […]

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ARS and the San Diego Church of Christ put on a conference in San Diego on Ethics and Christianity.  Here are the audio and some power points and notes.   Christianity and Politics Audio    Intolerance of Tolerance Audio  The Intolerance of Tolerance PPT    Moral Question of Abortion Audio   The Moral Question of Abortion PPT   Same Sex Attraction […]

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Dr. John Oakes did a teaching weekend 5/5 and 5/6 in Santa Barbara.  Audio for his lesson on God and Science is attached, as well as the power point.  He also did a lesson Acts and Church History.  It was not recorded, but for those who requested, the power point is attached.  There were about […]

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Archaeologists recently reported in National Geographic on excavations in the Negev desert which supports the biblical picture of Solomon as a powerful and wealthy king of Israel.  They appear to have discovered some of “King Solomon’s mines.”  Evidence from 3000 year old dung supports the belief that Solomon’s kingdom stretched from the Mediterranean to the Negev. […]

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Dr. John Oakes is delivered a number of lessons on a missionary teaching trip in South Asia Jan 5-22, 2017.  Attached are power points, notes and audio for these lessons.   From Shadow to Reality India Audio    Existence of God Audio    Reliability of the Bible Audio   Marriage Divorce and Remarriage Audio   Marriage and Divorce Notes   Acts […]

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Last weekend we brought together eight teachers from across the US for a conference on History, Archaeology and Christianity.  We are really grateful to York College in York, Nebraska for hosting the conference.  A few of the notes and power points from the conference are attached here.  The audio is available through the membership option […]

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Dr. John Oakes is taught a five week series on The Reliability and Inspiration of the Bible on Saturdays in October, 2016. Class Outline is below.  Notes, PPT and audio are attached.    Reliability and Inspiration Notes     Reliability and Inspiration PPT    Reliability and Insp Audio I     Reliability and Insp Audio II    Reliability and Insp Audio III  […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a lesson for the Seattle Church of Christ titled “What is Truth?”  The lesson discusses the Christian and other Worldviews and how to explain Christianity to those who have a different world view.  This lesson has been posted before, but the PPT has been updated extensively.  What Is Truth PPT    What is […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught on many topics for churches in Ukraine, Moldova and Russia June 14-July 3, 2016.  All audio are in both English and Russian.  Evidence for Jesus Kiev PPT   Evidence for Jesus Russian I  (note: part II will be posted later)  Evidence for Jesus Russian III   Ezekiel Russian I    Ezekiel Russian II  Ezekiel notes  […]

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The Apologetics Research Society sponsored a six hour class at the University of California, San Diego on Islam.  The teachers were Dan Conder and John Oakes.  It also included from former Muslim converts to Christianity.  The class covered the history of Islam, the life of Muhammed, the Quran and Hadith, Apologetics and Islam, Jihad and Islam, modern […]

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John and Jan Oakes taught classes for a singles conference in Tijuana focusing in on the claims of Jesus.  Notes and Power Point in English and Spanish and audio in Spanish.   I AM The Way Notes  I AM the Way PPT   Yo Soy El Camino PPT     Yo Soy El Camino Audio   I AM The Truth Notes    […]

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The Apologetics Research Society, along with the South Florida Church of Christ put on a Christian Evidence weekend in Miami/Dade and Broward County, including at Florida International University Sept. 18-20, 2015.  The audio and some of the power points and outlines are attached.   God is Good: The Problems of Pain, Suffering and Evil PPT    Problem […]

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Editor’s Note:  Rich Wright, one of the students in our ARS Apologetics Certificate Program, has written an excellent paper on the question of the inerrancy of the Bible, focusing in on the most important document on that topic ever published, which is known as the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy.  He criticizes their approach, especially with […]

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Dr. John Oakes is taught a class on Answering the Hard Questions at the 2015 International Christan Evidence Conference at York College in York, Nebraska, June 19-21.  He gave a brief overview of the Christian world view before launching into the Christian answer  to the questions both believers and non-believers often struggle with, such as […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on Presuppositional Apologetics and World View Apologetics at the 2015 ICEC in York, Nebraska.  The class covers the common worldviews, including the Christian worldview and shows why the Christian Worldview is by far the one which makes the most sense.  It is also a critical look at the Calvinistic […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a class on Presuppositional Apologetics at the 2015 International Christan Evidence Conference at York College in York, Nebraska, June 19-21.  He gave a brief overview of the types of apologetics, followed by an analysis of the strong and weak points of presuppositional apologetics, followed by a discussion of world view apologetics. […]

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Dr. Richard Knopp from Lincoln Christian University gave the keynote address for the 2015 ICEC at York College, in York, Nebraska.  The presentation was on the history of and advice about the wisest approach to using the concept of world view to both increase the faith of believers and to take faith in Jesus Christ […]

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Dr. John Beggs, physics professor at Indiana University gave an amazing presentation on the the implications of discoveries in neuroscience on the question of human consciousness, free will and the soul.  He gave a detailed picture of what we know about brain function from neuroscience, especially from his own research program.  He explained how the […]

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The 2015 International Christian Evidences Conference was held at York College in York, Nebraska June 19-21.  This was our eighth annual conference.  It was sponsored by the Apologetics Research Society and hosted by York College.   The theme was The Christian Worldview.  Why York College and why York, Nebraska, you might ask.  The answer is two-fold.  […]

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Dr. John Oakes is teaching a class on the evidence which supports belief in the biblical Jesus at the Mission Center of Hope in San Diego Saturdays 9:00-10:30.  Your are invited to attend, but the power point, outline and audios will be posted here.   Evidence for Jesus Notes        Evidence for Jesus PPT  […]

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Editor’s note:  This is a Q & A already published at the site, but this is a very common issue raised and I thought it would be worth publishing as an article.  This is a series of about ten questions.  For ease of following the arguments, I will intersperse my answers between the questions. Question: […]

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One of the most significant Greek New Testament manuscript finds of all time was revealed in a recent article in CNN .  If confirmed, then this will be a game-changer in the way it supports by physical evidence the early date of the writing of the gospels.  As will all such claims, it is wise […]

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