Question: When trying to validate Jesus Christ, I often hear Christians say that there must be something special about Him since a number of His disciples died horribly for Him many years after His death. Or, because Christianity has lasted all these years, must be something to it. But couldn’t the same be said for […]

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IPI published two new products from ARS this week.   The first is the recording of the entire 2013 ICEC in San Diego on Christianity and Culture.  The second is a 12 hour class on World Religions taught by Dr. John Oakes.  To order go to or to this link:

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Question: I just wanted to thanks all your help.  It is really needed!  Thanks for be very patient,caring and loving.  I have a question regarding if you can review the “facts” that my Buddhist friend emailed me:   and He claims that meditation is good for health, and that a Christin can be a Buddhist too.  How would you respond to […]

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Question: Do you have any good sources to find the truth out about Zoroaster and the claims that it predates Christianity and we stole a lot of our claims from them including a resurrected Lord?   If you could in brief give an answer as well, I  would appreciate your time. Answer: First of all, there […]

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QUESTION:  How do we know that Satan didn’t write the Bible?   How do we know that the true religion isn’t Buddhism for example and the Old and New Testament are the works of a devil/demon/Satan trying to trick us into doing wrong things like stoning adulteresses and non-believers? Satan could reveal himself as Jesus, claim […]

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Question: “I have two questions for you, what is the doctrine of Soul-Sleep and did the thief immediately go to Paradise with Jesus? A friend of mine believes in the doctrine of soul-sleep.” Answer: Thanks for the questions, below are my answers I hope this helps! What is The Doctrine of Soul-Sleep? The (false) doctrine […]

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Question: Hi, John! I want to ask you about the informaiton at this link:         What do you know about this teaching and her influence on Christianity today? (In my church there is a member who believes in this teaching. And she doesn’t want change it)  Your book about Daniel is very good! I am enjoying it! Answer: […]

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QUESTION: Since the birthplace of Jesus is too far from the Indian subcontinent, there is a viable chance for him travelling to India or Tibet.  All the story of Jesus is mythological like Indian mythology.  Hence, there is solid proof that Jesus Christ came to India and has made a deep study of Hindu religion.   After returning […]

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Dr. John Oakes taught a six-week class on World Religions on six consecutive Saturdays beginning on 2/23 9:00-11:00.   See below for suggested reading and schedule. World Religion Notes          World Religion PPT         World Rel Audio 1a   World Rel Audio 1b        World Rel Audio 2a   World Rel Audio 2b   World Rel Audio 3a          World Rel Audio 3b   […]

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Question: May I know why God did not send anybody to India or some other countries just like he sent Jonah to Nineveh?   Some good people in India such Gauthama Buddha searched for truth.   Why did the true God Jehova did not respond to them by sending some angels to inform them? Answer: God did send […]

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Question: What is freemasonry? Is it a religion or is it a fraternity? What are their beliefs?  Can a christian be a freemason?  Or are they anti-christ? Answer: The definition of freemasonry is complicated. It is a fraternal order with very strong religious overtones. The essence of the group is that it is a service organization.  […]

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Question: I have had a discussion with a New-Age friend.  Jesus is the only way to God (as opposed to New-age belief many roads lead to God) mainly based on Jesus’ statement in John 14:6. and also from Acts 4:12. My New-ager friend is aware of these passages and asks “How do you know that Jesus hasn’t […]

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QUESTION: Can you please tell me how to share the gospel in a simple manner?  My friend is a Hindu but does nt particularly believe in it Answer: My experience tells me that most Hidus respect Jesus, but do not understand who he was and what he said about himself.   You should start with theatcommon […]

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MESSAGE: How could Jesus be GOD even though he used to defecate in his clothes when he was an infant?  How could Jesus be GOD even though he used to urinate in his clothes when he was an infant?  How could Jesus be GOD even though he could NOT even walk properly when he was […]

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QUESTION: When I told my friend who is a Hindu that idolatry is wrong, she said that as we Christians take the cross as our representation we take a idol and worship it.  How am I supposed to answer such a question?  Although its not the cross itself that we worship, but it represents faith in […]

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Question: I am getting hit with this subject more often. The bassist in my band who I basically live with when on tour sent me this video after a long talk we had on the tour bus. There are a lot of claims with no evidence to back it up however I think it’d be great […]

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Question: I noticed you discussed some Baha’i prophecies on your web site.   I noticed some sites produced by some Christians that you might be interested to look at:        They all seem to start with the year 457 BC as the starting year of the prophecy and they also mention the year 1844 […]

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Question: I have been dealing with cancer. Morman missionaries have been coming by to offer to help me. Their women arranged meals….etc. Super sweet and loving. I tell them my convictions and read to them in Romans where it begins”Love must be sincere”.  They have assured me that they will continue to love me and […]

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This lesson was given by Dr. John Oakes for the Iglesia de Cristo de Tijuana April 20, 2012.  Translation is by Mauricio Garcia.  The class is about hte reasons that the early church, starting with a small group of poor, uneducated people without power were able to conquer the entire Roman and Greek world.  Hechos […]

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What about Atlantis, the Sphinx, Ring of Power, Joseph is Amen Ra and other similar theories? Question: It appears there is physical evidence for great floods – submerged cities all over the world. Many cultures speak of the great floods, isolated by location and time, these cultures seem to share similiar beliefs and architecture (i.e. […]

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What do you think about the Jehovah’s Witness group? Question: I have a question to ask you if you have the time. Jehovah’s Witnesses often knock on my door; unlike a lot of people, I invite them in. We have friendly discussions and I advise them that there is not the faintest chance of them […]

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Question: Could you explain the Quran prophecy about the Byzantines and Sassanids at this Islamic site Response: We should call this a prediction rather than a prophecy. The fact is that if you look at the history of the Sassanid Persians and the Byzantine Empire you will see that they fought continuously for over […]

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ARS will be sponsoring a six-hour class on Islam 9:00-4:00 Saturday May 4th.  The location is 15610 Crenshaw Blvd., Gardena, CA 90249.  Teachers will include Dan Conder and John Oakes.  The cost for the class is $20.  Suggested reading, schedule, registration and more information will be posted soon.  For more information, contact Jan at

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Question: I am a Jew who lives in Israel, in recent times I began to wonder why my way, Judaism, is true. I talked with some rabbis, and their best claim against the other religion was that Judaism has survived thousands years. Despite all of the pogroms, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, even though they were […]

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Question: Dr, a Muslim presented me with these arguments. I find it difficult to refute. There are too many coincidences.. Can these be true Sir? And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. (Isaiah 29:12 KJV) Truth stands out […]

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Question: A Muslim gave me this. What are your thoughts? The similitude of Jesus pbuh is of Adam pbuh. Even Adam pbuh had no mother nor father. If following your logic, then Prophet Adam would be a greater God because he came into existance with no father nor mother. You see for God( The Father) […]

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Question: Proverbs 6:6-8 says that an ant has no ruler. Is this a scientific inaccuracy? Would the conclusion be different if God were to say this instead of the wise man? Would it be a biblical error when Jesus asks "Why are you thinking these things in your heart?" Would it not be more accurate […]

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Question: Talking with Jehovah’s Witness always gets confusing. My question is in Daniel when he says that Michael the Archangel will lead the people, how do I explain to my aunt and cousins that Jesus is NOT Michael and is fully God and fully man even though they interpret most angel verses in the Bible as Jesus […]

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Question: Can you explain the Baha’i prophecies in this website Response: I have looked at these "prophecies" of Baha-ullah. To be honest, I am not all that impressed. For example, he predicted in the 1860s that the Ottoman Empire would fall apart. The reason this is not all that impressive is that by the […]

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Question: Does the Baha’i faith claim to have fulfilled prophecies? Answer: Yes, it does. The Baha’i faith began in the mid-nineteenth century, started by a Persian man by the name of Baha-ulla (actual name Mirza Hussein Ali). His work was preceded by a John the Baptist-like figure the Bab, who was also Persian. This religion […]

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Question: Where did the concept of the soul, after-life, and triune God originate? Some say that the concept of the soul is only mentioned when David tries to stir up his troops before battle, giving them something great to hope for, that Heaven and Hell and scarcely mentioned in the Bible, and lastly that the […]

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Question: I want to know why this scholar Sandra, said this in this site: http:/indiagestã  partir do século II, os lideres cristãos resolveram enterrar a influencia hindu e São Gregorio destruiu publicamente deuses hindus, que passaram a ser considerados então, deuses pagãos.  Lembrando sempre que o Hinduismo possui 7 mil anos e o cristianismo possui somente […]

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