Are Jehovah’s Witnesses considered part of a cult? How did this religion come to be and what is it they believe? Whether or not the Jehovah’s Witness are a cult would depend on your definition of the word. For me, personally, the word cult has come to have a very negative connotation. The working definition […]

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Is it considered anti-Christian to believe in the concepts of the zodiac, such as reading your horoscope and taking it to heart, or of psychic abilities? That is an easy one. Yes, from the perspective of the Bible and of belief in Jesus Christ, it definitely is a sin to rely on one’s horoscope rather […]

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“Jews do not believe that Jesus was the moshiach. Assuming that he existed, and assuming that the Christian scriptures are accurate in describing him (both matters that are debatable), he simply did not fulfill the mission of the moshiach as it is described in the biblical passages cited above. Jesus did not do any of […]

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Note: The question is quite long. The answer is about five paragraphs down the page How does Christianity justify its staunch and abusive criticism of so called “Pagan” Religions in the light that it developed well after many other religions that were also the belief of many people before it? Too often “pagan religions have […]

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How do I know that Christianity is the one true faith, and that Buddhism, or Hinduism, or any other religion isn’t the "right one?" I have received a couple of questions which are pretty similar to this one. Below I have included two similar questions and the answers I gave. After these two questions/responses, I […]

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NOTES ON OTHER RELIGIONS   Some helpful definitions:   Polytheism:  a religious system which includes worship of many gods.   Pantheism:  a theological perspective that sees God as being synonymous with the universe or with nature?kind of like ?the Force? of Star Wars.   Animism:  belief that many animals plants, and even objects contain individual […]

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Mormonismo / LA IGLESIA DE JESUCRISTO DE LOS SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DIAS ?        Fundador: Jos? Smith (1805-1844) HISTORIA: ?        Jos? Smith. Nacido en Vermont, 1805, criado en el ?rea rural de Nueva York. ?        No fu? conocido por haber tenido un trabajo regular. ?        Se volvi? estafador de la gente. Era un charlat?n religioso. […]

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In anew Comparative Religion course I’m taking at school. we’re currently studying Hinduism and will soon move on to Buddhism its actually quite fascinating. Hinduism, with all its splendid contradictions and incongruities, is really not that bad of a religion. Dont get me wrong, my faith is not wavering but I found that studying the […]

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 Power Point: Islam 2.19 Mb  Notes to accompany ISLAM (literally, submit the will in Arabic)   Founder:  Muhammad.  About 570 ? 632 AD, in Mecca, in modern Saudi Arabia.   Roughly 1 billion Muslims in the world.   Location:  Northern Africa, almost the entire Middle East, Pakistan Afghanistan, Bangaladesh, India, Albania, Indonesia and the Phillipines, […]

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   Mormonismo: Un Power Point. 1.09 Mb   Notas para Mormonismo / LA IGLESIA DE JESUCRISTO DE LOS SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DIAS ?        Fundador: Jos? Smith (1805-1844) HISTORIA: ?        Jos? Smith. Nacido en Vermont, 1805, criado en el ?rea rural de Nueva York. ?        No fu? conocido por haber tenido un trabajo regular. ?        […]

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  Power Point: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ? 1.16 Mb Notes to accompany MORMONISM (The Churchof Jesus Christof the Latter Day Saints)   Founder:  Joseph Smith  (1805 – 1844)   HISTORY:   Joseph Smith   Born in Vermont, 1805, raised in rural New YorkState.   Not known for holding a regular job […]

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   Power Point: Jehovah’s Witness 47.00 Kb   Notes to accompany: JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES   Background and History.   Founded by Charles Russel   Russel was influenced by the Adventist movement (let to the 7th DayAdventistChurch)   The Adventist/Millerite movement began in the 1830?s   William Miller used Daniel 8:14and Daniel 9:25(a very odd connection) to […]

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You have rephrased my questions. Although it seems to be the same to ask “how much is 2 plus 2?” or “what is the result of the sum of the numeral 2 to another numeral 2?”, the approach taken to respond tends to required further analysis than just a simple response. Your response to my […]

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I cannot understand why there is the perception of God as a distant being, external to us. A ruler with a human personality and weaknesses, like a puppet master who seems to be not more than a magical-religious being, created by human mind to justify our existence and everything that surround us, instead of preferring […]

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Where was Islam originate? Islam originated in what is now known as Saudi Arabia . It was founded by an Arab named Muhammad. In the year AD 610, at the age of 40, Muhammad claims to have been visited by the angel Gabriel in a vision. Muhammad claims that over the course of the next […]

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Is the Old Testament plagiarized from the Zoroastrian scriptures? Quite simply, no. Many wild theories are thrown about by theologians looking for something to put into their ThD theses, and this is one of these ideas. The Zend Avesta is the principle scripture of Zoroastrianism, the pseudo-monotheistic sun-worshiping religion which began in Persia in about […]

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I’ve heard a lot of people say that Islam is a religion of war instead of peace, because of Mohammed’s actions, history, references in the Koran, the terrorists etc. But the God of the Bible murdered and let his people slaughter many peoples who were not living by his standards. How can I explain that […]

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Question: What about other religions? Are they true ways to know God? How can I know? Answer: In the end, those who seek after the truth will have to answer this question for themselves, because for each individual, what he or she really means by the question will be different. Many people, of course, say […]

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