Question:  I know that we are all descendents of Adam and Eve, but what about the cavemen who proceeded them? Aren’t they the earlier forms of humans or are they a different kind of species? (Similar to how gorillas are almost identical to humans genetically) When we look at the genealogy in the Bible, it shows that […]

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Question:  How can you explain Matthew 12:7? Doesnt it say that God offers mercy and not sacrifice? How, then, can Jesus be the Sacrifice?  Answer: As a general rule, when one finds what might appear to be a contradiction in the Bible, the first thing to do is to look at the context of the passage […]

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Question: Why do some Christians believe Mark 16:15-16 is for us and Mark 16:17-18 is not for us but for the apostles? Answer: Before answering your question, let me point out something very important to know about Mark 16:9-20.  Most scholars believe that it is quite likely this passage was not in the original book of […]

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Question: A new question has been submitted by Karen ( on [08/11/08]: In Genesis 6:3 God shorted mans lifespan to no more than 120 years, but Jacob live 147 years, and according to Exodus 6:16,18, and 20..three of Joseph’s brothers live 130+ years. Can you point me to what I am missing?  Am I misreading […]

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Question: Is the situation in Irael just now, prophecy being fulfilled? Should we as Christians be concerned for the Israeli people? Answer: The quick answer is a definite no.  I discuss in some detail the premillenialist view and the tendency to view modern events as fulfillment of prophecies in Revelation, Daniel or Ezekiel in an appendix […]

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Question:  Why does the genealogy of Christ go from Adam to Joseph, when Joseph was not the father of Jesus (The Holy Spirit conceived Christ)?  Answer: Actually, the genealogy in Luke goes through Joseph, but the genealogy of Jesus goes through Mary in Matthew.  That is what most scholars accept.  The reason for this is […]

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Question:  I have been needing some evidence to prove evolution wrong.  Could you help but put it in wording for a thirteen year old to underderstand?                                                                                                                                                Answer: The problem with your request is that there is no evidence which proves evolution wrong.  In fact, the scientific evidence in support of evolution is quite strong.   Perhaps you […]

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Question: How, John, can you state so confidently that hostages were taken and that some items from the temple were taken." This clearly is what you would like to be able to establish in order to be able to clear up the conflict between  2 Kings 24:1 and Daniel 1:1. The author of Daniel transfers things that […]

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 Questions:  1. Our GOD knows everything; even all thoughts before it appear to mind then why did he let Lucifer have a prideful thought? 2. In the begining how did the marriage of Cain take place as there were no women in that time(except Eve)? 3.  Paul has written in 2 Corinthians 12:7 that he has wounded in his body.  […]

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Question: I am reading your book on Daniel after listening to the sermon you gave out in Riverside back in 2005 about the book of Daniel.  This was prompted by a read through the Bible were I am currently in Daniel. I notice in most versions the "ab" is translated father in Dan 5:18.  However, […]

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Question: Can you please explain to me Numbers Chapter 23:19?   Wouldn’t that disprove the trinity?   Can you please help me understand contradictions in the Bible?  I am very confused with these. Answer: This is an interesting question.  The answer involves how the phrase "son of man" is used in the Bible.  Let me discuss "contradictions" in […]

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  Question: When one reads your materials you seem to claim(though not clearly) that the four gospels recorded in the New Testament are the only ever written.  However, nowadays some reseach has proven the existence of other gospels for instance "the Gospel according to JUDEA".  Do you have anything to say about this? Answer: Yes, […]

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Question  When God created the heaven and the earth the Bible says the seventh day God rested.  But when one thinks we realise that "rest" is a characteristic of imperfection.  Can we say instead that God took one day to relaxe?  Is it a translation mistake? Answer: The word translated "rested" in Genesis 2:2,3 is the Hebrew word […]

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Question: Would you say that Proverbs 25:17 applies in our one another relationships as Disciples? Justin; I would say that this proverb principally applies to our neighbor who is not necessarily our brother in the church, but in principle it could even apply to our relationship with other Christians.  Of course, as with Proverbs in […]

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Question: God says no one can come to me unless I call him.please could explain me what exactly are the meaning and the implication of this sentence, because on the other hand when one reads the Bible it appears clear that those who continue to live a sinful life will how should one know that […]

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Question:  1. I was looking a little at a book called "A History of the Jews" by Abram Leon Sachar. He seems to suggest that the Bible’s account of Solomon is incorrect, exaggerated, and biased. He says his genius was never of a moral or spiritual quality, but the Bible says otherwise. He also says […]

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Question: I have recently heard that many scholars believe 2 Peter is pseudepigraphical and was written around 100-150AD. Is there any evidence that shows that it was written around 64-65 AD which is another possible date that it was written? Answer:  The date of writing of the New Testament books will always generate some controversy.  We […]

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Question: I want to know from when or which nation the Muslim religion started. Is it from Ishmael son of Abraham? Answer; Islam as a religion was established by Muhammad, a member of the Arabic Quraish tribe from the West-Central part of the Arabian Peninsula in the region of present-day Mecca.  Muhammad is a real person […]

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Question: I am from India, a country with majority of Hindus. Hinduism is now proclaiming itself to be the ‘most glorious religion’. ‘Human Gods’,with ability to show miracles,are sprouting up in Hindu community.  Many Indian Christians are attracted to Hinduism through such miracles. Have you done a comparative study of Hinduism & Christianity? How can […]

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Question: What is the "heart" behind Leviticus 5:3? The reason I asked is because according to this verse, in the Old Testament anyone who touches anything that could make him unclean, even unwittingly, makes him guilty. Now, Jesus intentionally touched a leper (Matthew 8:1-4), yet remained guiltless (Hebrews 4:15). I assume the reason for this […]

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Question: Where was Daniel when the trio were in fire?  What is your view on the rapture, pretribulation, posttribulation or midtribulation? Answer: The Bible does not answer this question.  In such a case, one is left to propose reasonable speculation.  Such "reasonable speculation," is just that–speculation.  Bottom line, we do not know.  Let me share […]

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Question: In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and earth.  Why not Pluto and Mercury at the same time? Answer: First of all, when Genesis describes the creation of "the heavens and the earth" this is language to those in the ancient Near East to mean, essentially, when God created the universe.  In other words, […]

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Request: Can you please comment on the exchange below I found recently on the meaning of Colossians 2:13-14.   Does this passage imply that the Law of Moses was done away with when Jesus was killed on the cross? Editor’s note:  This will be a fairly long passage, with the answer well down the page. –Quote— […]

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Question: Why can’t Muslims admit that Jesus "claimed" to be the Son of God? We know that Muslims, Jews, and many other people don’t believe that he actually is the Son of God but I can’t get past the intellectual obviousness of his claim. I don’t think anyone else in the world disputes this historic […]

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Question: Why did Constantine and the Council of Nicaea choose to"edit" The Bible by inserting and removing certain books? What was the real aim of canonization? Answer; This is an easy one!  Constantine did not "edit" or change the New Testament in any way.  Neither did the Council at Nicaea change the New Testament in […]

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Question:  I read your discussion of why the gifts of the Spirit disappeared. By no means do I consider myself an expert on the Early Church Fathers (my personal library is limited to one book). However, in preparing a lesson on false doctrines for a ministry training class I’m teaching, I came across some quotes […]

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