Question: Doesn’t Mark 16 where Jesus says, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved” contradict teachings on salvation by grace alone? Also, if you say that Mark 16 was inserted over time then doesn’t the Bible fall short of it’s claim to be inerrant? Answer: First of all, you will not find the phrase […]

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Question: After studying through the book of Esther and trying to draw parallels, I had a few things that I just could not make sense of. First, I had a hard time figuring out King Xerxes and Queen Vashti?s interaction in the first chapter. I could not be sure who was the villain and who […]

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Question: I have been developing a theory or a concept for living according to God’s plan for mankind. Please tell me where there are flaws in my concept. God created man and all other creation according to his will and pleasure. He differentiated man to be in his own “image,” which I think should read […]

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Question: I have heard a few sermons preached on the situation that took place in the Garden of Eden. Eve being tempted by the snake, Adam standing by and also partaking in the forbidden fruit. The questions of Adam’s fault or Eve’s fault seem secondary to the question why let the #&@% snake in the […]

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Question: I had a question about a passage I read recently. It’s the passage in 1 Corinthians 10 that talks about the 23,000 killed for sexual immorality. However, in Numbers, it states that 24,000 were killed. I ‘ve read Paul was referring to Ex 32 and not the passage in Numbers. I’ve also read that […]

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Question: Thanks a lot for your extremely informative book “Is there a God?” I have read it several times. I totally agree with your opinion that the Creationist’s theory about the creation of up to thousands of feet of sediments through the flood (described in Genesis 7-9) is wrong. Nevertheless, in a creationist book I […]

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Question: I wonder why the break-up in the churchof God. I mean Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, International Church of Christ etc…. Sometimes I imagine why most group claim to be the only Christians among the Christian circle. What caused the break up? How did it happen? What could be done? The Catholic Church has been existing […]

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Question: For a long time I have wondered why Luke and John describe the Mary?s and the disciples not recognizing Jesus after the resurrection. Even Thomas didn?t recognize him until he saw the scars (even after the other disciples told him who he was.) I guess I just always chocked it up to the disciples […]

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Question: Do you think there were significant scientific changes that occurred with the fall of man? Is it possible it was not until this point that the spiritual and physical realms became separate, or was it just that Adam and Eve didn?t realize it until then? Also, I remember from chemistry talking about the theory […]

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Question: I have been talking to a friend and we are trying to understand luke 16:9. My friend sees this as something negative “…buying your friends” because of the previous context, but I see it as something positive. Can you help me understand this verse? Answer: This is a good question. There are a couple […]

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Question: What is the significance of the angel that appears to Daniel in chapter 10 telling him that he was summoned 21 days ago but was held up by “the Prince of the Kingdomof Persia”? I believe every scripture is there for a reason and God does not bother with insignificant issues, so what is […]

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Question: Why does Jude quote apocryphal literature in verse 9 and 14? People often immediatley dismiss this by saying “just because he quotes apocryphal literature doesn’t mean he considers it scripture”, and point out to where Paul quotes other pagan poets. This is true, however what bothers me is that he refers the prophecy directly […]

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Question: When Jesus’ resurrection happened why did he appear to his apostles first? Why did he not appear to the Pharisees & teachers of the law who handed Jesus over to be crucified? Answer: The Bible does not answer this question, at least not directly. This requires me to speculate to some extent. First of […]

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Question: I run a “myspace” for Christianity and I had my first tough post. I don’t know how to respond to it. Where did Jesus first appear to the eleven disciples after the resurrection? Here is the comment I got at my site: ;Where did Jesus first appear to the eleven disciples? oh wait i […]

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Question/Comment: I just finished reading an article you wrote regarding the ‘evidence’ for an intelligent designer and I found it so intellectually dishonest that it inspired me to write you. I hope that someday you come to see the ‘folly’ that comes with accepting ideas such as the ‘anthropic principle.’ Someday I think you will […]

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Question: Why did God choose to deliver His only begotten through a virgin when He has the ability to use another way, for example turn a rock into Jesus Christ? Answer: It is always tricky to answer “why” questions about God when he has not answered the question for himself. This requires an educated guess […]

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Question: I was born & brought up in a Muslim family in Bangladesh. I had a God fearing heart. From my childhood I tried to follow my rituals. In 1995 I went to Delhi ( INDIA) for my graduation. There I came across with some christian brothers who used to teach among campus students. I […]

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Question: Can we have the communion on any other day than Sunday? What does the insciption, INRI on the cross mean? Answer: Let me answer the easy question first. INRI is an acronym for a Latin translation of the inscription Pilate had put on the sign he placed on Jesus’ cross. Pilate had a sign […]

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Question: I?ve seen somewhere that things such as yoga are instruments of deception becausethey deal with mystic andspiritual aspects. Iquite agree with this position. Can you please elaborate? What about martial arts? Answer: I believe it is possible to over react to yoga and the martial arts. Obviously, no Christian will (or should) take part […]

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Question: I have a question on John 19:6-7 (NIV); 6As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!” ;But Pilate answered, “You take him and crucify him. As for me, I find no basis for a charge against him.” The Jews insisted, “We have a law, and according to […]

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Question: How can you have an intimacy with God? How can I have aclose relation with God?hear his voice or be blessed spiritually? Answer: I am certainly not an expert on this question! This is an Christian apologetics website! Nevertheless, I like to at least make an attempt at answering every question which comes in, […]

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Question: I hear a lot of talk about prophecy concerning Israeland that what is going on with current events invloving Israelas fulfilling this prophecy. I suppose they are referring to scriptures such as Ezekiel 37:21 and Psalm 83:4. I always interpret these scriptures about the “nation” or “people Israel” as being symbolic for true Christians, […]

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Question: I have a question on Polygamy. II Samuel 12:7-8 says that God gave Saul’s kingdom and his house to David. He also gave Saul’s wives in his arms. Does it mean that everything of Saul’s becomes David’s own including the wives? If so, then God does encourage polygamy or not being commited to one […]

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Question Do you have a book that addresses a variety of alleged inconsistencies in the Bible. I recently bought a book called Encylopedia of Bible Difficulties. I have been able to resolve my questions through research. I must admit that I came upon some recently that concerned me. Is that normal? To see something that […]

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Question: What does Luke11:24-26 mean? Answer: This passage is something like a mini-parable. It is not to be taken literally. Although perhaps it could happen literally, that is not the point. Jesus is talking about our lives. It is not enough to get the evil out or our house (life). We must fill our house […]

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Question: Is the book of Revelation prophesying what is going to happen or stating what happened a long time ago? Also, in Revelation it says that the locusts were not given power to kill the people with the gold seal on their head but to torture them so does that mean God’s people will be […]

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Question: I am a Christian who is really struggling with doubt. I don’t really understand macroevolution. If is not true that macroevolution happens, then why are there so many scientists that defend it and write books about it? I feel like I am in a never-ending circle. I want my faith to be rock solid […]

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QUESTION: Are miracles real and still happening today? In other words, if you believe for a loved one to be healed of a certain disease, the miracle can take place? ANSWER: The short answer to your question is “yes.” God is the Sovereign Creator of heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1), so He possesses all the […]

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Question: Should Mark 16:9-20, and John 8:1-11 (Jesus with the adulterous woman) be considered part of the original manuscripts? Many early manuscripts do not include. If it is not part of the original then is it God’s word? Answer: I am guessing that you are aware of the general issue with these passages. As it […]

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Question: The idea that the eye-witnesses (apostles) who were in the position to know the truth and died for it, was to me one of the strongest reasons to believe their testimony of Jesus Christ. Because numerous eye-witnesses don’t die for a know lie. It’s against human nature. I have been told (by non-believers on […]

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Question: I read your response in the questions and answers archive (in the Church History section) where someone asked how we can be sure that the apostles were martyred, according to non-Christian sources. You said there’s only one non-Christian source (Antiquities of the Jews) which describes the death of an apostle. This is Josephus’ account […]

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