We do not know when the flood happened, but presumably it was at least several thousand years ago. I can only assume that human beings evolved the different “racial” characteristics over the past several thousand years. In a gene pool with a fairly broad genetic diversity, the physical characteristics which lead to the greatest survival […]

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You have rephrased my questions. Although it seems to be the same to ask “how much is 2 plus 2?” or “what is the result of the sum of the numeral 2 to another numeral 2?”, the approach taken to respond tends to required further analysis than just a simple response. Your response to my […]

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I cannot understand why there is the perception of God as a distant being, external to us. A ruler with a human personality and weaknesses, like a puppet master who seems to be not more than a magical-religious being, created by human mind to justify our existence and everything that surround us, instead of preferring […]

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I’m doing a brief study on the foundation of Christianity for our Bible study group and have been browsing your website. Am I correct in that in accordance with Jewish burial customs Jesus’ body would have been wrapped similar to that of an Egyptian mummy? If so would that not be further evidence against the […]

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Why did God create us? It says because he wanted people to appreciate his creations, but why? Does God get lonely? Didn’t he, in fact, create us above all to worship HIM? If that is our supreme purpose, what is the point of creating people merely for the satisfaction of receiving their praise? You ask […]

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As far as God condoning killing, I understand that he hates sin and so seeks to establish justice on the earth; however, it’s not that he condones killing that bothers me, but that he used Israel to do it! Israel was as sinful (if not more so) than the nations surrounding them. Sinful people killing […]

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The simple answer is that we are not required to keep it holy. This is a basic New Testament doctrine which, unfortunately, many religious groups have distorted. To prove this, consider Colossians 2:9f. “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who […]

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1) The natural amino acids are L and D, and in proteins are only L. So in any hypothetical primordial soup, surely there would have been an equal proportion of both. The problem for the materialist is to answer how did the first proteins become just L amino acids (since racemic proteins can’t exist). If […]

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The NIV has the term ‘deaconnesses’ in the footnotes. Biblically is there such a thing as a deaconness and what would their role be if there is? There are two questions implied here. One is whether there is such a thing as a deaconess, and the other is whether this is implied by the Bible. […]

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I’m studying with two Mormons currently and a question was brought up that stumped me. I was asked “what happens to people who haven’t heard about Christ”. They weren’t referring to individuals today but to the time before Christ and even people on different continents. After reading the book of Mormon I see they believe […]

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I have been asked a lot of questions over the years, but believe it or not, no one has ever asked me this question! Without context, I am not sure exactly what question you are asking. I would assume you are asking one of the following two questions: 1) What is the philosophical/theological definition of […]

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What is the importance of God’s anger against everyone, especially in the Old Testament through the plagues and such? First, it is extremely important to understand that anger toward those who rebel against him is a very real part of the God of the universe. It is natural that Christians should emphasize the love of […]

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Certainly there are a number of views on what Jesus meant when he referred to the “unforgivable sin” of blasphemy against the Spirit. Rather than summarize the many points of view, please allow me to give my own best understanding of what Jesus had in mind when he mentioned blaspheming against the Spirit. A general […]

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