Question: My teacher at my university claims that Daniel was written in 165BCE. [editor’s note: probably the professor meant that it was written after 164 BC when the events surrounding Antiochus Epiphanes occurred]  He says that it was written with the Babylonian setting to make it look like it was prophesying the future. He also […]

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Comment: I’ve been reading your book “Daniel: A Prophet to the Nations” and I’ve been very inspired and overwhelmed by the very specific prophecies. I’m thankful for how God is using you to reveal his word to others. So suffice it to say, while I have a problem with your response to Daniel 11:36-45 my […]

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Question: I read in a question at the web site concerning the prophecies of Daniel 11 in which you said that the Kingdom of the North which were the Seleucids become later identified as the Romans. Why is it that this change seems random as if to accommodate for the fact that Antiochus IV did […]

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Editor’s note:  This is a series of about ten questions.  For ease of following the arguments, I will intersperse my answers between the questions. Question: I stumbled upon a website known as “RationalWiki” which lists supposed unfulfilled prophecies of the Bible which deeply trouble me in my understanding of the Bible. The most difficult of […]

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Question: I am writing to ask you a quick question: a Christian friend of mine shared his conviction that Daniel was not truly written  by Daniel, but was written some time in the second century BC.  I would like to know what are the arguments for and against this view, and the same for the […]

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Question: We have met in Berlin.  This is a topic that seems to have stuck with me since being a teenager (I am 34 now) and I would be very glad if I could have some exchange with you on this.  To equate the first three empires of Daniel 2 as Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece is beyond […]

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Question: I am re-reading your awesome book: “Daniel, Prophet to the Nations”. I am using this to study with a pre-millennial believer to show the kingdom came “in the days of those kings”. (2:44)  As you may already guess, the going is slow. But the argument should be easy if we get through Daniel…  The […]

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QUESTION: Hi Dr J.  I have just clipped your interpretations of the four parts of the great statue in Daniel for my study: nice summary. But I have been struggling with the origin of the two beasts in Rev 13:1,11. Antichrist-beast comes from the sea – apparently the disorganised nations (whatever they are); but what […]

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Comment: I’ve been reading your book on Daniel [editor’s note: Daniel Prophet to the Nations]  with considerable interest and coming across your note on 11v37 regarding “the one desired by women” wanted to put a consideration that this might refer to the fact that the Roman Emperors (mere men “the one desired by women”) […]

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Question: I am deeply grateful for your research and teaching for brothers and sisters in the faith. Your web-site and publications have been so helpful, insightful and informative. I have been a Christian for over 21 years now, and your works, and those of other teachers, have proven helpful as tools to help deepen my […]

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Questions: I was listening to a Rabbi debate with a Christian and wanted to ask you about some of the points that the Rabbi made that the Christian didn’t respond to, if i may. 1. Christians had to “make up” the second coming of the Messiah to harmonize why Jesus did not restore peace in […]

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Question: I wanted to ask you a question in regards to the book of Daniel.  The LXX [editor’s note: this is the Septuagint Greek version] version of the book of Daniel has three additional passages, “The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children, the stories of Susannah and the Elders and Bel […]

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Questoin: I’m studying the book of Isaiah. When you look at the historical background of Isaiah, there are non-Messianic prophecies that were fulfilled, as the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions of Israel and Judah. Could you please write about these? Response: I have written some about prophecies in the Old Testament fulfilled before New Testament times already in my […]

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QUESTION: A few sections of Ezra (4:8-6:18;7:12-26) and Daniel (2:4b-7:28) are written in Aramaic. From some of the research that I have read I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s most likely “Official Aramaic”, however I can’t seem to find a good reason why the author would write in Aramaic and Hebrew. I was wondering […]

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QUESTION: Is there any evidence aganst the idea that Daniel 7:1-12:13( the section of daniel that is written in the first person) was not a part of the original book of daniel,but was written dering the maccabean wars and then added to the original text( the section of daniel that is written in the third […]

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QUESTION: I have a question about this article In paragraph 7 of the section called religious forgeries the writer writes “We read in the Book of Daniel that God’s angels ordered the venerable prophet Daniel to “shut up” and “seal” his book (Daniel 8:26; 12:4,9). Perhaps the author meant us to understand that Daniel […]

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Question: I noticed you discussed some Baha’i prophecies on your web site.   I noticed some sites produced by some Christians that you might be interested to look at:        They all seem to start with the year 457 BC as the starting year of the prophecy and they also mention the year 1844 […]

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Question: I am referring to one of the powerpoint presentations at the web site (Reflections on the Passion of Christ).  It indicates that the decree of Artaxerxes (Ezra Chapter 7) was issued around 458 BC. I am impressed with the overall insight into the prophecy (Daniel Chp 9).  However, how did you reach the conclusion that […]

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Question: Is there any evidence against the theory that the book of Daniel was written by two people or multiple people? Also I assume that you know about the discovery of Daniel’s three friends in a list of Babylonian officials.  I was wondering why Daniel’s name was not found in the list of Babylonian officials, […]

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Question: Since the rock in Daniel 2:34 struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay (insted of its legs of iron) doesn’t that mean that God’s kingdom (the church) would be set up when the Roman Empire was divided? If the church was setup around 29-33 A.D shouldn’t the rock hit the legs of iron […]

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Question: I have a friend who claims that there are biblical prophecies within both the Old and New Testament that have not come to pass as of yet. Though I am aware that not all biblical prophecy hasn’t been fulfilled, what are the basic rules for interpreting it? Should we focus on how Jesus had, […]

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Question: I am stuck on Daniel 7:26-28. It seems to say that after the defeat of Domitian that Jesus sets up his dominion on earth and that the dominion would be everlasting and that the saints would possese the kingdom. But Jesus never came it 96 A.D? Answer: The Kingdom which Jesus established is the […]

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Question: Who is the person that invades all those countries in Dan 11:40-45? Is this event still in the future because the Angel says ‘and at that time’ and then talks about the waking of the dead to everlasting life or shame? Answer: I answer this in my book "Daniel, Prophet to the Nations." You […]

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Question: How could Domitian subdue Galba if Galba was killed by Otho amd how could Domitian subdue Otho if Otho killed himself? I’m confused. Answer: I am not sure where you are getting your information. However, I assume you have read material critical of the prophecy in Daniel 7. This is the prophecy which predicted […]

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Question: Are there any other low probability prophecies in the Bible besides the ones in Daniel? Answer: Yes, there are many. You can find a number of these, either by using my book Reasons For Belief or From Shadow to Reality. Both are available at     There is also an outline at the web site […]

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Question: What are the ten horns/kings that came out of the fourth beast in Daniel 7:8? Answer: The ten horns in Daniel 7:7 are the first ten kings/emperors of Rome. I know this because the angel interpreted the vision for Daniel in Daniel 7:23-24. "The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, […]

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Question: Talking with Jehovah’s Witness always gets confusing. My question is in Daniel when he says that Michael the Archangel will lead the people, how do I explain to my aunt and cousins that Jesus is NOT Michael and is fully God and fully man even though they interpret most angel verses in the Bible as Jesus […]

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Question: Does the Baha’i faith claim to have fulfilled prophecies? Answer: Yes, it does. The Baha’i faith began in the mid-nineteenth century, started by a Persian man by the name of Baha-ulla (actual name Mirza Hussein Ali). His work was preceded by a John the Baptist-like figure the Bab, who was also Persian. This religion […]

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Question: I was watching a show on T.V. and the "experts" were arguing that the Christians borrowed their concept of Hell from the Greeks concept of Hades.  According to these individuals, Hades has different levels and the last level is where individuals are punished eternally by fire and other ways similar to the way explained […]

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Question: In the beginning of Rev 11 the author seems to be referring to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, so that would date the book 3 years before 70AD.  Do we know who these two prophets are?  Their ending is very dramatic, and would imagine if this has happened we would know who […]

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Question: How can historians be sure about specific years in history?  For example, how did you find the decree of Artaxerxes (the king to issue first instruction to rebuild Jerusalem) to have taken place in 458 BC specifically?  I don’t think the Bible mentions these dates. Is there a special way or a tool for this? Answer: There are some […]

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Question:  I have a friend who believes that Daniel 11 gets Antiochus’ death incorrect. Is this true? I tend to believe he is wrong however I don’t know the history all that well.  Here is what he gave me  The second paragraph speaks about details of his death and how they do no match up with what […]

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Question: I read "Daniel, Prophet to the Nations" recently and was quite awestruck by the prophesies!  I’ve been reading online that the Christian persecution under Domitian was historically uncertain and debated. Although the early church fathers routinely mention Domitian, the persecution is seemingly absent from the writings of Tacitus and Suetonius (and other Roman historians).  […]

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Question: Daniel chapter two talks about the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. I understand the statue as the timeline of the world empires and through the establishment of Gods Kingdom. What empires did those parts of the statue represent, and what was the historical time frame of those empires? Answer; The four  kingdoms prophesied by the […]

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 Note;  Each of four questions is followed by an answer, so there are four separate Q & As below.  Question #1:  I noticed on your power point concerning prophesy that when talking about Daniel’s vision of four beasts you referred to ancient kingdoms I thought this vision referred to the end times or does it have a […]

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Question:  As I review the Questions & Answers section, I find it interesting that you DISAGREE with eschatologists (you call "futurists"), who believe teach that the 7 WEEKS of troubled times in Daniel 9 actually represents the 7 YEARS of the Tribulation.  Yet you think it valid to claim that a "DAY" in Genesis 1 […]

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Question:  And another question about Daniel. I’ve calculated the date to 31-32 A.D. and other scholars do that as well, but wasn’t Jesus born like 6 or 7 B.C ? If he only lived 33 years, that would make him riding into Jerusalem at 27 A.D. Isn’t that date incorrect then? Answer:   You need to get […]

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Question: Is there going to be one supreme Antichrist who is above the previous ones? Many futurists have been linking the 70 weeks of Daniel into a 7 year period of Tribulation where the antichrist shall rise up and claim the world. Is there any validity to this theory? Answer: No, there is no validity […]

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Question:  Are there any specific prophecies that have been fulfilled? Many skeptics claim that prophecies are too broad to be reliable. Answer: The answere is a resounding yes.  You will find a wealth of information on this topic in three of the books I have published.  The three are Reasons for Belief,  Daniel, Prophet to […]

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Question:  What proofs are used to show the book of Daniel was written in the 600s and what evidence is used to prove a later composition, around the time of Antiochus Epi arephanes? Answer: There is no evidence to support the idea that Daniel was written in the 600s, as Daniel died in about 535 BC.  […]

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Editor’s note: Since this article was written, a new paper which appears to identify Darius the Mede as Cyaxares II the Mede has been published. This appears to more or less settle the question. We recommend you read this paper.  It is at Question: Why is it that “The Cambridge History Of Judaism” knows nothing […]

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Question: How, John, can you state so confidently that hostages were taken and that some items from the temple were taken." This clearly is what you would like to be able to establish in order to be able to clear up the conflict between  2 Kings 24:1 and Daniel 1:1. The author of Daniel transfers things that […]

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