Question: I am a Bible following Christian who follows more or less a baptist way of thinking.  Recently my husband decided to make our family Catholic and I am really struggling with “mass”. I have a few questions. Can you guide me to some scriptures that support making the sign of the cross every time […]

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[Editor’s note: this is a follow-up question from a Christian who is in debates with Muslims over the reliability of the Bible. The Gospel of Barnabas is a pseudepigraph (falsely claimed authorship) from about the sixteenth century by a Muslim person who is trying to make it appear that the Gospels are in line with […]

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Question: I don’t know how to put this question right, but I’ll give it my best shot.   Hinduism is a religion that has been around many years. It teaches a lot about morals, our duties etc. In Hinduism, basically there is only one God and because of a power or a spirit called Brahman, the […]

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Question: I live in Dubai and have a lot of great Muslim friends. Sometimes we get in discussions on who Jesus is and as you know their view of Jesus is different. They are using Bible quotes to argue that Jesus himself said that he is not God. I can argue that there are many […]

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Question: I’ve heard Muslims saying that the Qur’an is the word of God since it contains a lot of scientific miracles in the sense that it gives information about the scientific facts that were discovered after the creation of Islam. For instance, in Sura 39:6 it is mentioned that in a mother’s womb there are threefold […]

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Question: Lord Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 28:18, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”  I have 2 questions: 1- Some critics like some Unitarians say that it’s impossible that Jesus said this because the […]

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Question: 1. Do you think the Hadiths that Muslims commonly use today like Sahi al Bukhari, Al tabari etc… contain true records? Are they completely reliable? There is a sect of Muslims called the quran-only Muslims and they disagree with the Hadiths. If they are true, then we can easily prove how pathetic and cruel […]

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Question: I would like to ask about John 20 : 28.  While I was searching in Islamic websites, I found one that claimed that there are some manuscripts that don’t contain the word “the”, so the verse will mean that Thomas thought that Jesus was a god not God, like Moses.   What is your […]

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[Editor’s note: The context of the two questions below is a Christian living in the Middle East, debating about Jesus with Muslims who use Catholicism against Christianity] Question: What does the Holy Bible say about Mary? Did she marry  after Jesus’ birth?  Who are Jesus’ brothers?   And does this verse “The LORD said to me, “This […]

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Question: What are the biggest differences between Christians and Jehovah Witnesses? I know JWs don’t believe in a hell when in fact Jesus talks more about hell then he does Heaven so why don ’t they believe in a Hell? Answer:  There are a rather large number of absolutely fundamental differences between what the Bible […]

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Question: How is Christianity true when true ancient Satanism and the ancient satanic Scriptures pre-date Christianity and Jesus himself? Answer: I am afraid that your argument is a classic example of the logical fallacy of appeal to age.  This logical fallacy is that something is right or better simply because it is older.  If that […]

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Question: Firstly, thank you for making this website and authoring the book “Is there a God?” Especially for the book, I found it to be faith-strengthening as well as enriching my knowledge in “explaining” God of the Bible from a scientific perspective.  I have two questions about Qur’an and Hindu cosmology. My questions will be […]

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Question: People say that the story of Jesus’ resurrection is a copy cat from the Egyptian myth about the gods Horus and Isis. Is this claim credible? Answer: I have heard this charge many times.  It is a very common point of discussion on the internet.  At ARS we sponsored a public debate on this […]

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Question; I’m a faithful Christian.  I believe with all my heart that Jesus died for my sins and He is the way, the truth and the life. But one question has been bothering me a lot. The question is- How can we say that Christianity is the true religion if there are many other religions […]

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[Editor’s note: This question is coming from a person responding to Muslim claims that Jesus never claimed to be God] Question: I’d like to ask you 2 questions.  1 What’s your comment on the New World Translation of Zechariah 12:10  “I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem […]

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Question: Are Richard Dawkins points valid in his response against faith as the only way to morality?       [note: in this youtube video Dawkins claims that secular humanists have created a better kind of morality than religion] Answer: As usual for Richard Dawkins, he resorts to pure rhetoric and chooses to simply […]

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[Editor’s note: This question is coming from a believer who lives in the Middle East and is clearly receiving a lot of attacking questions from his Muslim friends.  They are using rhetoric, false dilemmas and other logical fallacies to try to prove that the Bible is corrupt.  This will explain why I get a bit […]

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Question: Before Jesus’ birth at ~7-2 BCE, there were thousands of different religions around the world from the those of the Native Americans to thoses of the Africans and of course, those of the Far East. 1. Why do they exist? 2. Why did God choose the Jewish people? 3. What could make Christianity true […]

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Question: These are the questions I have in mind.   They stem from a discussion I had with a friend of mine who likes Christianity (especially Bart Ehrman and the Gnostic Gospels) [editor’s note: we are not sure what the questioner means by this comment] but rejects the idea that Jesus was resurrected because: a […]

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Question: Where does the gnostic belief that the Old Testament God is the Demiurge and not the true creator come from?  Also, where did the belief in archons tricking people into being reincarnated at death come from?  I’ve been reading some material about this and it has troubled me.  What is the evidence against these […]

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Question: Can you compare the concept of forgiveness and cleansing of sins in Christianity, Hinduism and Islam? Answer: This is a very important question.  The concenpt of sin and of forgiveness is quite different in the three religions. Islam and Christianity are closer to one another, but still different in very important ways.  Hinduism is […]

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Question: How do you explain the similarities between the Egyptian god Horus and Jesus. Horus suffered the same tribulations. It could be said that the jesus story was plagiarized. Answer: Apparently you have been reading the claim that the Christian Jesus is a myth, borrowed from various Greek, Egyptian or Persian gods.   This well-worn claim […]

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Question: I thank you for taking your time out of the day to answer questions that I have. I am learning about Islam and while researching I came across an article about the prophesying of Muhammad in the New Testament. This was just one of the examples presented:   John 14:16  “And I will pray the […]

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Question: Recently I saw the documentary by National Geographic narrated by Morgan Freeman called the Story of God,where he says the God worshipped by the Christians and the Muslims is the same. I know this is not true.Can you explain briefly the major differences? Answer: It is debatable whether Muslims worship the same God as […]

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Editor’s note:  This is actually a series of questions and answers. Question: I came across this statement in Sura III in the Quran, but I cannot find the exact scripture. “Jesus was of virgin birth, And performed many miracles. But those to whom he came as Prophet rejected him, and plotted his death. Their plots […]

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Question: I live in India where 80% are Hindus and believe in reincarnation. I don’t believe in it but yesterday I checked out a website that has testimonies regarding Near to Death experiences. Some of them have seen Jesus after their death and he told them either to go back or reincarnate to a new […]

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Question: Are you famliar with a church called “The Way?”  I looked them up online…   I have a friend coming to my church who grew up as part of The Way church – her parents were in the ministry.  As I understand it, The Way does not believe in the trinity. They believe Jesus is not God… […]

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Question: I recently received an email response from the Muslim: Khalid Choudhary.  Here is what he said to me: We do have the original manuscripts of the Quran. Our Prophet’s companions gave those manuscripts a book form. Since we have only one Quran all over the world, that’s enough proof in itself of the original […]

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Question: What is Freemasonry and what should the Christian response to this organization be? Answer: To some, Free-Masonry is a Satan-inspired conspiratorial organization of secret anti-government, anti-Christian men, and to others it is a fraternal social organization very similar to the Elks and the Lion’s club.  The truth lies somewhere in between, but for the […]

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Question: One philisophical principle is that in a set of hypotheses, the one with less assumptions should be validated.  Most of my friends think that materialism is the worldview with the least assumptions since it only requires that we assume the physical world can be perceived, measured and understood by our human senses.  These materialist friends say […]

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Question: I am trying to share the Gospel message to a Muslim, and I need help in responding to his email. Here is his response:  [Editor’s note: Because there are so many questions here, the answers are interspersed among the different questions.  The questions are in italics.  J. O.] God created human being, showed them […]

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Question: I am reading your book on Mormonism [editor’s note: available at] and I came across the section about Mormon belief and one of the beliefs was baptism for the dead.  Do they take this from the 1 Corinthian 15:29 verse? What does the verse mean? Answer: Mormons do not get baptism for the […]

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Question: Someone asked me “With all other religions in circulation why do you feel that only Christianity is the way?” How can you prove that it is the only way? I couldn’t prove this with scripture because this was a man who didn’t believe in scripture. So I ask how can a young man show […]

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Question: I would like your perspective on the Hebrew Israelite faith (African Americans claiming Hebrew decent, specifically from the tribe of Judah). I will continue to dig deeper in my research, but was curious about your perspective, and how you would deal with someone like that.  Thanks! Answer: I am not sure I understand the […]

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Question: Thank you sir for answering my many questions.   My Hindu friend insists that the Bhagavad Gita is the best book ever, and gives so many answers to the questions of life.  Can you give me an answer as to why this book doesn’t solve the problem of the sin of mankind?  Also, are there […]

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Question: My question is on this passage:  “For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by […]

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Question: How does the view on suffering in Christianity differ from other religions?   Does Christianity have a better answer? Answer: A great question.  Before I describe the different worldviews and their view of suffering, let me note that individuals may not act according to the worldview that they appear to believe in.  Although atheists, […]

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Question: I’ve been listening the audios of the Evidence for Jesus classes.  Thank you very much for them. But I have a doubt about the claims of Jesus in John 10. Verses 34 to 36 are rather confusing for me. It says:     34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, […]

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Question: Hello, can you respond to R.G. Price’s articles about the origins of Christianity, especially this one? Response: We at ARS sponsored a debate with Robert Price, so we are extremely well aware of his position.   I have spoken to him personally.   Let me do this.   You should get a hold of a copy of […]

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Question: I have a question regarding the disputed texts in the Bible i.e. the Adultery Pericope, the extended ending of Mark 16 and the Comma Johanneum. I’ve encountered some Muslims who try using these disputed texts in the Bible to prove that the Bible has been corrupted. While I’m aware that there is overwhelming consensus […]

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Question: I’ve been discussing different god and the bible with an atheist friend of mine and there were two points which I felt really unsure of. 1. The first was the problem of suffering; I explained the idea that creation was corrupted at the fall of man, but he pointed out that this in no […]

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