In the Transfiguration, (Mt 17:3) Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus. Where had they been all the while? They weren’t in heaven right? Jesus said no one had been to heaven except Himself (Jn 3:13). Then where were they?? Also what exactly happened in the passage given below? I mean aren’t the dead to rise […]

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I’ve heard a lot of people say that Islam is a religion of war instead of peace, because of Mohammed’s actions, history, references in the Koran, the terrorists etc. But the God of the Bible murdered and let his people slaughter many peoples who were not living by his standards. How can I explain that […]

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What is the difference between the Hebrew name Yeshua, Yahweh and God, Jesus? The bible says that it is through his name that we are saved. Then why do we call him Jesus instead of his Hebrew name, Yeshua? First, let me be humble and confess that I am absolutely not an expert in either […]

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How does Christianity explain the different races? And what about the fact that early humans were shorter on average? My friends say that we have evolved to grow taller. Is this true? To put it simply, the Bible does not explain the different races. The difference between the races has to do with genetic material […]

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In the Old Testament, God is often given animal sacrifices 1) What is their significance ? 2) Why is not it being practiced in Christian churches today? Answer: The signigicance of the OT sacrifices depends on which sacrifice you are talking about. There were the; 1. Sin Offering. Atonement for a personal willful sin. (Lev […]

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God tells us to be merciful and loving to our enemies (Ex 23:4-5, Mt 5:43-48, Lk 6:27-35). But God on the other hand will send his enemies to hell for eternity (Lk 16:19-26, 9:43-48, Jude7, Rev 20:14-15). To state the same point differently, in the Old Testament we are taught justice in an eye for […]

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Miracle of Science or Perspective of the observer; Did the sun stand still? God is a God of order, yet he performs miracles outside of the natural laws that govern our world. From a scientific perspective, even a miracle would not allow the sun to suddenly simply stop in the sky. That would mean that […]

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Could the characters “Cain and Abel” and “Jacob and Esau?” be perhaps symbolic or representative of a species, not actual individuals? Or be real individuals that have symbolic meaning for different species that have existed in the past? Personally, I would hold out that Cain and Abel (and Adam and Eve for that matter) were […]

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I would like to know difference between choice and fate in our Christian walk. Starting from Adam to Judas. This is certainly one of the most significant theological/doctrinal debates in the history of Christianity?indeed in all religions. Given that God is all-knowing and all-powerful, and given that he exists outside of time, it seems logical […]

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“Could you clarify how ancient races outside the Middle East had the opportunity to learn about God? E.g., what about the 40,000+ year-old aboriginal culture of Australia, Pacific islanders, or the Aztecs?” ? Several inquirers Without the scriptures or the Hebrew prophets (who addressed a number of Middle Eastern nations), the gentiles had the opportunity […]

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