Robert Carrillo and Dr. John Oakes taught a six week class on the writings of John.  The class was on Saturdays 10/6,13,27, 11/4,11 and 1/26/2013 at the Mission Center of Hope 6162 Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, CA 92120.  For more information, contact Jan Oakes at or 858-505-8841.  Schedule and recommended reading below.  Recordings are now in the EFC store.

Gospel of John PPT   Book of John Notes

Rather than having a single recommended book, we are suggesting that students acquire or borrow any commentary on the Book of John they can find.


Week I  Uniqueness of John:   Robert
Week 2  a. Christology:  I AM statements   John
              b. Prologue and Christology Robert
Week 3  a. Miracles  John
              b. Claims of Jesus   John
Week 4  a. Dualism and Irony   Robert
              b. Interviews/dialogues  Robert
Week 5  a. Journey to the Cross  Robert?
              b. Begin passion narrative (approx John 13-15)  John
Week 6  Complete passion narragive (John 16-19)  Robert and John

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