[Editor’s note: This question is more personal than we normally post, but the person raises important questions so we are posting it, hoping that noone will be offended] Question: My question is why did you say that the Holy Catholic Church is “corrupt?” How is the Church, who brought the Holy Bible to the world, “corrupt?  The […]

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Question: Is thinking a physical process, or is it spiritual? Answer: I believe that the answer is that thinking is both physical and “spiritual.” One thing we can be sure of is that thinking is a physical process.  This has been shown by experiment and our experience agrees with experiment.  MRI (magnetic resonsance imaging) experiments […]

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Question: I have recently moved from a church that taught things like tattoos are wrong, celebrating Halloween is wrong, kids dressing up in costumes (even unrelated to Halloween, and even if little girls dress up as princesses while having a tea party in her room) is wrong. I’m trying to reconcile some of the things […]

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Question: Protestants such as myself use the Masoretic Text for the translation of our Bibles. However, the Eastern Orthodox Church uses the Septuagint, a Greek translation we get primarily from the three large codices: Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, and Alexandrinus. How can I explain to someone why the Septuagint is good, but has problems (aside from the […]

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Dr. John Oakes is taught a five week series on The Reliability and Inspiration of the Bible on Saturdays in October, 2016. Class Outline is below.  Notes, PPT and audio are attached.    Reliability and Inspiration Notes     Reliability and Inspiration PPT    Reliability and Insp Audio I     Reliability and Insp Audio II    Reliability and Insp Audio III  […]

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Question: I am glad to be emailing you again on biblical matters.  I found our conversations quite insightful.   I wanted to ask you a question about the cause of disabilities per Exodus 4:11 and John 9:3 (about Jesus healing the man born blind).  Some translations render the text in John as “this happened so that the works […]

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Dr. Jack Cotrell gave a ten-hour class on the Meaning of Baptism for the Apologetics Research Society in Los Angeles September, 2016.  Outline and audio are attached.    Meaning of Baptism Syllabus    Meaning of Baptism Audio Part 1    Meaning of Baptism Audio Part 2   Meaning of Baptism Part 3 Audio   Meaning of Baptism Audio Part...

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Question: I’ve searched your site regarding marijuana use, and have found a few articles. However, they are a bit dated, and I’m wondering if you have any updated information given its current legal status in some states – and pending legal status in California.   My husband and I lead a group where two women smoke […]

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Question: I watched a recent debate (online) between Theist Dr William lane Craig and cosmologist Lawrence Krauss.  Krauss’s favorite example seems to be the divine command in the Old Testament for the Israelites to exterminate the Canaanite men, women and children (Deuteronomy 20:7). I would say Krauss and most other atheists use this brilliantly to […]

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Question: I was reading on your website an article about Nimrod and any evidence for Nimrod. I would like to take it a step farther. What if Sargon of Akkad was actually Moses?  What if the Enuma Elish which talks about Apsu the fresh pure water god and Tiamat who was the bitter salty water […]

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Question: Before Jesus’ birth at ~7-2 BCE, there were thousands of different religions around the world from the those of the Native Americans to thoses of the Africans and of course, those of the Far East. 1. Why do they exist? 2. Why did God choose the Jewish people? 3. What could make Christianity true […]

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Question: Paul said in Romans chapter 7 that he wanted to do the right thing and yet he continued to do the wrong thing, even though  he knew is bad for him,  I feel torn between being a saint and a sinner…  I do not understand why God has planned it that way especially when […]

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Question: It is becoming a more and more accepted theory that humans have no ability to truly make “willful decisions.” Under this assumption, how can one come to salvation? Wouldn’t this render John 3:16 useless, because we cannot choose to believe in God?  I understand the argument that this just points to predestination, but as […]

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Question: As we know God is infinite and eternal. Could there be several infinite and eternal Gods? Many thanks Answer: In principle, if we knew nothing about reality, and were simply asking the most basic question about how to explain the universe, I suppose if one were starting from scratch, with no assumptions, one could not […]

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Question: In Luke 3:3 it talks about John the Baptist preaching a baptism for the forgiveness of sins but Hebrews 9:22 mentions that the shedding of blood is needed for forgiveness of sins. How was the forgiveness of sins available for John’s baptisms without Jesus dying yet?  Thanks! Any input would be appreciated. Answer: A […]

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Question: One philisophical principle is that in a set of hypotheses, the one with less assumptions should be validated.  Most of my friends think that materialism is the worldview with the least assumptions since it only requires that we assume the physical world can be perceived, measured and understood by our human senses.  These materialist friends say […]

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Question: Read your excellent answers to Dan.9:27… What do you think about interjecting Luke 4:18-21 as first half (Yeshua’s ministry being first half of 9:27 while all things being put under His feet during completion of Eph.4:13 during Great Tribulation Period second half of week… The adoption process of Romans 8:18-23 coming into the mind,will,and purpose […]

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John Oakes is preaching a sermon today as part of a series on “Passing the Torch”. The theme is God sending the Messiah to save mankind. Notes are here.  The PPT and audio will be posted later.    Solomon Passing the Torch Notes    Solomon Building God’s Temple Audio    Solomon Bible Talk      Solomon Building the […]

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Question: Hello, thank you for your ministry. I have a question on when Jesus was called Messiah and when Simon was first called Peter. In John 1:41, Andrew tells Peter that Jesus is the Christ, but in Matthew 16:16-17, Peter declares that Jesus is the Christ and Jesus says flesh and blood did not reveal […]

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Question: I’ve been a Christian for almost 4 years and I’m 19. Recently I have been having some doubts that I don’t want to have anymore and I really want to solve them…. I know that God is not forcing us to know him and have a relationship with him, and obey him…He has given us […]

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Question: Is it plausible that John and the author of Revelation (presumably John) is praising Ephesus for their rejection of Paul as a false apostle in Rev. 2:2 with regard to Acts 19:8-9 and 23, 2 Tim. 1:15, and Eph. 1:1, and again in 1 John 2:18 as described in Acts 21:18-26 from a purely […]

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Question: Is it fair to say that a substantial portion of James’ letter is a rebuke of Paul and his followers?  As you know, Acts 15 describes a significant break between James’ leadership (likely including Peter, John, Mark, and Barnabas) and Paul’s doctrinal and dogmatic leadership as background for the letter; James 2:14-25 seems to […]

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Question: I have a question for you that sparked while going through one of the lessons in the ARS Apologetics Certificate Program. In terms of suffering – I understand most of the arguments/material in terms of our sin, humans causing suffering, humans choosing to suffer, Joy existing because of suffering, etc; however, there is one thing […]

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Question: Hey Dr. Oakes, I’ve got a friend that is trying to communicate with me about Oneness Theology as opposed to the doctrine of the Trinity. Even as he was attempting to explain it to me, I am having a difficult time understanding the differences. What is the difference between the two? What do you […]

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Question: How do you counter something like this? – http://allpowertothelamb.com/2016/04/reconciling-isaiah/#comment-16126 Answer: First of all, let me quote the passage discussed at this web site, Isaiah 65:20.  I am using the NIV, rather than the KJV which is an archaic translation (although the meaning is almost identical). “Never again will there be in it [presumably the […]

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Question: I have several questions I hope you may help with: -Does Jesus not fall under the Curse of Jeconiah in Jer. 22:30, 36:30 in which none of Jeconiah’s descendants (Matt.1:11 states Jesus is a descendant) shall sit on the throne of David nor rule in Judah? -Did Paul violate Deuteronomy 23:16 and Jer. 34:13-17 when […]

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Dr. John enseno una clase para la conferencia Transformacion en Monterrey 7/30/16.  Ese clase estaba para los universitarios.  Ese cubre los criticismos de los que no creen en Dios o la Biblia.  Especialmente la leccions enfoque en la sciencia y la Biblia.   Las flechas del Maligno PPT    Las Flechas del Maligno Audio   El audio es […]

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Question: I’m a bit confused about what this scripture means by saying that “women will be saved through childbearing” does this assume that women who haven’t had children aren’t saved? I know that can’t be right I just can’t think of another interpretation. “But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and […]

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Questions: I was confronted with these questions. Did Paul teach that the law was over by Jesus’ sacrifice? Also, when will the ten tribes come back to Israel? Answers: Not sure if I would say it exactly that way:  “the Law was over by Jesus’ sacrifice.”  What Paul did say is, “When you were dead […]

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Dr. John Oakes gave a lesson for the Seattle Church of Christ titled “What is Truth?”  The lesson discusses the Christian and other Worldviews and how to explain Christianity to those who have a different world view.  This lesson has been posted before, but the PPT has been updated extensively.  What Is Truth PPT    What is […]

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Question: These are the questions I have in mind.   They stem from a discussion I had with a friend of mine who likes Christianity (especially Bart Ehrman and the Gnostic Gospels) [editor’s note: we are not sure what the questioner means by this comment] but rejects the idea that Jesus was resurrected because: a […]

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