Apologetics on Campus VI
Dr. John Oakes did a twelve hour introduction to Apologetics class for campus Bible group leaders in Columbia, Missouri Jan, 2014. Part VI is on Science and God. Apologetics on Campus VI...
Dr. John Oakes did a twelve hour introduction to Apologetics class for campus Bible group leaders in Columbia, Missouri Jan, 2014. Part VI is on Science and God. Apologetics on Campus VI...
Dr. John Oakes did a twelve hour introduction to Apologetics class for campus Bible group leaders in Columbia, Missouri Jan, 2014. Part V is on Science and the Bible. Apologetics on Campus V...
Dr. John Oakes did a twelve hour introduction to Apologetics class for campus Bible group leaders in Columbia, Missouri Jan, 2014. Part IV is on the text of the Old and New Testament and supposed inconsistencies. Apologetics on Campus IV...
Dr. John Oakes did a twelve hour introduction to Apologetics class for campus Bible group leaders in Columbia, Missouri Jan, 2014. Part III is on miracles and the resurrection. Apologetics on Campus III...
Dr. John Oakes did a twelve hour introduction to Apologetics class for campus Bible group leaders in Columbia, Missouri Jan, 2014. Part II covers the reliability of the Bible. Apologetics on Campus II...
Dr. John Oakes did a twelve hour introduction to Apologetics class for campus Bible group leaders in Columbia, Missouri Jan, 2014. This is part I, which covers the existence of God. Apologetics on Campus Part I...
Dr. John Oakes is teaching a two-part introduction to the Old Testament for young Christians in San Diego May 17 and 24, 2015. The first class serves as a general intro to the Old Testament–divisions, themes, etc. It is also a general intro to the Book of Genesis, focusing in on the Christian World View...
Dr. John Oakes will be doing a series of presentations at the University of Connecticut for the campus ministry of the Storrs Church of Christ. Friday night will be a public lecture on Science and God. The Sunday event is TBA. For information contact Max Weber at 706-255-3330.
This is a class taught by Dr. John Oakes in which he proposes that the Christian World View is the only one which leads to a kind of ethics which makes sense. The world views of modernism and of postmodernism are particularly compared to the biblical world view, but the world views of Islam...
This is an evangelistic lesson taught by Dr. John Oakes in which he both responds to the claims of authors such as Robert Jesus: Man, Myth or Messiah?...
This is part I of a class on Matthew by Dr. John Oakes and Robert Carrillo taught in San Diego May-Aug, 2015. This is the intro to the book, covering principally Matthew’s use of prophecies, prefigures and foreshadows–Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets. Mathew Audio Part I Matthew PPT The Book of Matthew Notes...
This class on the Gospel of Matthew is being taught by Dr. John Oakes and Robert Carrillo in San Diego May-Aug, 2015. The first class is by John Oakes and is an introduction to the Book of Matthew, with emphasis on Matthew’s use of historical prophecies, prefigures and foreshadows to show that Jesus fulfills the […]
This sermon was given by Dr. John Oakes. It covers the prophecies that Matthew tells us Jesus fulfilled and, more particularly, what they tell us about Jesus. It also looks at other ways that Jesus fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17) Prophecies in Matthew Audio Matthew Prophecy Sermon Notes Matthew Prophecy Sermon PPT...
Question: About eating blood, I recently read an answer by you on whether it is wrong to eat blood (Acts 15:28-29). You said that it is not wrong, but I found some of your answer to be very confusing. You have said that “it is not sinful for a Christian to eat blood” From what […]
Question: I’m doing a paper on Isaiah. Do you believe it is written by one author, two, or more…? Answer: Many scholars claim that the prophet Isaiah wrote Isaiah 1-39 and that another author influenced by Isaiah wrote “deuteroisaiah” which would be Ch 40-66. They base this claim on supposed and sudden differences in subject, […]
This lesson is about the Christian response to the problem of pain and suffering (as well as the problem of evil) given by Dr. John Oakes in Davao, Philippines in 2008. Why is there suffering? Is it because God does not care or because he is powerless to stop it? The class also proposes the...
This class was taught by Dr. John Oakes in Detroit, Michigan in 2010. It is analysis of the book of Genesis as theology. Dr. Oakes explains how the Christian world view is especially brought out in the first book of the Bible, and makes some comparisons to other world views, showing how the biblical...
[Editor’s Note: I recently answered a question about R. G. Price but, not knowing his middle name, thought the question was about a different critic of Christianity named Robert Price. Interestingly, the positions of the Robert Price and of R. G. Price are actually fairly similar. Nevertheless, I am a bit embarrassed and apologize […]
Dr. John Oakes is teaching a five part series on the Book of Luke in San Diego in March and April. We will be posting the outline, power point and audio as the classes are taught. Luke Notes Luke PPT Luke SD Part I Audio Luke SD Audio Part II Luke SD Audio Part III […]
Question: How could Jacob defeat an angel of the lord in his wrestling match? Did God make the angel powerless? And why did the angel ask Jacob to leave him as sun was rising? Why did he even need permission? Answer: I am afraid that there are certain things in the scriptures for which […]
Question: In discussing creation with a friend, we focused our discussion on the fact that the oceans are salty. According to science, where did the salt come from? When earth was first created, was the water that originally covered the earth fresh? Could salty oceans be a result of “the fall” (making the largest source […]
Dr. John Oakes is teaching a class on the evidence which supports belief in the biblical Jesus at the Mission Center of Hope in San Diego Saturdays 9:00-10:30. Your are invited to attend, but the power point, outline and audios will be posted here. Evidence for Jesus Notes Evidence for Jesus PPT […]
Question: Is it possible that your standard Jewish citizen of Roman Judea would have had foreknowledge of the Old Testament Prophecies and planned to have fulfilled them with an intent. Would Jesus have done such a thing to manipulate the prophecies purposely in order to convince his followers and enemies that he was indeed the […]
Question: What proof is there that the Bible is true? Answer: To tell you the truth, this is a rather broad question. My first answer is please just start looking around the web site. We have more than 2500 articles, each of which is intended to answer your question! But you asked, so […]
Question: I am studying with someone who believes that we are saved by faith alone, and that baptism is just an outward sign to people but he does not see it as a saving act. What would be some scriptures that make clear that baptism is essential for salvation, and what do you think would […]
Question: Hello, can you respond to R.G. Price’s articles about the origins of Christianity, especially this one?http://www.rationalrevolution.net/articles/fictional_jesus.htm Response: We at ARS sponsored a debate with Robert Price, so we are extremely well aware of his position. I have spoken to him personally. Let me do this. You should get a hold of a copy of […]
Question: I have a question about Psalm 51:5. In this passage David says “Surely I was sinful at birth, from the time my mother conceived me.” This scripture was used by a friend as an argument for infant baptism. He claimed that babies do have sin because David said so in this passage. God says […]
Question: I read in a question at the web site concerning the prophecies of Daniel 11 in which you said that the Kingdom of the North which were the Seleucids become later identified as the Romans. Why is it that this change seems random as if to accommodate for the fact that Antiochus IV did […]
Question: I believe that a Christian can lose their salvation. However, I hit a metaphorical stone wall when I read Romans 11:29. “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Salvation is referred to as a gift in the New Testament, so where do I go from here? Answer: From the tone of […]
Question: What does the Bible say happens to Homosexuals? Answer: The exact same thing happens to homosexuals as heterosexuals. All are sinners, and all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). All must put their faith in Jesus, repent and be baptized in order to be forgiven of their sins. Homosexuals are no […]
Claim: The story of Jesus is said to be taken from a man named Heru from Egypt, said to be African and born of a virgin. Heru is supposed to be a story before Jesus. Who is Heru? Response: The claim you heard falls into a category of claims that the story of Jesus is […]
Question: In your post from April 5th, you state “Biblically, the only way we receive the indwelling Holy Spirit is at baptism (Acts 2:38). ” From Acts 10 it appears that salvation (receiving the Holy Spirit) comes before baptism (Acts 10:47), What is you response to this event? In full disclosure, I hold to the […]
Question: The idea has been brought to my attention in a Bible study that sin does not only inflict spiritual death but physical death as well. Possible biblical support for this is that when God curses Adam and Eve for disobeying, He mentions that “from dust we came and to dust we will return.” However […]
This is a practical and biblical class on parenting teens for Christians taught by Dr. John Oakes in Dubai, UAE in July, 2013. John does not claim to be an expert in this area, but we hope the advice, based on much experience, will be helpful. Parenting Teens Dubai...
This is a public lecture on God and Science given in Beirut, Lebanon by Dr. John Oakes in June, 2013 God and Science Arabic...
This lesson was given by Dr. John Oakes in Amman, Jordan in 2013. It is in English with Arabic translation. From Shadow to Reality Arabic...
This is a lecture on the Book of Daniel by Dr. John Oakes given in Amman, Jordan in 2013, with translation into Arabic. Daniel Arabic...
This is a Q & A session from the 2011 International Christian Evidence Conference on the Queen Mary in 2011. The panel included John Clayton, Dr. Douglas Jacoby and Dr. John Oakes Paranormal Forum...
This is the final lesson of the 2011 International Christian Evidence Conference on the Queen Mary, June, 2011. This lesson is given by Dr. Douglas Jacoby. Here he discusses the evidence for the reality of heaven, hell, hauntings and much more. Heaven, Hell, Hauntings and more...
These are a number of personal testimonials of what can be thought of as paranormal activities such as demon possession and ghosts. The testimonials are mainly given by evangelists and teachers. Testimonials of the Paranormal I Testimonials of the Paranormal...
This class was given by Dr. John Oakes at the 2011 ICEC on the Queen Mary. John suggests that we should be skeptical of all paranormal claims, but we should also be skeptical about hyperskepticism. He attempts to measure different categories of the paranormal and propose what a combined biblical and scientific perspective make...
This class was taught by John Clayton at the 2011 International Christian Evidence Conference on the Queen Mary. John gives a scietific explanation for much of what is considered the paranormal, including supposed ghost encounters, UFOs and much more. He argues for a skeptical approach to all such claims. John has personally been involved in...
This fascinating class was given by Coco Stanback at the 2011 International Christian Evidence Conference on the Queen Mary June, 2011. The class proposes that many of what people percieve as paranormal experience are easily explained by psychology. She does not propose that this explains all phenomena, but suggests that we should always consider...
This class by Dr. Douglas Jacoby was presented at the ARS Christian Evidences Conference on the Queen Mary in 2011. This is an amazing lesson in which Doug covers all the major areas of the paranormal, discussing the biblical view of such things. He discusses demons, ghosts, and much more. The Paranormal: A Biblical...
This class was taught by Dr. John Oakes for the AIM program (Athens School of Ministry) The class explains why a scientist ought, reasonably, to believe in God and that the Bible is the Word of God. There are many arguments here based on science that there is clear evidence of design in nature. Science...
This is an evangelistic presentation given by Dr. John Oakes at a university in Singapore for the campus ministry there. It primarily focuses on science and Christianity, but Dr. Oakes explains to the students the history of the relationship between science and Christianity, and is a response to those who claim that a rational person...
This is an evangelistic lesson given by Dr. John Oakes. It is intended to respond to claims of writers such as Robert Price that the biblical Jesus is a myth created by the early church, as well as a study of the historical accounts of Jesus and his miracles and fulfilled prophecies. Jesus: Man, Myth...
This is a class on the roles of leaders and members in the Christian Church, taught by Dr. John Oakes in Bangkok, Thailand in 2009. Leadership and Membership...
This is an eight-part, ten-hour class on the book of Hebrews taught by Dr. John Oakes in San Diego. Hebrews Lesson 1 Hebrews Lesson 2 Hebrews Lesson 3 Hebrews Lesson 4 Hebrews Lesson 5 Hebrews Lesson 6 Hebrews Lesson 7 Hebrews Lesson 8 Hebrews PPT...
This is an evangelistic talk on God and science given by Dr. John Oakes in Mexico City in 2010. The class is taught in English, with translation into Spanish. Dios y la Ciencia DF Dios y la Ciencia PPT...