Question: Note: The points made and my responses are interspersed.  About the Q & A ask=view&id=5162 This answer is so full of errors and/or misleading lies I don’t even know where to begin. I guess I’ll just throw out some of the whoppers. First of all, your quotes from "Wisdom" are not from Wisdom, but from […]

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Question: Are the 4 Gospels writen by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John historical documents? Can you send historical or any proof of Jesus from the first century when your N.T. claims the miracle worker, crucified and resurrected Jesus was here on earth? Answer: What do we know about Jesus from extra-Biblical sources? Let me list […]

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Dr, John Oakes is teaching a 5 part class on Christian Theology at Sundance Elementary School Wed 5/4, 5/18, 6/1, 6/15/2011 7:30-9:00.  For more info contact John Oakes at 858-505-8841   Christ Theol Notes   PPT Christ Theol 5.22 Mb      Christian Theology Part I 12.81 Mb    Christian Theology Part II 11.01 Mb     Christian Theology Part III 12.95 Mb  […]

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Question: I am a believer, but have an atheist father who is searching. After a long conversation with him regarding the Bible, he is convinced that the Bible was formed by "church authorities" and is in fact not true writings (based on a TV show he saw). He believes that it was written only to give […]

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Question: My question is on the anointing oil referred to in James 5:14. What do you make of the olive oil the Pentecostals use to anoint different things including buildings? They always quote James 5 to substantiate their claim. Who prepared this oil in James 5 or what is its origin? If there is a […]

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Question:  I have a question regarding something a friend in the Seventh Day Adventist Church said.  Regarding the Sabbath day, you mentioned in a Q & A at this site: "Paul attended Synagogue on the Sabbath at times to preach Jesus, but all the evidence points to the undeniable fact that the church in the first […]

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Question: I see you say that one reason Christianity is the true religion is because of the prophecies. But you quote most propheciess from the the Old Testament! Wouldn’t this gives more validity to Judiasm rather than Christianity? If the response is that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies written about in the Old Testament- how do […]

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Question: Why is it that people try to compare the ancient Sumerian tablets, saying that they are similar to the book of Genesis? Why is it that people try to relate those gods to the God in the Old Testament? Answer: It is difficult to judge the motives of people I have never met. I am […]

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Question: I have a question I hope you will kindly answer. I need an expert Bible opinion about the similarity of this Quranic passage that deals with the birth story of Jesus to that account we find in Luke. Thanks for taking my question seriously. Editor’s note:  The passage from Surah 19 of the Qu’ran […]

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Comment: This a more a human question than a theological one. Why is it that most of your responses are anti-Roman Catholic?  At the least seems that way. Response: I want you to know that I take this very seriously. I REALLY do not want to be anti-Catholic or anti-any Nicene Creed accepting "Christian" group. […]

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Question:  I note what you say about the Ryland’s papyrus but I find it somewhat disingenuous. It merely testifies to the existence of the 18th chapter of John’s Gospel being in existence possibly as early as 120 A.D. and it says absolutely nothing about the reliability of the text which we have of any of […]

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Question: How do you answer someone who tries to use 1 John 2:19 to say that people who leave God were never really saved in the first place? Answer:  If you have had many conversations with people on doctrinal subjects, you will learn eventually that if we so desire we can find "proof texts" for […]

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Question: How can I explain salvation of people, like Abraham, Moses and David, who existed before the death of Jesus, when He makes a statement "He is the only way"? Your reply will be very much appreciated.  Answer: Like you say, the Bible makes it plain that salvation is found in no other name than […]

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Question: What comment would you make about the very great differences between the MT, LXX & Samaritan Pentateuch? Answer: Evidence implies that our Greek New Testament text is a nearly perfect descendant of the originals. The case with the Old Testament is significantly different. The time period between the last New Testament book being written […]

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Question: Just wondering what you might think about this?   Editor’s note:  This is from a person who was forwarded a chain e-mail which claims that NASA has discovered proof of a missing day which can explain the "day the sun stood still" in Joshua.  The unfortunate e-mail contents are copied below.   Response:  This is one of those Christian […]

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Comment: First of All, let me greet you with the greetings of prophet Jesus pbuh (Shalom Aleichem).  Peace be upon you. In Arabic (Asalaamu alaikum). I have read your response where you compared Prophet Moses with prophet Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).  I must say you have made invalid and biased points. […]

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Question:  You appear to support the evolutionists theory.  However, other Christian scientists e.g. Ken Ham totally refute this theory and provide evidence of the creation, even challenging carbon dating, etc… I welcome your thoughts. Answer:  I am well aware of Ken Ham and his arguments. I have read some of his work. I do not […]

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Question: I have always felt that hell is a temporary place. I don’t understand a separation from God for eternity especially in an eternity of pain. I don’t understand how God who knows everything would justify a person being born if that person were to ultimately reject God and go to hell. Wouldn’t God have […]

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Free Online Apologetics Class! Lectures will be recorded on March 2nd, March 16th, March 30th, and April 13th. Topics will include: The Reliability of the New Testament, Arguments for the Existence of God, Responding to Atheistic Attacks on Christianity, The Resurrection of Jesus.  To register, click here:

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Question: Is Paul responsible for Christianity? If so, what influence did he have? Did Jesus come to save Jews only? Answer: Obviously, the person who had the most influence on the direction of Christianity was Jesus Christ. One can argue for either Paul or Peter as the two humans who had the greatest influence on […]

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Question:  I am studying with a man who is very eager and has read Genesis on his own.  A question that he asked was regarding sacrafice? How did the people know to sacrifice? Was there something given to them from God directing them? Also, question was asked how long before Jesus did the prohecies about […]

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Question: You’ve done a great job with the website. I have a question. As a practicing Christian, the greatest challenge to my faith comes from certain Old Testament scriptures. On one hand the Bible often displays wisdom and knowledge that is otherwise unknown by man at the time it was written. An example would be […]

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Question: First I want to say what an awesome website you have. Great resources topics and Bible Study!  I never really questioned the scriptures much and I still have no doubt the Bible is God’s word.  However I have recently questioned if the Bible can be God-inspired and at the same time contain some human […]

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Question: I was enjoying some of your writings and responses this morning, and I am provoked in thought. Does any passage in the Bible discredit the existence of living planets beyond Earth? If not, what are your thoughts on the possibility of other "living" planets? You wrote somewhere that intelligent design cannot be proved experimentally, […]

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Question: I understand that you believe that Adam was a literal man. How do you understand the genealogies and the time between Adam and Christ’s existence? I know many theistic evolutionists say that generations were missed out (where?) but I don’t understand how, because in Genesis it gives the age that men were fathered so […]

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Question: There is a strong scholar with heavy credentials by the name of Robert Eisenman, who uses the Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of the Jewish historian Josephus, and makes a convincing sounding connection between the Apostle Paul of Tarsus and a man whom the Dead Sea Scrolls calls ‘Spouter of Lies’ and who […]

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Question:  Why did God create planets?  What is their purpose? Answer: God did not tell us why he created planets.  Planets are the natural result of gravity acting on the matter in the universe which God created.  If we assume that God had a "purpose" in creating a universe with planets, then the most obvious […]

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Comment:  (Editor’s note:  This one is a comment, a response, another comment and another response) I do not view Christianity as a socially healthy phenomenon–I think it hurts far more than it helps, that it retards our growth globally. To prolong its survival isn’t an attractive proposition for me.   Response: I do not question the contention […]

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Question: I am the son of a Baptist minister and admit that I long ago dismissed Christianity as the most convoluted, indefensible patchwork of complete nonsense perpetrated on mankind in the last 2000 years. I believe this as strongly as you apparently believe in your inherited Jewish God from the magnanimous Jesus (oh, we lucky […]

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Question: Would an infallible God PREORDAIN to have to kill himself in order to appease himself? Would an all-powerful God somehow suffer from a communication problem which compels him to recruit some primitive Jews to write his biography? Answer: I will have to say that your question seems like a reasonable one.  However, it is based […]

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Question: What was the hominid species that rejected god? I know that that Neanderthals wore clothes (before the fall we were naked), and that they even buried their dead and decorated gravestones. And they are known to exist 200,000 years ago. Does this mean that the fall happened to Neanderthals? Answer: The simple answer is that […]

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Question: I read your answer from the questioner about the myrrh and aloes in Our Lord’s burial. You mentioned washing the body. An exception is when the deceased has died a violent death. Then all body parts, including any blood that can be mopped up are gathered and buried with him. This would probably be […]

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