Question:  I am studying with a man who is very eager and has read Genesis on his own.  A question that he asked was regarding sacrafice? How did the people know to sacrifice? Was there something given to them from God directing them? Also, question was asked how long before Jesus did the prohecies about […]

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Question: You’ve done a great job with the website. I have a question. As a practicing Christian, the greatest challenge to my faith comes from certain Old Testament scriptures. On one hand the Bible often displays wisdom and knowledge that is otherwise unknown by man at the time it was written. An example would be […]

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Question: First I want to say what an awesome website you have. Great resources topics and Bible Study!  I never really questioned the scriptures much and I still have no doubt the Bible is God’s word.  However I have recently questioned if the Bible can be God-inspired and at the same time contain some human […]

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Question: I was enjoying some of your writings and responses this morning, and I am provoked in thought. Does any passage in the Bible discredit the existence of living planets beyond Earth? If not, what are your thoughts on the possibility of other "living" planets? You wrote somewhere that intelligent design cannot be proved experimentally, […]

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Question: I understand that you believe that Adam was a literal man. How do you understand the genealogies and the time between Adam and Christ’s existence? I know many theistic evolutionists say that generations were missed out (where?) but I don’t understand how, because in Genesis it gives the age that men were fathered so […]

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Question: There is a strong scholar with heavy credentials by the name of Robert Eisenman, who uses the Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of the Jewish historian Josephus, and makes a convincing sounding connection between the Apostle Paul of Tarsus and a man whom the Dead Sea Scrolls calls ‘Spouter of Lies’ and who […]

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Question:  Why did God create planets?  What is their purpose? Answer: God did not tell us why he created planets.  Planets are the natural result of gravity acting on the matter in the universe which God created.  If we assume that God had a "purpose" in creating a universe with planets, then the most obvious […]

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Comment:  (Editor’s note:  This one is a comment, a response, another comment and another response) I do not view Christianity as a socially healthy phenomenon–I think it hurts far more than it helps, that it retards our growth globally. To prolong its survival isn’t an attractive proposition for me.   Response: I do not question the contention […]

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Question: I am the son of a Baptist minister and admit that I long ago dismissed Christianity as the most convoluted, indefensible patchwork of complete nonsense perpetrated on mankind in the last 2000 years. I believe this as strongly as you apparently believe in your inherited Jewish God from the magnanimous Jesus (oh, we lucky […]

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Question: Would an infallible God PREORDAIN to have to kill himself in order to appease himself? Would an all-powerful God somehow suffer from a communication problem which compels him to recruit some primitive Jews to write his biography? Answer: I will have to say that your question seems like a reasonable one.  However, it is based […]

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Question: What was the hominid species that rejected god? I know that that Neanderthals wore clothes (before the fall we were naked), and that they even buried their dead and decorated gravestones. And they are known to exist 200,000 years ago. Does this mean that the fall happened to Neanderthals? Answer: The simple answer is that […]

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Question: I read your answer from the questioner about the myrrh and aloes in Our Lord’s burial. You mentioned washing the body. An exception is when the deceased has died a violent death. Then all body parts, including any blood that can be mopped up are gathered and buried with him. This would probably be […]

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Question: I was watching a show on T.V. and the "experts" were arguing that the Christians borrowed their concept of Hell from the Greeks concept of Hades.  According to these individuals, Hades has different levels and the last level is where individuals are punished eternally by fire and other ways similar to the way explained […]

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Question: I was reading that you believe that God used evolution to create modern man.  However, to refute this point, I’ve heard Christians point out that evolution is a process that is achieved through death.  However, death did not exist until Adam (a fully developed human) brought sin into the world.  Now, this is a […]

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Question: You mentioned in one post that you believe in the coexistence of God and macroevolution and the idea that God controls this process. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 15:39 and explain: "For not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another […]

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Question:  I have noticed that you find scientific accounts of evolution to be fairly convincing and that it is likely that God directly intervened to create man.  My question is, then, that if man is the direct descendant of an evolutionary process (with some divine intervention), why is it that we exhibit such non-evolutionary characteristics […]

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Question: If the tallest mountain was covered by 22.5′ of water, what would be theevaporation rate until the surface of the earth was visible, does the Gensisaccount get anywhere close to what would be proveable, just wondering? Answer: A couple of comments.  First of all, the flood is clearly presented as a supernatural miracle.  For this reason, […]

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Question: I am struggling with my beliefs regarding the life and crucifixion of Jesus.  I dearly want to believe in this, but need some evidence for my beliefs.  I read a lot about a passage from The Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a), also your reply to someone’s question.   If I read answers from Jewish rabbis that […]

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Question: I was wondering if we find similar thought patterns and representations of God in the Old Testament as in other representations of God in ancient cultures.   In my Ancient Middle East class, I read  that the language used to describe God in certain Psalms or Daniel–I think it is the reference of God standing on […]

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Question:  (note, this is a rather long question, with many scripture references.  The answer is below) I came across this site.  It deals with preterism which I don’t buy into. But its scriptural evidence for the early return of Christ is rather overwhelming.  What is your explanation in view of the words of Christ and His […]

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Pregunta: La mayor parte del evangelicalismo moderno no acepta la doctrina del bautismo como necesario para salvacion, de hecho algunos de sus teologos afirman que ni siquiera es parte del evangelio.  Me gustaria saber tu que piensas al respecto y como argumentas el bautismo como necesario para salvacion. ¿Es cierto que predicamos una regeneracion bautismal?     […]

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Question: I have believed in God and the main teachings of Christianity for my whole life up until this past year. I was taught there was a God by my parents and the main points of Christian belief (heaven, hell, free will, gift of eternal life, sacrifice of Christ). I never questioned these beliefs or thought […]

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Comment from "Disappointed":    We most certainly did evolve, over the period of millions of years.  As a matter of fact, if one were to visit the earth just 30,000 years ago, one would have found not one but several species of "human" forms.  Today, scientists from around the world direct major projects pursuing answers to outstanding […]

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Question: 1.       1Cor15:29 – Baptised for the dead.What does this all mean? 2.       In Acts 8 we see Peter and John going to Samaria and laying their hands on the them for the Holy Spirit yet they were baptized in the name of Jesus which Peter in Acts2 says “be baptized in the name of […]

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Question: Under the heading of Biblical Manuscripts and Textual Questions, the following query was posted at your site: "I learned that the Pentatauch is attributed to Moses was, in fact, a compilation of 4 very different sources, which reflect the interests and biases of the author. This is a highly accepted theory and can be […]

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Question: In the beginning of Rev 11 the author seems to be referring to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, so that would date the book 3 years before 70AD.  Do we know who these two prophets are?  Their ending is very dramatic, and would imagine if this has happened we would know who […]

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Class taught by Dr. John Oakes at the Mission Center of Hope, San Diego Feb 26, March 5, 2011.     Notes: Answering the Hard Questions        Power Point: Answering the Hard Questions 13.69 Mb  Topics include the Trinity, Foreknowledge vs Predestination, The Question of Evil, The Problem of Pain, Violence, Slavery and  other difficult questions from the OT and The […]

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Believe it or not, 2012 mania has struck Christianity.  One would think that Christians would avoid all association with a Hollywood-inspired interpretation of an obscure reference in a Mayan calendar.[1]  One would be wrong.  The human fascination with end-time predictions seems to be able to overcome all rational considerations as well as all biblical advice […]

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Question:   Speaking with a Jewish acquaintance about Jesus and this was his response…..not sure how to respond just yet but will research it more.  Would love your thoughts.  Note: Answers are interspersed with the claims of this person.  Criticism/claims are in black italics, responses are in blue.   "Romans. They recorded all kinds of insignificant details […]

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Question: Just a random thought here.  Scripture says:  Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8   How do you reconcile that Christ is God, yet the God of the OT appears to be nothing like the God of the NT i.e. Jesus Christ.   Can you ever hear Christ telling his Church to go […]

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Question: I am a student at Florida Christian College writing a paper on Chapter 3 of Richard Dawkins Book "The God Delusion." In his book he makes a claim that there is no historical evidence for the divinity of Christ. I was wondering, as I read from your article, that Quirinius had two different office […]

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Question:   I am questioning information I read on the page: Dr. John Oakes uses Mark 1:2 as an example of Byzantine copyists attempting to improve a text. He states, "The quote following in Mark 1:2 is taken both from Isaiah and Malachi. Presumably a copier took the role of an editor, removing what hethought of […]

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Note:  The following is a question, an answer, a follow-up question and a follow-up answer  Question: Recently I had a conversation with a Jordanian brother about the role of knowing local culture to understanding the Bible.  He gave me an example and said that the Jordanians put salt on fire to increase the temperature of […]

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Class taught by Dr. John Oakes 11/14/10.    The lesson focuses in on the definition and evidence for biblical inspiration, the meaning of biblical inerrancy, errors of copyists and translators, followed by an introduction to the English translations.  The final section discusses claims that the King James Version is the only acceptable translation and that others are of […]

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