Question: In 1996/97 I read Barbara Thiering’s Jesus the Man – I have been re-reading it now as someone who thinks they understand and have read more of the Bible – specifically the New Testament in the 10 years since. However, as a “lay man” , one with not a lot of knowledge on research […]

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Question: I am a Christian in the UK. There are a couple of best selling books in the UK at the moment that deny the existence of God and the truth of Christianity. On is “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins and the other is “Tricks of the Mind” by Derren Brown. The latter is […]

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Question: What’s this about a Gospel of Barnabas? Who wrote it and why? Was Barnabas an apostle or not? Answer: The New Testament speaks of a 1st Century Jew named Joseph, a Levitical priest from the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, who became a follower of Jesus. He “was a good man, and full of the […]

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Question: What about the Gospel of Barnabus? Who write it? For what? Was Barnabus is apostle or not? Answer: My answer will depend on whether you mean the Epistle of Barnabas or the Gospel of Barnabas. Of the two, the more well known is the Epistle (letter) of Barnabas. The question of whether Barnabas was […]

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Question: Doesn’t Mark 16 where Jesus says, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved” contradict teachings on salvation by grace alone? Also, if you say that Mark 16 was inserted over time then doesn’t the Bible fall short of it’s claim to be inerrant? Answer: First of all, you will not find the phrase […]

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Question: I had a question about a passage I read recently. It’s the passage in 1 Corinthians 10 that talks about the 23,000 killed for sexual immorality. However, in Numbers, it states that 24,000 were killed. I ‘ve read Paul was referring to Ex 32 and not the passage in Numbers. I’ve also read that […]

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Question: Why does Jude quote apocryphal literature in verse 9 and 14? People often immediatley dismiss this by saying “just because he quotes apocryphal literature doesn’t mean he considers it scripture”, and point out to where Paul quotes other pagan poets. This is true, however what bothers me is that he refers the prophecy directly […]

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Question: Should Mark 16:9-20, and John 8:1-11 (Jesus with the adulterous woman) be considered part of the original manuscripts? Many early manuscripts do not include. If it is not part of the original then is it God’s word? Answer: I am guessing that you are aware of the general issue with these passages. As it […]

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Question: Who were the books of the new Testament written by and what was the relationship of these authors to Jesus? Answer: In some cases, it is hard to prove who wrote which books. Many of the letters of Paul were “signed” by him, making it fairly certain, but even this is not proof. Some […]

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Question: I have read arguments that the church really shaped the Bible for their own purposes.That is implied by the Da Vinci Code. Some of the people I’ve talked to don’t believe in Jesus because they don’t think the Bible is legitimate, but that Jesus was just a teacher andthat the church turned in him […]

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Question: I was talking to a Muslim and he told me that the word that was used in the original Hebrew New Testament for the cross actually meant Stick and that the word has changes over time to mean cross, is this true? Also I am readibng your book “Reasons for Belief.” It is very […]

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Questions (there are several here): Let us take the final 11 verses of Mark for which the earliest evidence is non-existent. Why and by whom were they later added? Why was Jesus described as riding on a donkey? Because the writer knew it would be seen as the fulfilment of OT prophecy and would therefore […]

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Question: I just recently shared my faith with a man who claimed you cannot trust the Bible as it is just a theory. He also holds that history has been altered and that the stories of the New Testament were most likely alteredt. I told him about the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in […]

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Question: How can only Matthew through Revelation be considered divine scripture? What about the Apocrypha? What about the thousands of other writings? Besides, it was man who canonized scripture and man is not perfect so that would obvisouly mean that scripture runs the risk of not being perfect right? What I am really struggling with […]

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Question: The instructor in my religious class at college (VCU) teaches that 1-2 Timothy, Titus and 2 Peter where written in the early 2nd century. Why do they think that? How do we know the letters really were written by the apostles? What would it mean to us if they were written in the 2nd […]

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1) Christianity holds that at one pointing time, the Old Testament was the truth and the Jews were the chosen people. What changed this? The Torah states 23 times “this is an eternal law for all generations” (to name a few, Exodus 12:14, 12:17, 12:43, 27:21, 28:43). If the Torah was at one point true, […]

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Note: This is a very long question. The answer is several paragraphs down the page. I am presently taking a Comparative Religion course on the New Testament and have been struggling with some of the themes that have surfaced so far. Our course text is “The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to Early Christian Writings” […]

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Could you make a good summary for the evidences to support the Luke 2 account of the census decreed by Caesar while Quirinius was ruling that would have forced Joseph and Mary to go to Bethlehem from Nazareth? I have read so much about the topic. I do see support that it could have happened, […]

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Someone told me that most scholars say that Revelation was written after AD 70. Where can I find what scholars say regarding the date of Revelations? If it’s after AD 70, is it possible that most of Revelation has not happened, which is this individual’s view? From what I understand it was written more so […]

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Why is the word yahweh not written in the NT? Is it because Yahweh refers to the whole Godhead? The reason YHWH (I use YHWH rather than yaweh, as it is closer the the Hebrew original) does not appear in the New Testament is that the New Testament was written in Greek. YHWH is a […]

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What about when the words of Jesus in red in one Gospel, describing a one-time event do not EXACTLY match other accounts? The temptation of Christ, for example. I am not upset about this for some reason, and it doesn’t shake my faith in Christ, but is there a reasonable answer? Just different ways the […]

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There is increasing argument that many of the sayings of Jesus (the Lord’s, prayer for example) had already been recorded in early historical manuscripts. They suggest that Jesus simply borrowed them. Is this true? In order to answer this question, I would need specific examples. If you have some specific claims about Jesus repeating the […]

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I was wondering if you could provide me with a list of the New Testament books in chronological order. I’m trying to prepare for an upcoming discussion about the reliability of Bible texts so if you could point me in any specific direction…that would be great Do you mean chronological order of when they were […]

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I was just reviewing that article you wrote about people believing God isn?t real. When you try to explain how God is or isn?t real, you can’t use the Bible because the Bible is a human written book. There is absolutely no proof that any of these actions occurred, well little if any. There is […]

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I have a question for you. I was wondering if you could give me advice on helping people who argue that the Bible we have today cannot possibly be the original Bible. I obviously cannot tell them that I believe by faith that it is the inspired word of God and that He protects His […]

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Do you have information on the changing of the Sabbath Day by Constantine? I have no information on this because it never happened. One of the most persistent false claims about the early history of the church is that somehow Constantine was able to change Christian doctrine of even the scriptures of the New Testament. […]

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I’m writing to ask if you have any explanation for one apparent discrepancy that I have often wondered about: “three days and three nights”. I have read that the “days” part of that statement was due to the Jewish tradition of counting any part of a day as a whole day in the description of […]

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It’s been a while since I posed any questions however I’m currently reading several of your articles and in your article Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled you state the following: While the writings of John preceded the persecutions of Domitian and his successors by less than a generation, they nevertheless show the continuity of the New and […]

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My question revolves around the true role of the Council Of Nicea. Some have argued that the council canonized certain texts to fit their purposes. I have heard the counter argument that the council merely canonized what was already widely accepted as Inspired Word, but even this wide acceptance does little to guarantee that the […]

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The Bible is generally used as the primary reference for Christians. Even if I accept that the Bible is actually God’s word, you have to admit that it was put on paper by humans. And since humans are imperfect, how do you put such faith in the Bible? Also, what about the books of the […]

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What evidence do we have that the stories on Christianity are real? Unfortunately, this is a rather vague question. I will give a fairly vague answer in response. If you have a more specific question in mind, please send me another question. I am not sure what you mean by “stories” in Christianity? Do you […]

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My question revolves around the true role of the Council Of Nicea. Some have argued that the council canonized certain texts to fit their purposes. I have heard the counter argument that the council merely canonized what was already widely accepted as Inspired Word, but even this wide acceptance does little to guarantee that the […]

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The Bible is generally used as the primary reference for Christians. Even if I accept that the Bible is actually God’s word, you have to admit that it was put on paper by humans. And since humans are imperfect, how do you put such faith in the Bible? Also, what about the books of the […]

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The Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and is credited (by some) as being responsible for Christianity flourishing. But, Constantine chose one form of Christianity and killed anyone who practiced any of the other forms. What about these other forms? Combine this with the crusades and we get the classic line “history is written by the […]

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In the story in the gospel of John, Jesus with the adulterous woman was not found in the most reliable sources such as Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. Why is the story in our Bible’s today if it was not in what is considered the most authoritative documents on biblical manuscripts? It kind of bugs […]

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1) The natural amino acids are L and D, and in proteins are only L. So in any hypothetical primordial soup, surely there would have been an equal proportion of both. The problem for the materialist is to answer how did the first proteins become just L amino acids (since racemic proteins can’t exist). If […]

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