Question: Where can one find the book where the kings in the old testament such as David, Solomon and other prominent leaders were mentioned, such as BOOK OF THE HISTORY OF THE KINGS OF ISRAEL, HISTORY OF THE KINGS OF JUDAH? Answer: These books have been lost. There were several books used as sources for […]

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Question: In your section on the 10 horns-the 11th being Domitian, what historical sources can you site that show that Vespesian and/or Domitian subdued Otho and Galba? I have only been able to find sources for Vitellius’s overthrow by armed forces who supported Vespesian. Could the three who were subdued actually be ordinal… For example, […]

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Question: I am currently a college student and have taken several religion courses. Often I find information that bothers me. One is that it is often very biased due to the teacher. What has been bothering me recently is some information that has been presented to us, and claimed as “factual.” It is said that […]

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Question: I just recently shared my faith with a man who claimed you cannot trust the Bible as it is just a theory. He also holds that history has been altered and that the stories of the New Testament were most likely alteredt. I told him about the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in […]

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Note: This is a very long question. The answer is several paragraphs down the page. I am presently taking a Comparative Religion course on the New Testament and have been struggling with some of the themes that have surfaced so far. Our course text is “The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to Early Christian Writings” […]

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Could you make a good summary for the evidences to support the Luke 2 account of the census decreed by Caesar while Quirinius was ruling that would have forced Joseph and Mary to go to Bethlehem from Nazareth? I have read so much about the topic. I do see support that it could have happened, […]

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Where can I find writings from Joshepus? Josephus had a number of writings, but the most relevant for a Christian are the works “The Antiquities of the Jews,” and “The Wars of the Jews,” also known as “The Jewish Wars.” “The Antiquities of the Jews” is a fairly comprehensive history of the Jewish people, beginning […]

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I’m doing a study on non-biblical sources about Jesus’ existence. I know there are people like Josephus, Lucian, Thallus, Jewish Talmud, Cornelius Tacitus & Seutonius. I was wondering if you know any websites/books that have in their writings specifically the parts that talk about Jesus. Also if you know any more people that write about […]

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Did Moses live at the same time as Noah? No. Moses lived in the period around 1400 BCE. That is an approximation, and scholars will debate the exact date. Some would place the Exodus from Egypt (under Moses) as late as about 1300 BCE, others would date it at around 1460 BC. That is a […]

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Lately I have been wondering about the atrocities of murder, genocide, etc. today. I do not have a problem understanding the existence of evil or human suffering. But throughout the OT God told the Israelites to conduct genocide; including the murder of women and children. I can accept instances like Sodom and Gomorrah were God […]

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I recently viewed a documentary claiming that ancient tablets (older than OT manuscripts) were found in Iraq, telling a story almost identical to Noah’s… and that the soil there showed signs of an ancient flood as well (unlike the land around Mount Ararat). The final conclusion was that Israel received this “story” from the Babylonians […]

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I was wondering if you could provide me with a list of the New Testament books in chronological order. I’m trying to prepare for an upcoming discussion about the reliability of Bible texts so if you could point me in any specific direction…that would be great Do you mean chronological order of when they were […]

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“Jews do not believe that Jesus was the moshiach. Assuming that he existed, and assuming that the Christian scriptures are accurate in describing him (both matters that are debatable), he simply did not fulfill the mission of the moshiach as it is described in the biblical passages cited above. Jesus did not do any of […]

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In the recent movie, The Passion of Christ, there was a reference to Pilate being warned by Caesar twice not to allow any more uprisings. Is there any historical basis for this? I’m sure there was some political reason Pilate allowed a man he considered innocent to be executed. Melissa (Denver) Relatively little is known, […]

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What evidence do we have that the stories on Christianity are real? Unfortunately, this is a rather vague question. I will give a fairly vague answer in response. If you have a more specific question in mind, please send me another question. I am not sure what you mean by “stories” in Christianity? Do you […]

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As far as God condoning killing, I understand that he hates sin and so seeks to establish justice on the earth; however, it’s not that he condones killing that bothers me, but that he used Israel to do it! Israel was as sinful (if not more so) than the nations surrounding them. Sinful people killing […]

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I was looking for some credible evidence for the historicity of Jesus. Two main historians who wrote about Jesus, Thallus and Josephus, are controversial. It is not clear if they wrote it and when they wrote it. Are there records which date to the 1st century which we know where scholars are sure that they […]

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If Jesus really did all the things that are recorded in the Bible, why isn’t there more information about him outside the Bible? Thousands must have seen or somehow heard from him. Is it maybe because the written testimonies about Jesus were burned, destroyed by the enemies in the 1st century ? Paul persecuted the […]

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Miracle of Science or Perspective of the observer; Did the sun stand still? God is a God of order, yet he performs miracles outside of the natural laws that govern our world. From a scientific perspective, even a miracle would not allow the sun to suddenly simply stop in the sky. That would mean that […]

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“Could you clarify how ancient races outside the Middle East had the opportunity to learn about God? E.g., what about the 40,000+ year-old aboriginal culture of Australia, Pacific islanders, or the Aztecs?” ? Several inquirers Without the scriptures or the Hebrew prophets (who addressed a number of Middle Eastern nations), the gentiles had the opportunity […]

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The book of Jashar is one of the many books cited in the OT. Following is a list (possibly incomplete) of sources cited in the O.T. books. The list omits references to other O.T. books. These works are “extrabiblical”-outside (extra, Latin) the Bible. The Book of the Wars of the Lord-Numbers 21:14The Poets-Numbers 21:27The Book […]

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