Question: I’ve been struggling for a while now to read the Bible itself but very often read commentaries, articles etc. concerning Scripture.  I want to read Scripture itself but feel like I get the information so much ‘quicker’ from books etc.  Any words of advice please? Answer: First of all, you do not need to feel […]

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Question: I am a Christian living in Latin America.  Thanks for sharing God’s truth all these years.  I have a question:  Should I biblically visit my dead parents or relatives or am I falling into idolatry, or waste of time?  What could be the best approach to the correct understanding?  Thanks. Answer: This is a […]

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Question: Is Christian mysticism biblical or is it ok to do? I am thinking of practices such as lectio divina and the theosis, for example. Answer: This is an interesting question.  Actually, let me re-word your question if you do not mind.  Let me ask two questions. 1. Are some or all of the practices […]

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Question: Muslims say that Jews & Christians were commanded only to worship God and to practice regular prayer but Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others excluded such commandments. What’s your response? Answer: First of all, I cannot speak for Muslims, but Christians teach a LOT more than just worshipping God and practicing regular prayer.  It also teaches […]

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Question: If someone at birth is unable to comprehend anything at all or consider special ed will they be able to go to Heaven or Hell, considering they are unable to learn anything? Answer: It has always been my understanding that innocent children, who have not yet sinned, will be in heaven.  Innocent people have […]

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Question: My question is about Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) In the case of a Christian married couple where the wife is said to be infertile, and doctor recommends ART. This means that the wife accepts a donor egg of which her husband’s sperm will be used to fertilize and eventually the embryo transferred to wife’s […]

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Question: My question is going to be about Romans 13:1-7.  Here, Paul talks about submission to authorities. My question is this… Is Paul only referring to authorities in the time of him writing Romans, (especially when he says the authorities have been established by God) or does this apply to today as well?  If this […]

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Question: What are some key problems with Christian theocracy? Why shouldn’t Christians seek to have a Christian theocratic nation? Answer: There is no direct statement in the New Testament which commands Christians to not create a theocratic state.  If believers in some country decided to found a state based wholly on Christian principles, I suppose […]

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Question: If Jews were such honest keepers of God’s word, then why did they reject and kill true prophets although Deut. 13:1-5 & 18:20-22 tells criteria for judging true prophets? Answer: It is always difficult to judge people’s motives.  We can observe what they do and we can observe what they say.  However, as Samuel […]

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Question: I have some questions about fasting.  First, what is fasting according to the Bible?  Second, what is the correct way to do it according to the Bible?  Third, can I fast not only from food but also from my favorite activities?  Fourth, what are the purposes of fasting other than to increase our faith […]

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Question:  1) Are Christians supposed to love everyone?   Are Christians supposed to love the following:  a) false prophets in general  b) the false prophet mentioned in the book of Revelation c) the antichrist mentioned in the book of Revelation d) Satan   2) Does God love (or hate) a) false prophets b) the false prophet mentioned […]

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Question: What is an “altar offering”? Should we give it separately from the usual offering on Sunday? Is it biblical? Answer: I may be wrong, but I am guessing you are referring to Matthew 5:24 in which Jesus is talking to Jewish people.  He says to these Jewish people that if they are presenting a […]

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Question: Biblically, is it a sin to not remember and keep the 7th day Sabbath set apart? If not, then why would the remaining commandments still be binding for believers in Messiah such as: you shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not bear false witnes, etc.  For example in Revelation 21 […]

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Question: This is in regards to your article about religious exemption for the vaccine. Is witchcraft allowed by God’s people? What is the Greek root words for pharmacy? I believe it’s pharmacopa which is basically witchcraft so I believe there are verses that support not taking it based on your faith. .. do you agree […]

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Recently, a friend who is a minister in a Christian church was approached by a few members of his church to sign a request for a religious exemption from getting the vaccination for the Coronavirus.  He asked me to express my opinion about whether he ought to grant such a request.  Below is an edited […]

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Question: What is the book of Ecclesiastes all about? I read it once- it seems pessimistic and hopeless- though the last of  the12th chapter is a bit okay. There it’s written nothing makes sense- life is all about eating and drinking and everything is nonsense and meaningless. The message of Ecclesiastes seems utterly different from […]

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[Editor’s Note: Ravi Zacharias is a well-known apologist who died recently. After his death it was revealed that he had inappropriate sexual behavior. This is not just a rumor and it has been an embarrassment to Christians, which prompts this question] Question: If Jesus couldn’t prevent Ravi Zecharias from sexual misconduct, how shall he save […]

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Question: People usually accuse religions, including Christianity, of having a black and white view on sin. They are very direct like “you shall do this and you shall not do this” without considering the nuances. If God wrote his law in our hearts (conscience), then shouldn’t everyone or at least most people understand how homosexuality […]

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Question: Christians (non-Calvinists) tend to say that we have free will and that we ourselves are responsible for going to hell because we have the ability to choose between Christ and our worldly desires. But does free will exist to an extent that people generally believe? Isn’t everyone a subject to the family they were […]

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Question: I would like to ask a question on the subject of biblical interpretation. Should we interpret Bible verses strictly within its context?  I understand that certain verses can be used to apply generally and in multiple aspects while certain other verses we can’t as it could create doctrinal issues and interpretation problems. Answer: I […]

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Question: My friend is losing his faith because in history we are learning about wars, and some of these wars we are studying include wars that were made because of Abrahamic religions. In these religious wars, a lot of people were murdered and tortured as well as other bad things done to them. How would […]

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Question: My question is in regards to these types of scriptures on prayer (I capitalised some of the bits I’m trying to unpack).   1 John 5:14-15. “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: That if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us–WHATEVER […]

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Question: Since the Bible and we as Christians think that God made nature perfect with only 2 sexes, what do you think about the following questions?  1. How do we answer and how do we act toward with hostile feminists and lgbt supporters?  2. Is interex the 3rd sex? Answer: First of all, we need […]

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[Editor’s note: The one asking is Russian, which will explain some of the awkward wording below. The intent of the question is fairly clear] Question: We have a question from our readers. Can help us to answer, please?  I’m interested in a question about profanity. I have been made to understand that the word means […]

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[Editor’s note: This question was sent to me (John Oakes) and to my friend Douglas Jacoby. You will see both of our responses below, with Doug’s first.  It is posted both at my site and at Doug’s] Question: Douglas and John, would you please address the issue of Christians smoking mushrooms, especially for healing, […]

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Question: I am a vegetarian and I believe that slaughtering innocent animals is unethical, but the bible didn’t prohibit eating meat. Jesus ate fish.  What’s is your opinion? Do you think that killing animals is ethical?  Personally, I can’t understand how killing any living creature (unless I have no other choice, as defending myself or […]

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Question: Why should Israel punish heretics with death? in the NT it does not seem to happen in the same way.  Should a Christian country tolerate pagan philosophies and religions, or should you pursue for the good of all? Answer: First of all, let me acknowledge that the distinction you notice is certainly real.  The […]

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Question: This is my last semester in college and one the classes I’m taking is “Evolution and Systematics”. My professor is an outspoken atheist ( I had anticipated this) and regularly derides any belief in God ( sometimes adding foul language into the mix). During the first day of class, he asked us to “raise […]

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Question: I have been seeking to understand the development of communion as it is practiced in the church today and how communion was practiced in the first century Church. I referred to written works from authors with a Jewish understanding and perspective about the practice of breaking bread and communion, To understand the original intent […]

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Question: What are the origins and influences of the science of positive thinking and personal development?  Is it biblical when we know that this science mainly advocates the exaltation of the self? Autosuggestion, visualization and mental imagery?   What do you think of the fact that some philosophers or psychologists claim that Jesus is a great […]

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Question: What do you say to someone who claims that prayer is a waste of time because supposed “answers” to prayer are simply result of confirmational bias? Answer: The way I see it, either God exists or he does not.  If he exists, either he listens to and answers prayer or he does not.  I […]

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Question: I know the story in Genesis 38:8-10 is not talking about masturbation. I know some people call masturbation Onanism, even though the scripture is clearly not talking about this. However, could this scripture be used to forbid the use of condoms and contraceptives? Is continuing the family line not a moral obligation as it […]

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Question: Since I want follow Jesus I wonder how to deal with certain situations.   Jesus said that we must not refuse to give to anyone who ask us to give them something. (Matthew 5:39).  What if we are asked to give a bribe?  Also, many beggars ask for money as a way of life without […]

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