Question:  (note, this is a rather long question, with many scripture references.  The answer is below) I came across this site.  It deals with preterism which I don’t buy into. But its scriptural evidence for the early return of Christ is rather overwhelming.  What is your explanation in view of the words of Christ and His […]

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Question: Under the heading of Biblical Manuscripts and Textual Questions, the following query was posted at your site: "I learned that the Pentatauch is attributed to Moses was, in fact, a compilation of 4 very different sources, which reflect the interests and biases of the author. This is a highly accepted theory and can be […]

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Question:   Speaking with a Jewish acquaintance about Jesus and this was his response…..not sure how to respond just yet but will research it more.  Would love your thoughts.  Note: Answers are interspersed with the claims of this person.  Criticism/claims are in black italics, responses are in blue.   "Romans. They recorded all kinds of insignificant details […]

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Question: I am a student at Florida Christian College writing a paper on Chapter 3 of Richard Dawkins Book "The God Delusion." In his book he makes a claim that there is no historical evidence for the divinity of Christ. I was wondering, as I read from your article, that Quirinius had two different office […]

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Question:   I am questioning information I read on the page: Dr. John Oakes uses Mark 1:2 as an example of Byzantine copyists attempting to improve a text. He states, "The quote following in Mark 1:2 is taken both from Isaiah and Malachi. Presumably a copier took the role of an editor, removing what hethought of […]

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Question: I was reading some Wikipedia articles about early Israel and came across and interesting section regarding the origin of Yahweh   Ill let you read it but I’m adding quotes from it that I was hoping you could respond to.   "It is generally accepted among modern scholars that the narrative of […]

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Question: I have been taking a class on The History and Reliability of the Bible, where we recently discussed the subject of Noah and the Ark. I have gone back and forth before on whether the flood was a regional one, perhaps partly because of a statement made to me by a member of my biological family.  My […]

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Question:  I was wondering if you could address and refute these claims made by Jews against Jesus being the Messiah: "The Messiah must be from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10). Under Jewish law, tribal affiliation is conferred through the birth father only (Numbers 1:18-44,34:14,Leviticus 24:10) (Criterion for being the Messiah is not met – in […]

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Comment: After reading your reply to the question regarding the geology of Hawaii could you explain to me why anyone should believe the Bible? 2 Timothy 3:16 states that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God" and Titus 1:2 says that God cannot lie. Now, the question arises, what does one believe? Is it […]

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Comments:  In regard to your article about Genocide in the O.T., I would have to believe that the LYING PEN of the scribes have attributed to God, words and events that He is not responsible for. Not only did God NOT murder people in the Old Testament era, he NEVER asked Abraham to commit child sacrifice […]

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Question: And the Lord said unto me. They have well spoken that which they have spoken, I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to […]

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Question: I’m am reading your book,"Reasons for Belief" and I had a question on p.38… Can we be sure about Babylonia Sandhedrin 43a in the Talmud is refering to Jesus of Nazareth? Do we have any Jewish sources confirming that it is Jesus of Nazareth?  The Talmud certainly fits very well with what we know […]

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Question:A lot of anti-Christian biblical skeptics often use this objection to the Bible: “The Bible tells the story of Jesus being born when Herod was king (Matthew) and traveling to Bethlehem (Luke) for the census as if the two accounts were compatible but, they are actually ten years apart. Luke has Jesus born at the […]

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Question/Comment: You say, with regard to the Letters, that "my assumption….  is that these are inspired writings."  I have to point out that whenever God-inspired Scripture is spoken of in the NT, that it is the Jewish Bible that is spoken of.  There is in fact no Biblical warrant for the inspiration of the NT […]

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Question:         Looking at Mark 9:1 and 1 Cor. 15:51, it is clear that both Jesus and Paul were mistaken in expecting,  the arrival of the Kingdom of God in the case of Jesus   and in Paul’s case, the second coming, in the lives of some of those present in each situation. How do you cope […]

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Question:   Is there any [strong] evidence that the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written after 70 AD? I’ve been browsing wikipedia and found that some scholars believe that those 3 gospels, specifically Luke, believe that it was dated sometime after 80 AD to maybe around 125 AD. Is there any [strong] evidence […]

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Question: There is a link to an audio message by Darrel Falk available on Douglas Jacoby’s website.  The title of the talk is “Bridging the Worlds Between Faith and Biology”.  In this talk, Darrel talks about Noah and the Flood as follows: "We can use science to test the story of Noah, and when we […]

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Question: I’ve recently learned about these so called Deuterocanonical books that are accepted by Catholics and Eastern Orthodoxs, but not by Protestants. I even came across this from an Orthodox Christian (not a friend of his btw) on Facebook who claims that this predicts the coming of the Messiah: "The Book of Wisdom was the […]

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Question: I have a friend who suggested that I should get a Hebrew Bible because of supposed corruption with the translations. While I find his reasoning questionable, are there any current Bibles with the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic languages that are trustworthy? Answer: This is a good question!  I believe that you will not […]

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Question:  As you are a scientist,  I would appreciate your explanation as to how it is possible to get plants reliant on photosynthesis on the third day, before the creation of the sun on the fourth.  Answer: Genesis 1 has night and day on the first day, but the appearance of the sun, moon and stars […]

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Question/Comment:  I believe that Genesis should not be read literally as it conflicts with our current scientific models such as the dating of the universe and Evolution. As a result I believe that we must read Genesis as a theological poem not a scientific textbook. Thus I see that we were created and we fell […]

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Question:  I have recently been looking through my Bible and have noticed that the gospel of Mark stops at 16:8 with the quote (Early manuscripts end at 16:8) I have researched this and indeed the earliest manuscripts we know of stop at 16:8 . The only problem I have with this is that I know […]

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Question: Are there any strong extra-biblical sources for the life/works of Jesus of Nazareth? Can you give me the authors/sources? The answer is an emphatic yes.  We have at least nine non-Christian sources on Jesus in the first and early second century.  There are, of course, dozens of Christian sources on the life of Jesus […]

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Question: A friend sent me this video, about this movement Zeitgeist, I was looking for information about them.  They believe that Jesus is a mythical story. What do you think about this? Is there any information that I can read and  give to my friend that suport the existence of Jesus versus this video? Answer: I […]

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Question:  Hello, I had recently been in a discussion with someone who doubts the historicity of Jesus. When I tried to tell him that his facts were wrong by pointing out to videos on youtube about his historicity, he tried to counter with this:      "I’ve seen plenty of those videos before. They never have all […]

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Question: Hey, I love your website…I’ve found it very resourceful.  I have a couplequestions that have been brought up that I can’t seem to give an answerfor.  First, I’ve heard and read what Josephus had to say about Jesus.  Hementions him, true.  But, someone asked me, "If Josephus took the time toaccount to mention Jesus, why […]

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Question;: An atheist friend of mine claimed that there a many contradictions or prophetic misinterpretations in Matthew.  What is your response.  The list is Matthew: 1:22-23, 2:15, 2:23, 8:16-17, 12:18-21, 12:23, 12:40, 16:4, 24:44, 27:9. Answer: These are really rather common and in my opinion fairly shallow criticisms of the Bible.  Here are my responses. I […]

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Question: I wondered if you could point me in the right direction with regards to the geneology in Luke which mentions Nathan and not Solomon.  Forgive my ignorance, but what is the significance in your view? I read it was related to a King Jeconiah.    I understood that messianic lineage goes by the father, so Mary’s lineage […]

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Question: I am part of the Dubai inter-cultural fellowship here in Dubai. Some of my co-workers who are Muslim ask me how can I explain that their religion is the last & final one.  They say Jesus is already passed.  They say Islam is the last & final religion.  How can you answer this claim?  I told them that […]

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Question:  Could you please help enlighten me – I am trying to research what happened to Joseph. He assumed loco parentis during his early childhood, his geneology was respectfully referred to as if he were blood related , which in itself confuses me, as we don’t suppose he was his father. I can see no […]

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Question:  Can you please explain the Gabriel stone?  How will this affect Christianity?   Answer:   This is a good question.  The "Gabriel Stone" has now been around for a while and it is a good time to begin thinking about its significance.  I have learned from experience that when a new find comes out it is […]

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Question: Can you comment on the material about the "historical Jesus" at  The featured video clips claim that many of the messianic prophesies were taken out of context to apply to Jesus.  Can you respond to particularly the claim that Psalm 22:16 is mistranslated particularly the word "pierced"?  Also, Matthew 27:9-10, a prophesy from […]

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Question: If the bible was written so long ago and interpreted in many different ways and has been re-written so many times how can we be sure the version we read today is not complete fiction? Answer: I have answered this question a number of times and in various ways at the web site.  I […]

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Question: I read "Daniel, Prophet to the Nations" recently and was quite awestruck by the prophesies!  I’ve been reading online that the Christian persecution under Domitian was historically uncertain and debated. Although the early church fathers routinely mention Domitian, the persecution is seemingly absent from the writings of Tacitus and Suetonius (and other Roman historians).  […]

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Question: I just read an article that puts forth some pretty convincing evidence that places the validity of Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, and Suetonius and a few other well known historians that many apologetics use to help confirm the existence of Chirst into question. Just wondering what the names of the other non-christian scholars are to […]

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Question: I’m a Christian but I’m finding it hard to rebutt some contradictions of the Bible I believe atheist are taking their questions from this website. Can the Bible challenge his theories? Answer: It is obviously not possible for me to respond to all the criticism of biblical Christianity at this web site.   However, […]

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Question:  If there is so much evidence supporting the validity of the Bible. Why do some Biblical scholars still remain so skeptical? Answer:  Those who do not accept the validity of the Bible ought to speak for themselves.  It is not my place to determine the motives of other people.  Obviously, the reasons people choose […]

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Question:  Would you help me?  I see many answering the questions:  Is the Bible true?  Is the Bible inspired?  Is the Bible the Word of God?  I have a different question that I do not find answered anywhere — at least, not answered in so many words.  Those other questions start with the Word of […]

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Question: The work that I have been reading a great deal about is that of Christina Hayes, who is absolutly brilliant. Also, the work of Naham Sarna is another of my favorite biblical scholars. They both are finding many examples of symbolism and contridictions. You say that these things are simply not true, but I […]

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Question: I learned that the Pentatauch is attributed to Moses was, in fact, a compilation of 4 very different sources, which reflect the interests and biases of the author. This is a highly accepted theory and can be found everywhere in the Pentatauch if you know where to look. Like the story of the ark, […]

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Question: An athiest friend asked me about the story of Jonah being eaten and thrown up by a fish.  She said that this seemed imposible. How can I explain this to her? Answer: Your friend is right that the story of the swallowing and later regurgitation of Jonah alive on the third day is impossible.  […]

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Questions and Answers: 1] In Matthew 8;12 Who are the subjects that Jesus is talking about? "The subjects of the kingdom" are the Jews who do not receive Jesus.  One can generalize this to include anyone who has been saved but later chooses to ignore his own calling, but in the context, Jesus is telling […]

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Some of my friends say there is evidence that during the reign of Constantine and the meetings at that time, many scholars met and decided which books to put in the Bible and eliminated others that didn’t fit their agenda and they changed the wording of many of the verses and deleted others.  Yet the […]

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