Question: I understand that the Day/Age Theory of Evolution reconciles with the scriptures and even allows for the possibility of Adam evolving from chimpanzees, australopithecenes, or something else. However, what about Eve? Do you believe that the account of her creation from Adam’s rib is clearly to be taken literally and plainly? If so, that […]

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Question: What do you think about the claim that evolution is in fact not directed–that natural selection was undirected and that neo darwinism is right about this?  I want to.understand science and scripture. agree with Biologos foundation? Answer: It is my personal belief that, first, evolution is real and that species have evolved at […]

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QUESTION: I have a question regarding the time frame in Genesis 1. I know you believe that the earth is billions of years old, yes?  And that the bible is speaking figuratively when it describes how long creation took, I hope I am not assuming this. As I was researching I realized that the word […]

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QUESTION: This question has been burning in me for a while and has currently been re-kindled by a recent current event. I do not know if you have ever heard of a Christian ministry known as “Exodus International,” but they were a group of Christians dedicated to “helping” homosexuals rid themselves of their desires through […]

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Question: I found the article below condemning the teaching of theistic evolution.  Is it correct, or maybe do they have some errors?, Thanks! [editor’s note: the article referred to is immediately below and my response is below that] THEISTIC EVOLUTION- What Is Theistic Evolution? Proponents of theistic evolution claim that God created man by evolutionary […]

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Question: I am a constitutional lawyer representing a non-profit that is opposing the adoption of Next Generation Science Standards. We have a question regarding one of the assumptions used in the standards. I found your power point program on the net that identifies assumptions but did not see this one listed.     “Science assumes natural events […]

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Question: Some atheists posted this on Reasonable faith facebook page: Is it true that these is evidence of a multiverse?  would the Kalam cosmological argument be refuted by this kind of data?   What do you think about these articles?  Are there any famous physicists that endorse kalam?   What about British actor Hugh Laurie, known for his lead role […]

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QUESTION: It seems foolish to deny all of the outstanding evidence of evolution and instead believe in a book written 2000 years ago. What grounds is that to make any assumption, yet alone deny a theory with tremendous caches of evidence just because the Bible says so?   Please give me insight into how the Bible […]

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Question: I co-teach an astronomy class at Bethesda Chevy-Chase high school and am working on my masters in special education with a certification in Biology. In astronomy, we know that the most abundance element in the universe is hydrogen. Many astronomers believe that hydrogen was the most abundant in the singularity. I know that hydrogen […]

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Question: In Genesis, after God created the Earth he said it was good.  We know dinosaurs were created but why and when?  After living for millions of years why would God have them destroyed if what He created was good?  Presumably they were created before Adam and Eve.  Did God create the way in which […]

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Questions:  (second question is below) 1. Out of 500 billion galaxies we can’t be the only life in the universe and how does that affect mankind and a savior? Answer: First of all, this question based on an improvable assumption. Why, logically, is it seemingly impossible that the earth could contain the only life in […]

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Question: In the Bible it says the fall of man was the result of natural evil (carnivores,hurricanes,explosions,etc…), so my question is this:  If that is the case, then why does science show us that dinosours and many others animals where carnivores.   If God created carnivorous animals and he says it was good, then doesn’t this reflect […]

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Question: Why Did God create black holes?  It seems the universe works very ramdomly like creating planets from planets or comets exploding, supernovae explosions,etc…  I dont think an explosion is how God will work for creating the Earth.! Answer: Obviously, I cannot speak for God on “why” he created one thing or another, but as a […]

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Question: Discussing Christianity with a friend, we both agreed that what makes Christianity hard to believe for non-believers, and believers, is the supernatural aspects. As children we are told not to believe in ghosts or spirits. But yet as Christians our belief is based on the unseen. And for us humans, we like to see,smell […]

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Question: If life is discovered on another planet, how will it affect our understanding of the Bible, God, the Anthropic Principle, and our place in the universe? Answer: In a word: no effect. If God created life here, he can create life elsewhere. That is God’s prerogative. The Bible does not suggest one way or […]

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Question: Your thoughts on the new information concerning the Higgs-Boson, the “God particle”? Response: My thoughts on the new information about the Higgs Boson is that it changes absolutely nothing from a Christian Apologetic point of view. First of all, the theory about the existence of this particle–the one responsible for giving mass to particles–has been […]

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Question: My 7 year old son has recently become interested in the Bible and has been reading some of Genesis on his own. He asked me about the biblical ages in Genesis and how people can live 800, and 900 years. I said I thought it could have been that God gave longer lives at […]

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Question: At what point in the evolutionary line did humans develop the Image of God? At what point in time did we fall into sin?  What is the eternal fate of our evolutionary ancestors? Please forgive my rusty science, but what I am asking is will there be neanderthals, cro-magnons, etc. in heaven Answer: Humans […]

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Question: Did Adam and Eve really exist?  Some say they have disproved their existence.  I have seen this claimed many  times.  For example, on wiki answers they say that the Bible does not contain the earth rotating on its axis. But we can look at what God said in the book of Job (38:12-14) “Have you […]

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Question: I would like to claim that God is consistent in everything but I wonder why an eternal God outside of time would use pretty strong language such as “detestable” and “unclean” denouncing certain foods (Leviticus 11) and then decide to change it and say everything is clean (Acts 10) in the New Testament. Why […]

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Question: First, let me just say I love your website. It is one of the few Christian websites I know of that answers such difficult questions and so many of them. To the heart of the matter: I understand you are a theistic evolutionist and I am wondering how the Doctrine of Original Sin fits […]

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QUESTION: I know that you are probably busy but I hope you can answer some of my concerns. I am currently a Christian bordering on converting to Nihilism. I grew up believing in God creating everything as per the Genesis account even though I believed in an old universe. I believed that God physically created […]

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Question: I have a science background and looked at theology too.  I was wondering if you had an answer to the variations between different races if we descend from Adam and Eve.  For example, if we say that we came from them, how do we make sense of different skin colour and eye shape?  Even if we […]

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QUESTION: I have a question pertaining to evolution and an interpretation of scripture.  Acts 17:26 states that all men were created through one man.  However, according to Darwinian evolution not just one man evolved and procreated with the rest of the women.  But there were multiple beings that evolved into human beings simultaneously. How would […]

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QUESTION: I’ve been looking a bit into Quantum Physics and Mechanics and recently found this question asked on Yahoo Answers: Christians, two of the most fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics disproves your god. I’ll explain below. Just remember, you can’t say this is just a theory (even though a theory means an unproven fact in […]

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Question: An article appeared in Yahoo a day or two ago. It quotes theoretical cosmologist Sean Carroll. Here is the article detail: Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God? By Natalie Wolchover | Here is the core section shared by Carroll: Carroll argues that God’s sphere of influence has shrunk drastically in modern […]

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Question: I am in a discussion with a friend in St. Louis. One issue he has brought up and its implication is that theistic evolution cannot be true as death did not enter into the realm of creation until Adam and Eve sinned and thus the geological sediments and all the animals and plants could […]

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Question: I’m going to be taking a class on evolution this fall and wanted to see what book(s) you recommend I read so I can help myself as well as my classmates. Also, if you could just give me some general advice about how to go about debating/talking about evolution that would be appreciated. Thanks! […]

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QUESTION: How does one explain the fact of Lot’s wife being converted into salt when they were running away from Sodom’s destruction?  What is the “logic” or scientific” explantion behind this fact. Answer: I do not believe that there is any “scientific logic” to what happened to Lot’s wife.  What happened to his wife is […]

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QUESTION: I’m really interested in the whole area of Apologetics and I am studying it out to try and establish my own beliefs according to the evidence. It seems to me that people either believe in creation that took place over six 24hr days or evolution whether unguided, partly or fully guided by an Intelligent […]

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Request: I was reading your article about the 4 Christian views of evolution and got stuck on the way you describe YEC beliefs. “YEC believes in fixed species and completely rejects the theory of organic evolution commonly known as Darwinism or neo-Darwinism.  Those who take this view believe quite literally that on the third through […]

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QUESTION: How would you respond to the claims that free will is an illusion? I’ve looked over some of the “evidence” for this argument and have heard several lectures on this topic ( and given professors and scientist at The Faraday Institute. I believe the strongest evidence for the “illusion” of free will is […]

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Question: I just watched a video (see below) in which John Clayton presents his version of what seems to be examples of irreducible complexity [IC].  Seems to be a bit more like a parade of God of the gaps.  I think there might be better examples of irreducible complexity.  What do you think of IC arguments in […]

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Comment: A friend directed me towards your site. I’ve been reading your articles on how life could not possibility come about spontaneously. I was wondering what your thoughts are on this.  When a new property of RNA was discovered: some kinds of RNA can catalyze chemical reactions – and that means that RNA can both […]

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Question: When debating with an atheist about the origins of life I used your statement (see below) In order for life to come about by a chemical accident, as atheists and scientists committed to materialist explanations assume, several things must have happened which simply can not happen. First of all, a genetic code, capable of […]

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Question: My Church cannot really give me answers to alot of the evolution questions I have and direct me to either Kent Hovind or some other creation website. I know from talking to a lot of my atheist friends this source is not reliable. I also have an atheist friend who is studying history. His […]

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What is the most convincing evidence for the existence for a supernatural being? Answer: The most convincing evidence for the existence of God, at least for me, is the indirect evidence provided by the inspiration for the Bible (and all the evidence which supports belief in the inspiration of the Bible). For this I strongly […]

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Question: As a student studying Biology I personally believe in evolution, and I also believe in God. However, I have been struggling to figure out whether I should interpret Genesis chapter 2 literally. I looked at two different prestigious scientists who are both Christians but claim evolutionary creationism or bios logos. The first is Dr. […]

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Question: In leviticus 11:20-23 it said that the Israelites could not eat any flying creeping thing that is on all fours. What was God refering to when he means flying creeping on all fours? I can’t find any creeping flying animal or insect that is on all fours. Answer: Scholars will agree that Leviticus 11:20-23 […]

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Question: Does Genesis 1:7 say that there is water above the expanse(sky)?  Does the Bible support this wrong cosmology? Answer: Genesis chapter one is not a scientific treatise and should not be treated this way. It is a theological treatise, stating that God created everything in the universe, giving a rough order in which the […]

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