QUESTION: What does 1 Thessalonians 5:20 “Do not scoff at prophecies,but test everythiing that is said”  mean? Answer: We do not know the exact context of the interesting command from Paul to the Thessalonians. We must assume that some were “scoffing” at prophecies. Another translation has them treating certain prophecies “with contempt.” I will speculate […]

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Question: The saying ‘Faith is released by speaking words’, is used by some preachers to describe that sick people remain sick though ‘saved’ because of their inability to release their faith and be healed. They say God has put authority under us to move mountains therefore we should exercise it for the purpose of healing. Also […]

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Question: I have tried to find out for a long time what the word “hupostasis” in Hebr 11:1 means – “Faith is the ‘hupostasis’ of things hoped for…”   confidence, assurance, substance, and title-deed are some translations of the word “hupostasis”. The translation of this word is critical to the understanding of the verse and […]

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QUESTION: I recently listened to a debate between Sam Harris and Dr. Craig. I remember listening to your audio where you mentioned that you have not come across any scientific discrepancies in the Bible. This is more or less a statement that Sam Harris made in regards to scientific discrepancies found in the Bible: ‘Genesis […]

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Question: I want to ask about a particular apologetics strategy know as Presuppositional Apologetics. What do you think about it?  Do you believe that you presuppose that God exists and that everything the Bible says is true off the bat? Or does it take reasons to reach this conclusion? I recently heard a good explanation […]

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Question: Hey Dr. Oakes, I have a question about predestination.  I have been running into people that use Romans 9, or Romans 8:28-30. They claim that God chose those who are saved already and we have no free will. The particular verse in Romans 9 was verse 11-18. Answer: I have taught a class on […]

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Dr.  John Oakes taught a class, Jesus in the Old Testament: From Shadow to Reality in San Diego on six consecutive Saturdays beginning Feb 22, 2014.   Outline and suggested reading for the class are below.   Jesus in OT Notes      Jesus in OT PPT     The recordings of this class are available at the web […]

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QUESTION: I have been a devout follower of Jesus Christ for 22 years.  Recently, I have been questioning the validity of Christianity. The Freemasons tell their members that they have made up Christianity and all world religions as a way to better society. When I look at the ancient Sun God worship Mithraism and other forms […]

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QUESTION: If the Bible is the most accurate historical text, and doesn’t have any direct proof against it, then what makes the Old and New Testament only 99% accurate and not 100% accurate? Answer: The original writings of the New Testament authors (known as the “autographs” to scholars) are perfect and inspired. These letters were […]

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Question: Hello! I was just looking through you’re site – a very interesting one, very thought provoking – and came across this article: Now, I should say at the forefront that I am what you may call a “Calvinist” – that is, I believe that the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints is […]

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QUESTION: I studied with a Catholic guy long time ago… He argued that they believed in baptizing infants because there are example(s) of such in the Bible, citing Acts 16:31-34; 16:15. I tried to convince him on the essence of ‘faith’ in salvation(Gal. 2:16; Romans 3:25-26;Romans 6:8) of which infants can’t even understand. but the […]

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[Editor’s note:  This question has little to do with Christian evidences, but I have gotten several versions of the question.  Apparently it is on the minds of many EFC users, so I am providing an answer.] QUESTION:  In Acts chapter 8 Philip, one of the Seven, goes to a city in Samaria and preached the gospel. […]

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Question: I have been reading quite a bit lately about advancements in stem cell research especially in the area of tissue/organ regeneration. One article states that within 10-20 years the majority of damaged tissue will be able to be “grown” using stem cells. This may seem like a silly question, but will science/medicine get to […]

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[Note: this query comes from a believer who got these questions from a friend who is Bahai. Question: One of my questions was WHY had not God in the Old Testament chosen for himself, the name Jesus the Christ, but many other names ? In addition, Christ Himself also promises that when he returns, he […]

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Editor’s Note:   I just posted a Q & A on cremation a couple of weeks ago.  Normally, I would not post two in a row on the same topic, but apparently my fairly short answer raised as many questions as it answered, so I am publishing a second question and the follow-up.  I suggest that […]

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Question: I have found seemingly two different versions of Judas Iscariot’s death. Version 1 in Matthew 27:3-6 NIV Judas Hangs Himself When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. 4 “I have sinned,” he […]

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Question: According to Matthew 27:1-10, Judas hanged himself after he realized what he had done to Jesus Christ; but in Acts 1:18-19, he used his reward money to buy a field and he died and his intestines spilled out–pretty gruesome–when he fell to his newly bought field. Did he died because of worldly sorrow or […]

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Question: There is some information on the Old Testament I found through an atheist and I think it’s very interesting.  It hasn’t harmed my faith but it did raise some interesting questions. This link implies that the God we know as God YHWH is actually a remnant of Canaanite mythology which was as you […]

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Question: Quick question for you regarding Matthew 23:35, Is this a copyist error? Is this referring to Zechariah son of Jehoiada? Answer: It is possible that this is a copyist’s error, substituting Berekiah for Jehoiada. I cannot rule that out. More likely, though, there was an actual Zechariah, son of Berekiah who was killed, but […]

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Question: Thank you for your continuous effort for defending and explaining the word of God so we all can grow in knowing and understanding it! I have issues with the consistency of some scriptures, and I hope you’ll help me overcome it. It’s about 2 Chronicles 24 and 2 Kings 12. We recently had a […]

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QUESTION: My son recently announced that he is an atheist. I have been a Christian all of my life, so this was not happy news for me. Since this announcement, I have been searching the internet to get a better understanding of what the “other side” says. I have listened to the “new atheists” and […]

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Comment: The reason Jesus turned water into wine, according to my biblical dictionary, was that in the olden days wine was fruit juice. Response: Whoever told you this was just plain wrong. Without pasteurization it is literally impossible to prevent grape juice from fermenting. I am a PhD chemist and I can confirm for you […]

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Question: I have an issue I’d love for you to weigh in on if you can please? I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the 3 part debate between Dr William Lane Craig and Prof Krauss? (if not, the are on YouTube). If so, can you please shed some light on responding to Krauss in […]

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Comment: I think Mr Oakes needs to take a course in logic. He attempts to discredit Robert Eisenman by using, not the extant historical evidence, but the unsubstantiated writings of “early church fathers”,and the new testament “writings” of Peter and Luke. First of all there is not a single writing of the church fathers and […]

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Question: I am deeply grateful for your research and teaching for brothers and sisters in the faith. Your web-site and publications have been so helpful, insightful and informative. I have been a Christian for over 21 years now, and your works, and those of other teachers, have proven helpful as tools to help deepen my […]

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Question: I was just browsing and came upon your website. I read through some questions/answers and was surprised to read that you believe that the Bible’s account of Eve being formed/created out of Adam’s rib is metaphorical.  So your God can create a universe and yes, even Adam and Eve ex nihilo as you like […]

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Question: The past few days I have been wrestling with my faith. I have been experiencing symptoms of severe anxiety and depression such as excessive sleep, not eating or drinking, nervous breakdowns, etc. The things that have been bothering me the past few days have to do with evolutionary psychology and the resurrection of Christ. 1. Evolutionary Psychology- I […]

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