Let us consider the ultimate miracle?the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Now, wait a minute.? Did Jesus do this miracle?? Did he raise himself from the dead, or did the Father raise his son from the dead?? We will let the theologians work out this question because it really does not matter who […]

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What evidence did Jesus point to in order to support the claims he made about himself? The answer is that Jesus backed up his claims about himself by pointing to the miracles he worked. ?Don?t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to […]

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We will begin with a scenario.? Imagine for a moment that you are having an informal conversation with a close friend you have known for some time.? Your friend?s name is Bill.? In the course of the conversation, Bill tells you that he has the ability to raise people from the dead.? How would you […]

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During his ministry in Palestine, Jesus was often challenged on the issue of authority. Many, especially the religious authorities, would demand of Jesus to know on what authority he based his teachings. In general, he would let the evidence of the miracles speak for themselves, but on one occasion Jesus replied to his hearers concerning […]

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Welcome to the grand opening of our new version of evidenceforchristianity.org!  Much thanks to Toney Mulhollan and Tom Scotto for putting this together.  We invite you to go to "contact us"  You will now be able to receive regular mailings and newsletters.

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Unique in its continuity Written over a span of 1,500 years Written over 40 different generations Written by over 40 authors: These authors came from every walk of life such as kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesman and scholars. Some examples include: Moses, a political leader, trained in the universities of Egypt ?Joshua , a […]

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NOTES FOR FULL DANIEL CLASS   Background to Daniel:   Theme:  God Rules the Nations, Do Not Fear!   Main messages:   1.  How to stay pure and uncorrupted?to maintain your integrity in a world      in which you are surrounded by unbelievers.   2.  God is in control.  He will protect his people.  Do […]

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EvidenceForChristianity.org is a non-profit institute dedicated to the study of the evidence surrounding the central claims of Christianity.  Issues such as the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible, and the deity of Jesus Christ are examined in light of current scientific, historical, and archaeological knowledge. Since such knowledge is constantly evolving, an ongoing […]

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