Question: Do you believe that those who believe in theistic evolution will be pleasing to God on judgement day? Why are Christians turning to the world views and compromising the basics of God being the Creator? Is it appalling to any other Christian Leaders in the fellowship of ICOC that leaders are encouraging this type of […]

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Question: Who put all of the books of the Bible together in one book, and how do we know that they were right? Answer: The logic of the answer to this question is fairly simple, but the evidence is a bit involved.  In order to give you a sufficient answer, I suggest you read the […]

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Question: I don’t understand the whole "hardening your heart" idea in the Bible. For example in Hebrews 6:4-7, is the situation that the person can try to repent and cannot be restored or is it because their heart is hardened so they won’t repent or turn to God? The Bible says that He will always forgive us when we turn to […]

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Question: Why does the God of the Old Testament seem so mean, and unmerciful, but God in the New Testament is gracious, loving, and merciful? Answer: Yours is a very common misconception of both the Old and the New Testament.  There are two misconceptions here.  First, it is common to view the portrayal of God […]

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Question: 1.      Why would an all knowing benevolent God give such ridiculous laws? Not using two different types of fibers? Cutting off the hand of a woman that grabs the private parts of the man that fights her husband? Not touching a woman for seven days after the beginning of her period? What is that???? The almighty […]

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Question: What are the five miracles in the Old Testament? Answer; I have no idea.  There are a LOT more than five miracles in the Old Testament.  If you are interested, I have published a book on miracles which includes a chapter on Old Testament miracles.  It is titled  "That You May Believe." It is available […]

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Questions:     (several questions are followed by the answer to all of them below) 1.  Does 1 Cor. 7:10-11 really say that divorced couples ought to remarry if they can?  I thought Jesus taught that a divorce was final.  I don’t think Paul is talking about a couple who merely separates because he says the woman […]

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Question: Is Jesus really an acceptable sin sacrifice according to the Old Testament?  The new covenant couldn’t have been active till after Jesus’ death and resurrection, right? So it would make sense to say the initiation of the new covenant shouldn’t violate the standards of the old. Does Jesus REALLY count as a sin sacrifice? […]

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Question:  Where does Jesus say he is God? I haven’t seen a verse in the Bible where Jesus says he is God.  Also I am sure that you are aware that many people think that the Bible is corrupt, it this is not true, where are they getting this belief from? Answer: The answer is that Jesus […]

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Question:  Someone has mentioned this website to me that gives an argument that homosexuality is not a sin, that we think it’s a sin because we misunderstand what the biblical meaning of the word "homosexual" means.  Here is the website:  I am sure something is wrong here, but I cannot see why.  Can you […]

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Question: Are there any examples of failed Prophecies in the Bible and scientific contradictions in the bible as claimed by some books? Answer: No, there are not. Of course, there are people who say that there are, and I have heard such claims. For example, in a debate held last June in Chicago, the claim […]

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Question: I have heard a lot of people who argue that Christianity is false, say that the Gospels were written to conform with the political views of the time, and each author wrote to get his political views accross. What do you say about this? Answer:  This is a very good question.  I have not […]

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Question: Could you please explain what man’s righteous anger looks like.  I see Jesus’ reaction in Mt.21:12 and Moses in  Ex.32:19, but how can righteous anger be understood in a Christian life dealing with the sin of another Christian?  What would that look like? Answer: I think that in order to know what righteous anger might look like, we […]

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Question: Everybody is foreknown, because God knows everyone before they are born, so everyone is predestined "For those God foreknew he also predestined", and therefore everybody is called in their life time "those he predestined he also called". Therefore everybody is judged on the extent of their calling, and even if you are not baptised […]

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Question: The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. what does it mean by the above ‘ share in […]

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Question: If God/Jesus Christ has great power and can perform everything as he would want, why did he delay to come to the earth? And he certainly knew that the humans are full of sins, why did he need time to come; why he let people sin further before he comes, why did he let Satan stay on […]

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Question: Do all Christians confirm that God (ie. one who creates the heavens and earth) and Jesus Christ are one?  If God and Jesus Christ are the same why when Jesus Christ was on earth did he preach sometimes opposite to the old rules and regulations in the Old Testament? Answer: It is my opinion that, […]

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Question: A Muslim that I talked to argues that Muhammed was predicted in the Bible in Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12:  "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned."  He claims that this is exactly what happend when Mohammed recieved […]

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Question: Is there going to be one supreme Antichrist who is above the previous ones? Many futurists have been linking the 70 weeks of Daniel into a 7 year period of Tribulation where the antichrist shall rise up and claim the world. Is there any validity to this theory? Answer: No, there is no validity […]

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Question:  I have been discussing original texts with my History and Development of Early Christian Thought Professor.  He made the point that the original word that Jesus used was synagogue instead of church. For example, "On this rock I will build my synagogue" versus "On this rock I will build my church". What Understanding do […]

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Question:  I was just reading an excerpt out of the book "Who is My brother" by F. LeGard Smith, I believe you are familar with this book.  He states that those who are baptised even without the knowledge that they are baptized for the forgiveness of their sins are still saved in God’s eyes. So […]

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Question: God is one who created the Universe and at the end he will destroy the Universe. Why does he do this? Does He have any choice not to destroy the Universe? If the Universe is destroyed, how can humanity can escape from that giant disaster?  The Universe exists, then after a very, very , very long time it will […]

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Question: Were the original prophecies of the Messiah altered?  Jews state that Jesus did not fulfill all of the prophecies realting to the Messiah. They also claim that the followers of Jesus in the early ages sincerely believed he was the Messiah, and altered the Old Testament to suit their needs. Answer:  It is true […]

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Question:  Are there any specific prophecies that have been fulfilled? Many skeptics claim that prophecies are too broad to be reliable. Answer: The answere is a resounding yes.  You will find a wealth of information on this topic in three of the books I have published.  The three are Reasons for Belief,  Daniel, Prophet to […]

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Question:  Is there any truth of historicism? It is the belief that the prophetic events on Revelation, Daniel, Matthew, etc. repeat over time. Some believe that the events which have already taken place will occur again in greater magnitude. The holocaust (3.5 years) was just foreshadowing the events of the true Great Tribulations (Second half of […]

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Question:  What proofs are used to show the book of Daniel was written in the 600s and what evidence is used to prove a later composition, around the time of Antiochus Epi arephanes? Answer: There is no evidence to support the idea that Daniel was written in the 600s, as Daniel died in about 535 BC.  […]

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Question:  Is there any evidence outside of the Bible that Jesus was real? Answer:  A number of non-Christian historical sources mention Jesus of Nazareth, from as early as the late first century AD.  This includes Jewish historian Josephus, the Jewish OT commentary known as the Talmud, and Roman historians, especially Tacitus and Seutonius.  These writers […]

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Question:  I assume that God allmighty is performing miracles right at this moment. He is curing cancer, AIDS, and all kinds of spiritual and physical illness. But, why God doesn’t answer the prayers of a person that has been mutilated? Why there isn’t any miracle performed by our Allmighty God where a limb that has been […]

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Question: I was reading the website of Yusuf Estes. A muslim apologist who used to be a Christian Minister. He claims that in his study of the Bible he saw the Bible is littered with contradictions, and that after reading the Koran he saw it had no errors and so could only be from God.  How […]

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Question: I noticed that you indicated in a question concerning how many were in Jesus’ family, that he may have had at least 3 sisters.  My question is this.  If Jesus had such a large family and Jews were noted to care for their parents, why does Mary go to live under the care of the apostle […]

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Question: Reading in the Old Testament I came across a few things: many times it is said that angel of the Lord came to people, then the next line it is said that it was God who came e.g. Genesis 18 – talking to Abraham (those 3 men were angels or God?), Exodus 14 – Numbers 9:15…, Judges […]

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Why is it that the latest book published on the archeology of Palestine, namely "The Bible Unearthed" by Finkelstein & Silberman flatly declares that the Exodus and the conquest of Canaan never happened ? Answer: You will have to ask them.   I have enough trouble explaining why I say what I say, never mind taking […]

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Editor’s note: Since this article was written, a new paper which appears to identify Darius the Mede as Cyaxares II the Mede has been published. This appears to more or less settle the question. We recommend you read this paper.  It is at Question: Why is it that “The Cambridge History Of Judaism” knows nothing […]

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Question: A new question has been submitted by Francisco ( on [08/21/08]: Everytime I read the gospels I wonder how possible it was  to keep Jesus’s exact words in each of the writings. Thus, I have a question: Is it possible that someone took notes while walking around along with Jesus, maybe one of hs disciples? Answer: This […]

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