There is increasing argument that many of the sayings of Jesus (the Lord’s, prayer for example) had already been recorded in early historical manuscripts. They suggest that Jesus simply borrowed them. Is this true? In order to answer this question, I would need specific examples. If you have some specific claims about Jesus repeating the […]

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What is the deity of Christ ? The “deity of Christ” refers to the New Testament teaching that Jesus Christ is God. Almost all those who would call themselves Christians would accept this most basic of all Bible teachings. The most significant exception is the Jehovah’s Witness denomination. Thanks to the teaching of their founder, […]

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I recently viewed a documentary claiming that ancient tablets (older than OT manuscripts) were found in Iraq, telling a story almost identical to Noah’s… and that the soil there showed signs of an ancient flood as well (unlike the land around Mount Ararat). The final conclusion was that Israel received this “story” from the Babylonians […]

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Was Satan kicked out of Heaven? There is a very common belief that Satan was kicked out of heaven. Yet, perhaps surprisingly, you will not find this clearly stated in the Bible. This is one of many examples of a common misconception taking on the appearance of authority or truth simply because it is repeated […]

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When God destroyed the earth with great flood all the creatures of ground and air were destroyed (Gen 7:22-23), but what about the creatures of water ? Were they also destroyed? There is no evidence in Genesis that the creatures in water were destroyed wholesale by the flood–be they fresh or salt-water life. It would […]

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Have you read Peter Gomes’ “The Good Book”? If so, how would you respond to the argument he makes in chapter 8 regarding homosexuality? I have not read this book. I did look it up at Amazon and looked at the table of contents and a few excerpts from the book. The chapter in question […]

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I was wondering if you could provide me with a list of the New Testament books in chronological order. I’m trying to prepare for an upcoming discussion about the reliability of Bible texts so if you could point me in any specific direction…that would be great Do you mean chronological order of when they were […]

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Would you please share some scriptures for learning respect and responsibility. For passages in the Bible on respect and responsibility, I would definitely suggest turning to the book of Proverbs. In fact almost any aspect of one’s character will be addressed in the Proverbs. Specific passages I would mention would include; Prov 1:8 Listen, my […]

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How would you respond to the question: can’t you use existing facts to prove any claim, in this case Christianity, but in reality any thing you wish? I would say you raise a very good and valid question. The fact is that if one chooses to suspend use of correct lines of reasoning, then one […]

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Did the “disciples” get baptized again on the day of Pentecost or was Jesus baptism the same as for the forgiveness of sins? This is a fairly common question. Unfortunately, to answer the question requires speculation. The Bible simply does not answer this questions. You can assume that the answer you get to this question […]

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I was just reviewing that article you wrote about people believing God isn?t real. When you try to explain how God is or isn?t real, you can’t use the Bible because the Bible is a human written book. There is absolutely no proof that any of these actions occurred, well little if any. There is […]

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“Jews do not believe that Jesus was the moshiach. Assuming that he existed, and assuming that the Christian scriptures are accurate in describing him (both matters that are debatable), he simply did not fulfill the mission of the moshiach as it is described in the biblical passages cited above. Jesus did not do any of […]

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I have a question for you. I was wondering if you could give me advice on helping people who argue that the Bible we have today cannot possibly be the original Bible. I obviously cannot tell them that I believe by faith that it is the inspired word of God and that He protects His […]

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*Did the messianic prophecies foretell of the “second coming?” *Does God explicitly reveal to Moses the 8 day circumcision decision procedure or is it more like it was a “best practices” act that was handed down over generations and then was written down by Moses? *Do we know how long Jesus was in Egypt? There […]

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Note: The question is quite long. The answer is about five paragraphs down the page How does Christianity justify its staunch and abusive criticism of so called “Pagan” Religions in the light that it developed well after many other religions that were also the belief of many people before it? Too often “pagan religions have […]

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In the recent movie, The Passion of Christ, there was a reference to Pilate being warned by Caesar twice not to allow any more uprisings. Is there any historical basis for this? I’m sure there was some political reason Pilate allowed a man he considered innocent to be executed. Melissa (Denver) Relatively little is known, […]

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Do you have information on the changing of the Sabbath Day by Constantine? I have no information on this because it never happened. One of the most persistent false claims about the early history of the church is that somehow Constantine was able to change Christian doctrine of even the scriptures of the New Testament. […]

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Have you noticed there are two accounts in the bible of Jesus cursing the fig tree and when Jesus drove the money changers out? In one account, Jesus drove the money changers out and then cursed the fig tree the next day. (Matthew 21:10-22). And in the other account he cursed the fig tree first […]

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How do I know that Christianity is the one true faith, and that Buddhism, or Hinduism, or any other religion isn’t the "right one?" I have received a couple of questions which are pretty similar to this one. Below I have included two similar questions and the answers I gave. After these two questions/responses, I […]

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What about unicorns? I have received a question about unicorns before. This question is not very specific, so I will simply copy my answer of a previous question. John Oakes In the Bible, what do the Unicorns symbolize and where in the Bible are they talked about? That is a pretty easy question. Unicorns do […]

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Why did celibacy become mandatory for priests? Let me start by copying and pasting an answer to a similar question received previously. You will find the rest of my answer to your specific question after the following: Can you tell me when the Catholic church started insisting its priests were celibate? How celibacy became common […]

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I’m writing to ask if you have any explanation for one apparent discrepancy that I have often wondered about: “three days and three nights”. I have read that the “days” part of that statement was due to the Jewish tradition of counting any part of a day as a whole day in the description of […]

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I was reading the introduction of the Jerusalem?s Bible (Biblia de Jerusalem), which is translated and commented by Catholics. I don?t know if this translation exists in English. For me is the best translation for Portuguese. The problem is about the authorship and the dates of some books. The comments say that Daniel was written […]

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Why dopastors still preach teach and insist on Old Testament laws when the same stand cancelled in the New Testament? Preachers teach the need for Christians to follow the Old Testament law because of bad theology. This is one of the most common false doctrines in the “Christian” world. Different religious groups teach the need […]

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It’s been a while since I posed any questions however I’m currently reading several of your articles and in your article Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled you state the following: While the writings of John preceded the persecutions of Domitian and his successors by less than a generation, they nevertheless show the continuity of the New and […]

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My question revolves around the true role of the Council Of Nicea. Some have argued that the council canonized certain texts to fit their purposes. I have heard the counter argument that the council merely canonized what was already widely accepted as Inspired Word, but even this wide acceptance does little to guarantee that the […]

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The Bible is generally used as the primary reference for Christians. Even if I accept that the Bible is actually God’s word, you have to admit that it was put on paper by humans. And since humans are imperfect, how do you put such faith in the Bible? Also, what about the books of the […]

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In anew Comparative Religion course I’m taking at school. we’re currently studying Hinduism and will soon move on to Buddhism its actually quite fascinating. Hinduism, with all its splendid contradictions and incongruities, is really not that bad of a religion. Dont get me wrong, my faith is not wavering but I found that studying the […]

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Were there real dragons? Do you mean were there ever actual, living, giant reptiles which could fly and breathe fire? I believe it is safe to say, at least from a scientific perspective, that almost certainly no such creature ever lived. Of course, many cultures, most notably the Chinese, but many others as well, have […]

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Genesis 11:1 says that the world at that time “had one language and a common speech.” However, Genesis 10:5 seems to imply that there was more than one language at that same time. Please explain this. I can think of a couple of possible explanations, but the most obvious one is probably correct. Although Genesis […]

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What evidence do we have that the stories on Christianity are real? Unfortunately, this is a rather vague question. I will give a fairly vague answer in response. If you have a more specific question in mind, please send me another question. I am not sure what you mean by “stories” in Christianity? Do you […]

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