Can you respond to a number of criticisms raised by a Rabbi in a debate I saw recently?
Questions: I was listening to a Rabbi debate with a Christian and wanted to ask you about some of the points that the Rabbi made that the Christian didn’t respond to, if i may. 1. Christians had to “make up” the second coming of the Messiah to harmonize why Jesus did not restore peace in […]
How should we respond to the false teaching in the Left Behind movie with Nicholas Cage which will some premiere?
Question: A remake of the Left Behind movies is being filmed this summer. It is starring Nicholas Cage, and so will probably be shown in mainstream theaters everywhere. Your opinions of eschatology are already provided in your website articles. The topic may suddenly become very mainstream due to Nicholas Cage, though. Do you have any […]
Do you have materials on the Kingdom of God I can use?
Question: I have enjoyed reading your book ‘Daniel Prophet to the Nations”. I have been confronting some Jehovah Witnesses on the topic of the Coming of the Kingdom of God on earth, and your book on Daniels book , really helped me a lot. thank you very very much. Do you have any specific material […]
Why doesn't God have a Daughter?
QUESTION: Why isn’t there a God’s Daughter? Answer: A fair enough question! First of all, God is not a sexual being. God is neither male nor female. Although the male is commonly used in addressing God, this should never be taken to infer that God has physically male sexual characteristics. This can be said for […]
Should Christians oppose the Next Generation Science Standard, "Science assumes natural events happen today as they happened in the past."?
Question: I am a constitutional lawyer representing a non-profit that is opposing the adoption of Next Generation Science Standards. We have a question regarding one of the assumptions used in the standards. I found your power point program on the net that identifies assumptions but did not see this one listed. “Science assumes natural events […]
Revelation 22:7,20 says that God will come in judgment quickly. It has been almost 2000 years. How is that quickly?
Comment: Shalom, Revelation 22:7 King James Version (KJV) 7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. Revelation 22:20 King James Version (KJV) 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. QUICKLY= GREEK TACHU = SWIFT-QUICK. Matthew 28:7 […]
What is your response to those who say that Obama's Health Care Act is the fulfillment of Revelation 13:15-18?
Question: Can you please respond to this chain message I received recently: [editor’s note: I am not going to do what I usually do, which is correct the grammar and sentence structure errors in the message below] 666 = The mark of the Beast President Obama Vs Revelation13:15-18 The US Senate has passed the Obama Health […]
What do you think of Johathan Cahn's "Harbingers"?
Question: My sister sent me this video and asked me to review it (Johnathan Cahn Warns America on the show with Jonathan Bernis). I thought it was interesting. I don’t want to simply discount what they are saying as I usually do with most of these guys who prey on peoples fear and ignorance to […]
How should I understand Rev 2:28 which says we will receive the morning star when Jesus himself is the morning star?
QUESTION: How should I understand what Jesus said in Revelation 2:28 when he said that he will give those who are victorious the morning star when he is the morning star? Answer: I assume you are aware that Revelation is written in a highly symbolic style. As a rule, we should not take what is […]
What is the difference between postmillenialism, premillenialism and amillenialism, and which is the more biblical view?
QUESTION: What are the differences between premillenialism, postmillenialism, and amillenialism? What is the most biblical view among the three? Do they have similarities? Answer: Postmillenialism, premillenialism and amilenialism are three views of eschatology, which is a fancy way of saying they are views of the nature of end-times. Arguably, postmillenialism and premillenialism are more similar, […]
Does the book of Daniel support the premillenial doctrine?
Question: I have been reading your book Daniel : a prophet to the nations and I found it to be very educational. However, I sent a part of the book about premillenialism to a premillenialist. I thought it would be proper to get a response to some of the questions you raised and that I […]
Is Isaiah 17 a prophecy of Armageddon as it relates to Damascus and current events?
Question: Many people cite Isaiah 17 as further evidence of a coming Armageddon. In current news, syria (and damascus ) do have an internal war going on. Verse 4-6 seem to imply Israel will be attacked or face a consequence related to the destruction damascus, concurrently. My question is: Has the destruction of Damascus happened […]
Is there a literal hell with literal fire and brimstone where God annihilates his creatures?
Question: I just have one question for you. Do you believe there is a hell of fire and brimstone where the God of love, the God of the Bible, will annihilate billions of His creatures? This is an extremely important question as the implications for the answer are light years beyond gigantic, whatever the answer. Thank […]
You say that eternal always means until the thing is completed. I disagree (John 3:16, for example)
QUESTION: In a recent post you said: “the word “eternal” always means until the thing is completed. This applies to our eternal life as well.” Where did you come up with that definition? Rev 22:5 says believers will reign forever and ever. There is no “until the thing is completed” attached to this. Neither does […]
What do you think about the view of Edward Fudge with regard to Hell?
QUESTION: I recently watched a video by Edward Fudge on Hell; you can see it at Douglas Jacoby’s website, clearly Douglas agrees with him, I would like your opinion. editor’s note: The lecture can be viewed at Douglas Jacoby’s site is Answer: I just listened to the lecture by Edward Fudge. I believe […]
Why do some Christians say Jesus came back in 1844 by applying Daniel 8:14 and the 2300 days and nights? (also a comment about Baha'i interpretations)
Question: I noticed you discussed some Baha’i prophecies on your web site. I noticed some sites produced by some Christians that you might be interested to look at: They all seem to start with the year 457 BC as the starting year of the prophecy and they also mention the year 1844 […]
Do the experiences of children who claim to have gone to heaven have validity? Also, do we "sleep" when we die and stay in this sleep until the final resurrection?
Question: (editor’s note: This is a very long question!) I have a two part question for you. I. I have been reading about very young children who have claimed to have gone to or seen heaven after having both visual or death experiences particularly two named Akiana Kramarik, age 7, and Colton Burpo, age 4. […]
Will there be animals in heaven? (from someone who recently lost a loved animal)
QUESTION: Are there evidences of animals being in our final home – heaven? (That is, besides Christ riding in on a white horse) Thanks very much. I hope you can make me feel better after a recent, hearbreaking loss. Answer: I am afraid to say that there is no biblical evidence for there being animals […]
What do you think of the partial preterist view?
Question: Recently, I have been on this site: I am not sure if it is a accurate summary of partial preterist doctrine but I would like to get your response to the 5 points the website author poses against partial preterism in which he cites dating of Revelations, quotes of followers close to apostle […]
What does "at that time" in Daniel 12:1-4 refer to?
Question: In Daniel 12:1 does the phrase (at that time) mean that Daniel 12:1-4 finds its fullfilment at the same time as the end of the greek empires as discibed in daniel 11:40-45? Answer: I am not sure, but I have an opinion. In Daniel 11:45 the vision is completing the vision of the final […]
Has all prophecy in the Old Testament been fulfilled? How do we interpret prophecy?
Question: I have a friend who claims that there are biblical prophecies within both the Old and New Testament that have not come to pass as of yet. Though I am aware that not all biblical prophecy hasn’t been fulfilled, what are the basic rules for interpreting it? Should we focus on how Jesus had, […]
What is the nature of the "church age?" Will there be no pain and no tears?
Question: I am currently looking at other views from my previously held view of the end times – I am an ex pretrib – but am now seeking and checking other views. I am intrigued with the idea and reading that the 1st century church saw themselves in the end days of the Old Covenant – […]
What about the May 21st rapture claim? Are mathematical systems of analyzing the Bible a valid principle?
Question: What do you make of the multiple systems of equations that people have supposedly devised based on Bible study? What about the claim of the rapture on May 21st? With such a large book and the doctoring of scriptures over the years in translations from other languages do you see a valid mathematical principle […]
How can there be no pain in heaven (Rev 21:3-4) if our loved ones are suffering in hell?
Question: I am struggling with this: It is about Rev 21.3-4. How can there be no pain in heaven if I make it to heaven and feel much love (& there are many more loving people than me); It seems that I will be filled with pain for those I love that are not saved […]
Can we prove or disprove the flood of Noah from evidence for floods in Mesopotamia?
Question: I am starting to feel like Columbo with "just one more question, Sir." It seems that if there was a global flood as the YEC affirm, then there would be evidence of such in that area of Iraq where it all supposedly occured. And it would not be a layer of " sterile" soil […]
It seems the New Testament writers expected the return of Jesus in their own lifetime and that Jesus implied that, yet it did not happen. How do you explain this?
Question: (note, this is a rather long question, with many scripture references. The answer is below) I came across this site. It deals with preterism which I don’t buy into. But its scriptural evidence for the early return of Christ is rather overwhelming. What is your explanation in view of the words of Christ and His […]
Does Revelation 11 refer to the physical temple, in which case Revelation was written pre-AD 70? Also, who are the two witnesses?
Question: In the beginning of Rev 11 the author seems to be referring to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, so that would date the book 3 years before 70AD. Do we know who these two prophets are? Their ending is very dramatic, and would imagine if this has happened we would know who […]
Jesus is coming back in 2012. You better get ready.
Believe it or not, 2012 mania has struck Christianity. One would think that Christians would avoid all association with a Hollywood-inspired interpretation of an obscure reference in a Mayan calendar.[1] One would be wrong. The human fascination with end-time predictions seems to be able to overcome all rational considerations as well as all biblical advice […]
What does the prophecy of Joel mean?
Question: What does the prophecy of Joel mean? Answer: You may need to narrow down your question. The prophecy of Joel covers three chapters and 73 verses. Which prophecy of Joel are you referring to? Let me take a stab at a broad answer. Basically, the prophecy of Joel is about the need for repentance and […]
How do you respond to claims found at about prophecies in Ruth and Esther?
Question: I have recently come across this website apparently relating toward prophecy in the Bible ( In the website, there are articles of apparent prophecies in Ruth, Ester as well as other books of the Bible. How should we respond to anyone who may bring these viewpoints up? Answer: I spent some time at this […]
How can one refute the ideas presented in MIchael Drosnin's Bible Code?
Question: How can one refute the ideas presented in Michael Drosnin’s Bible Code or other premillennialist viewpoints? Don’t these types of concepts hurt the integrity and validity of scripture? Answer: My answer with respect to Michael Drosnin and premillenialists will be very different. I believe it is not fair to lump premillenialists together with Bible […]
Is there any truth scientifically behind the 2012 sensation or possible asteroids hitting the earth in 2029?
Question: The book ‘Is There A God?’ was amazing! It helped to reshape my thoughts & it gave me a better vision on how to think. Thank You. My question has to do with the 2012 myths that are out there. I really enjoy watching Dr.Neil deGrasse Tyson of Nova on PBS. He made some […]
Is 2 Peter 3:10-13 about the return of Jesus or the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70?
Can we trust those who say that the coming of Jesus will be in the near future?
Question: It seems just about every time I come across a Christian program on TV there is some mention to how we are getting very close to the end of times. Is it reliable for people to draw the conclusion that the coming of Jesus is going to happen in the near future? Answer; That […]
Questions: Does Daniel prophesy the future? Meaning of 1 Cor 11? What about Calvinism? What about falling away?
Note; Each of four questions is followed by an answer, so there are four separate Q & As below. Question #1: I noticed on your power point concerning prophesy that when talking about Daniel’s vision of four beasts you referred to ancient kingdoms I thought this vision referred to the end times or does it have a […]
Don't the prophecies of Jesus contradict? (some will not taste death, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel and …the gospel…preached to all nations… before Son of Man comes)
Question: Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." (Matthew 16:28) I thought that Jesus might be referring to his ascension here, but it didn’t seem to make sense in the context of the passage. Jesus […]
Why do you disagree with eschatologists who say the last week of Daniel is seven years of tribulation at the end of time? Are you not being inconsistent?
Question: As I review the Questions & Answers section, I find it interesting that you DISAGREE with eschatologists (you call "futurists"), who believe teach that the 7 WEEKS of troubled times in Daniel 9 actually represents the 7 YEARS of the Tribulation. Yet you think it valid to claim that a "DAY" in Genesis 1 […]
How does on study and understand the book of Revelation?
Question: I would like to find out something with regards to studying the book of Revelation. To be honest Revelation is one of the books I have not read except just the letters to the churches. How should one study this book and how should one interpret the things that are going on in that […]
Will there be a rapture, leaving behind the rest of the people?
Question: I have read your Q&A’s about Armageddon and the end of times. I have noticed that you have stated that not all prophecy has been fulfilled, “Any passage which describes the coming again of Jesus or the final Judgment Day will clearly be fulfilled in the future”. I was wondering if you are stating […]
Did Jesus come back in AD 70?
I have a friend who is growingly convinced that Jesus has already returned (fall of the temple 70 AD). I have been seeking to understand his point of view and while it answers some questions it presents a myriad of others. Do you have any thoughts that you might be able to share? Answer: One […]
Is there any validity to the idea of a supreme Antichrist who will come during a seven year period of Tribulation?
Question: Is there going to be one supreme Antichrist who is above the previous ones? Many futurists have been linking the 70 weeks of Daniel into a 7 year period of Tribulation where the antichrist shall rise up and claim the world. Is there any validity to this theory? Answer: No, there is no validity […]
If God will destroy the universe, how will humanity survive this disaster?
Question: God is one who created the Universe and at the end he will destroy the Universe. Why does he do this? Does He have any choice not to destroy the Universe? If the Universe is destroyed, how can humanity can escape from that giant disaster? The Universe exists, then after a very, very , very long time it will […]
Is Historicism correct? Do prophecies already fulfilled in the past have greater magnitude fulfillments during the Great Tribulagtion?
Question: Is there any truth of historicism? It is the belief that the prophetic events on Revelation, Daniel, Matthew, etc. repeat over time. Some believe that the events which have already taken place will occur again in greater magnitude. The holocaust (3.5 years) was just foreshadowing the events of the true Great Tribulations (Second half of […]
Is the situation in Israel today a fulfillment of a biblical prophecy? Should we as Christians have concern for the Israeli people?
Question: Is the situation in Irael just now, prophecy being fulfilled? Should we as Christians be concerned for the Israeli people? Answer: The quick answer is a definite no. I discuss in some detail the premillenialist view and the tendency to view modern events as fulfillment of prophecies in Revelation, Daniel or Ezekiel in an appendix […]
What are some of your thoughts of global warming and 2 Peter 3: 10-13?
Question: What are some of your thoughts of global warming and 2 Peter 3: 10-13? Answer: My thoughts are that there is absolutely no connection whatsoever between global warming and 2 Peter 3:10-13. This passage is certainly not talking about some sort of extremely slow process of raising the temperature of the earth a few […]
What are some of your thoughts of global warming and 2 Peter 3: 10-13?
Question: What are some of your thoughts of global warming and 2 Peter 3: 10-13? Answer: My thoughts are that there is absolutely no connection whatsoever between global warming and 2 Peter 3:10-13. This passage is certainly not talking about some sort of extremely slow process of raising the temperature of the earth a few […]
How do you reconcile Matthew 16:27 and 16:28? What is the time frame for the fulfillment of this prophecy?
Question:,One of my sons asked me a Bible question tonight and after doing a little study I am still baffled, so I wondered if you had any insight into it. The question is: how do we reconcile Matthew 16:27 and Matthew 16:28? I read your response to a questioner who asked about Matthew 16:28 and […]
In the Bible it says heaven and earth will pass away but his word will live forever…. What does it mean by heaven will pass away?
Question:,In the Bible it says heaven and earth will pass away but his word will live forever…. What does it mean by heaven will pass away? I thought heaven would last forever…,Answer:,I am not sure exactly what this fairly enigmatic passage means. To some extent, all I can do is quote the scripture and say […]
Does the Old Testament show the Messiah being heralded by a trumpet blast?
Question: Does the Old Testament show the Messiah being heralded by a trumpet blast? Answer: Yes, definitely. The Feast of Trumpets (yom teruah) is a foreshadow of the coming again of Jesus. For 3500 years the Jews have been blowing trumpets at this festival, not knowing that all along they have been heralding the coming […]