Question: I have a question I hope you will kindly answer. I need an expert Bible opinion about the similarity of this Quranic passage that deals with the birth story of Jesus to that account we find in Luke. Thanks for taking my question seriously. Editor’s note:  The passage from Surah 19 of the Qu’ran […]

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Comment: This a more a human question than a theological one. Why is it that most of your responses are anti-Roman Catholic?  At the least seems that way. Response: I want you to know that I take this very seriously. I REALLY do not want to be anti-Catholic or anti-any Nicene Creed accepting "Christian" group. […]

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Question: How do you answer someone who tries to use 1 John 2:19 to say that people who leave God were never really saved in the first place? Answer:  If you have had many conversations with people on doctrinal subjects, you will learn eventually that if we so desire we can find "proof texts" for […]

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Question: How can I explain salvation of people, like Abraham, Moses and David, who existed before the death of Jesus, when He makes a statement "He is the only way"? Your reply will be very much appreciated.  Answer: Like you say, the Bible makes it plain that salvation is found in no other name than […]

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Question: I have always felt that hell is a temporary place. I don’t understand a separation from God for eternity especially in an eternity of pain. I don’t understand how God who knows everything would justify a person being born if that person were to ultimately reject God and go to hell. Wouldn’t God have […]

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Question: Is Paul responsible for Christianity? If so, what influence did he have? Did Jesus come to save Jews only? Answer: Obviously, the person who had the most influence on the direction of Christianity was Jesus Christ. One can argue for either Paul or Peter as the two humans who had the greatest influence on […]

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Question:  I am studying with a man who is very eager and has read Genesis on his own.  A question that he asked was regarding sacrafice? How did the people know to sacrifice? Was there something given to them from God directing them? Also, question was asked how long before Jesus did the prohecies about […]

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Comment:  (Editor’s note:  This one is a comment, a response, another comment and another response) I do not view Christianity as a socially healthy phenomenon–I think it hurts far more than it helps, that it retards our growth globally. To prolong its survival isn’t an attractive proposition for me.   Response: I do not question the contention […]

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Question: I am the son of a Baptist minister and admit that I long ago dismissed Christianity as the most convoluted, indefensible patchwork of complete nonsense perpetrated on mankind in the last 2000 years. I believe this as strongly as you apparently believe in your inherited Jewish God from the magnanimous Jesus (oh, we lucky […]

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Question: Would an infallible God PREORDAIN to have to kill himself in order to appease himself? Would an all-powerful God somehow suffer from a communication problem which compels him to recruit some primitive Jews to write his biography? Answer: I will have to say that your question seems like a reasonable one.  However, it is based […]

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Question: I was watching a show on T.V. and the "experts" were arguing that the Christians borrowed their concept of Hell from the Greeks concept of Hades.  According to these individuals, Hades has different levels and the last level is where individuals are punished eternally by fire and other ways similar to the way explained […]

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Question: I was reading that you believe that God used evolution to create modern man.  However, to refute this point, I’ve heard Christians point out that evolution is a process that is achieved through death.  However, death did not exist until Adam (a fully developed human) brought sin into the world.  Now, this is a […]

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Pregunta: La mayor parte del evangelicalismo moderno no acepta la doctrina del bautismo como necesario para salvacion, de hecho algunos de sus teologos afirman que ni siquiera es parte del evangelio.  Me gustaria saber tu que piensas al respecto y como argumentas el bautismo como necesario para salvacion. ¿Es cierto que predicamos una regeneracion bautismal?     […]

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Question: I have believed in God and the main teachings of Christianity for my whole life up until this past year. I was taught there was a God by my parents and the main points of Christian belief (heaven, hell, free will, gift of eternal life, sacrifice of Christ). I never questioned these beliefs or thought […]

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Question: 1.       1Cor15:29 – Baptised for the dead.What does this all mean? 2.       In Acts 8 we see Peter and John going to Samaria and laying their hands on the them for the Holy Spirit yet they were baptized in the name of Jesus which Peter in Acts2 says “be baptized in the name of […]

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Question: Just a random thought here.  Scripture says:  Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8   How do you reconcile that Christ is God, yet the God of the OT appears to be nothing like the God of the NT i.e. Jesus Christ.   Can you ever hear Christ telling his Church to go […]

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Question: I want to learn from you Please help me: Can you please help about Miracles?   One of my friends says ‘"ou people don’t believe miracles."  I told him I believe when we pray God answers our prayers he heals, and I told him we need to consult doctors too.  I Answered him, When Jesus […]

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Question: What do you think about demonic possession? How does one respond to a Christian who claims that they have had a demon tormenting them (so much that they cannot forget the pain of it and makes it hard for them to go to sleep)? Having studied out mental disorders, I am a bit skeptical […]

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Question: About your article on fasting: Jesus said WHEN, not IF you fast.  He used the same word WHEN in Luke 14:12-14 WHEN thou givest a dinner or a supper (when you lay out a big feast).  That can’t be construed as Jesus ordering people to throw feasts, Jesus was addressing the attitude of the […]

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Question: 1. Should non-Christians who attend Church service be allowed to eat of the bread and drink of the wine served during observance of the Lord’s Supper? Any scripture to draw inference? 2.    What is the message of John 6: 35 – 69? Some like Gordon Ferguson in his “Prepared to Answer” said it is not […]

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Question: How would you respond to the late Henry Morris’s comments in his book The Genesis Record?: In the first place, the order of creative events narrated in Genesis 1 is very different from the accepted order of fossils in the rocks representing the geological ages…. Second, as already pointed out when discussing the gap theory, […]

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Question: In your article on slavery you state     "Therefore, for his own reasons, God chose to regulate the cruelty of slavery rather than to ban it outright for the Jews under the Law of Moses. He commanded that slaves be set free automatically after a certain amount of time But I read in Lev that […]

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Pregunta:  Quisiera entender un poco más aquello de que Dios nos elige, entonces que ocurre con los que no elige Dios??…  Si Dios no los elige son culpables?   Dios endureció el corazon del faraon, si?  No se trata de que el hombre quiera y se esfuerce sino de que Dios enga compasión.  Respuesta: Dios elige […]

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Question: How should one approach those who believe that Christians can achieve sinless perfection at some point in their lives? Answer: It is hard to know how to answer this question.  My answer would depend on where the person who believes this is coming from.   Is this someone who knows very little of the Bible?   […]

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Question: Transubstantiation has been described on the website as a false doctrine of the Catholic Church (a doctrine I am not convinced of one way or another). Please, allow me a moment to play devil’s advocate…   Several close Catholic friends of mine have explained that the doctrine for Transubstantiation was extrapolated from several biblical verses […]

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Question: I am a Christian, but I am tempted to let go of my faith.  My faith is based on fear (eternal damnation, hell, etc.).  I just want to know  any evidence of the authenticity of Christianity which is different from other religions.  Others also have their divine scriptures and revelations.  What makes Christianity different […]

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Question: Are there any specific arguments you can make that would make the possibility of an afterlife highly likely? For example, what about arguments for the soul, the resurrection of Jesus, or whatever? I keep running into people who say that when we die, we’re just dead. How would you respond to this? If we really […]

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Pregunta:   ¿Hay alguna base bíblica o escritura que soporte que ayunemos parcialmente o de algúna cosa por determinado tiempo? ¿es igualmente aceptable y agradable para Dios? Muchas gracias por tu atención a nuestras inquietudes. Respuesta: .No hay apoyo bíblico, por lo que yo sé de un ayuno parcial o para el ayuno de algo distinto […]

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Question: I am writing a paper on Soteriology for the Chicago MDA (ministry development academy)class I am in.  Any research/book suggestions? We went through Shelley’s, ‘Church History in Plain Language’ for the class. Answer:  You are giving me a rather broad topic.  I assume you paper has some aspect of salvation theology involved.  Is this a general paper or […]

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Question:    Did Jesus not have the Holy Spirit before his baptism? What does it mean that he received the H.S.?   Answer: That is actually a difficult question to answer.  The Bible is somewhat vague about how Jesus developed.   It is one of those mysteries about which we can speculate but which we can not provide a […]

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Pregunta;  Tengo una preguntas con respecto al Dios y el sufrimiento.   1) como explicamos las consecuencias (lamentables) que suceden cuando Dios llama nuestra atencion. Ejemplo: para buscar a Dios o paraque alguien se haga un cristiano, costo la muerte de un familiar? Si bien es cierto es bueno e increible de ser un seguidor, pero la […]

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 Question: I’ve just learnt that you’ve had a really big ‘quake in San Diego. You’re remarkably assured on this subject and bacteria in your apologetics. I wonder if you still feel the same. Answer: Well, if I hold to a world view and it is shaken by something like an earthquake, then it certainly was not a very […]

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