Question: I’d like to ask you a question about spirits and demon possession. If you could help me, below is the situation.  A friend of mine told me that he is helping a couple.  The husband told him that his wife is having times with different attitudes. He thinks that a spirit or a demon possesses his wife.  The […]

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Question: I recently read an interview with atheist psychologist Steven Pinker about one of his books that he wrote. It was on a website (unfortunately,I can’t recall it).   The topic of concern is the apparent biological basis for behavior and the impact this has on the traditional understanding of the Free Will Doctrine. As you […]

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Question: May I know why God did not send anybody to India or some other countries just like he sent Jonah to Nineveh?   Some good people in India such Gauthama Buddha searched for truth.   Why did the true God Jehova did not respond to them by sending some angels to inform them? Answer: God did send […]

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QUESTION: What can you say about this statement: “Religion is Darkness”?  This comes from the character Mr. Kumar in the book and movie Life of Pi.  It turns out that Mr. Kumar is an atheist. Answer: What I can say about this is that it is a meaningless statement. What does this atheist mean when […]

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Question: On the topic of owning a gun for the express purpose of using it to defend oneself or others has arisen; even with a willingness to kill if deemed necessary. I witnessed your adherence to the truth contained in the Word of God through your teaching and your passion to apply it, without bias, […]

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QUESTION: Many congregations are attracted by the act of falling backwards when Pastors lay hands on them to pray. Generally these falls fail to bring-forth any results either. Is this act Biblical? Answer: There is obviously no mention in the Bible of what is sometimes called “slaying in the Spirit” in Charismatic churches. As far […]

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QUESTION: In 1 Peter 3:20 – 21 the Bible says “this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also.”  What is Peter referring to ? What is “This water”? and what does it symbolize? Answer: “This water” is a reference to the water of the flood.  The same whater which deluged the world and destroyed […]

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Question: The question I have is about the treatment of the Israelites in the wilderness and how it applies to the Christian walk. It seems that God did not equip the Israelites sifficiently for battle compared to the major cities they were up against. He also gave them the same food everyday. A reasonable person […]

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Question: How do you give it all to God if he owns everything? Answer: A really fair and reasonable question.   God gives us free will.  He gives us sovereignty over the things in our immediate sphere and in our lives.   He gives us “ownership” over our time, over what we think about, over what we possess, […]

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Question: I was reading about the Westboro Baptist Church protesting at the Newtown, Conn. funeral that was held for the slaying of the 20 children and 6 adults. The church was “giving praise to God for executing His judgement” in reference to Connecticut’s promotion of gay marriage. At first, I was abhorred by this, considering […]

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Questions: I have been considering a full time life in missions in a third world country and had some questions I thought you could answer related to what I think may seem contradictory or unjust in the Bible. I have had some experience with “gospel friends” or people I try to teach Christ to currently. […]

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Question: I have a question from an atheist ex-Christian.  Regarding John 14:12-14, my friend asks me why so many prayers go unanswered? Basically he’s using the premises from this page: . He also claims time is not a factor, if we wait long enough, prayer will not be answered also (I guess he means when […]

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Question: First, let me just say I love your website. It is one of the few Christian websites I know of that answers such difficult questions and so many of them. To the heart of the matter: I understand you are a theistic evolutionist and I am wondering how the Doctrine of Original Sin fits […]

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QUESTION: What does Revelation 21: 8 means when it says that the wicked will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur?  Are the souls to be punished there eventually going to vanish? Answer: The meaning of Revelation 21:8 is that those who rebel against God and refuse to accept his love and salvation […]

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QUESTION: I know that you are probably busy but I hope you can answer some of my concerns. I am currently a Christian bordering on converting to Nihilism. I grew up believing in God creating everything as per the Genesis account even though I believed in an old universe. I believed that God physically created […]

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MESSAGE: How could Jesus be GOD even though he used to defecate in his clothes when he was an infant?  How could Jesus be GOD even though he used to urinate in his clothes when he was an infant?  How could Jesus be GOD even though he could NOT even walk properly when he was […]

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Question: I was wondering about this scripture in Mark 11:23-24:   “Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever […]

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QUESTION: I’ve been looking a bit into Quantum Physics and Mechanics and recently found this question asked on Yahoo Answers: Christians, two of the most fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics disproves your god. I’ll explain below. Just remember, you can’t say this is just a theory (even though a theory means an unproven fact in […]

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Question: I had a another question concerning scripture that I wanted to get your point of view on. What is your take on these two scriptures?  1 Kings 22:17-23 (NIV)  [17] Then Micaiah answered, “I saw all Israel scattered on the hills like sheep without a shepherd, and the Lord said, `These people have no master. […]

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QUESTION: Why do you think David uses gruesome imagery for righteous victors over wicked foes in the following verses? Psalm 58:10 “The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, when they bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked.”Psalm 68:23 “that you may plunge your feet in the blood of your foes, while […]

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Question: Many people cite Isaiah 17 as further evidence of a coming Armageddon. In current news, syria (and damascus ) do have an internal war going on. Verse 4-6 seem to imply Israel will be attacked or face a consequence related to the destruction damascus, concurrently. My question is: Has the destruction of Damascus happened […]

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Question: I am in a discussion with a friend in St. Louis. One issue he has brought up and its implication is that theistic evolution cannot be true as death did not enter into the realm of creation until Adam and Eve sinned and thus the geological sediments and all the animals and plants could […]

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Question: I just have one question for you.  Do you believe there is a hell of fire and brimstone where the God of love, the God of the Bible, will annihilate billions of His creatures?  This is an extremely important question as the implications for the answer are light years beyond gigantic, whatever the answer.  Thank […]

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Question: Have you ever noticed that neither Luke nor Acts makes any reference to the doctrine of savation by the bloood of Christ ? Answer: Yes, I have noticed that Luke does not mention this doctrine, although I would dispute that it is not found in Acts. I believe that it has been claimed that […]

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QUESTION: In a recent post you said: “the word “eternal” always means until the thing is completed. This applies to our eternal life as well.” Where did you come up with that definition? Rev 22:5 says believers will reign forever and ever. There is no “until the thing is completed” attached to this. Neither does […]

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QUESTION: I recently watched a video by Edward Fudge on Hell; you can see it at Douglas Jacoby’s website, clearly Douglas agrees with him, I would like your opinion. editor’s note:  The lecture can be viewed at  Douglas Jacoby’s site is Answer: I just listened to the lecture by Edward Fudge. I believe […]

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Question: I was reading chapter 4 of Exodus this morning and a few things confused me. I am hoping that you can explain them or direct me to the answers.  1. (v 21-23) The LORD references Israel being his firstborn son. I’ve never noticed this before. Are there other references in the OT like this? What […]

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Question: I want to ask you about born again Christians and ‘speaking in tongues’. I experienced this at a different church recently and it was quite overwhelming, but now after I’ve tried to research it I’m quite shocked and confused. John MacArthur lectures on youtube ( ) about it being demonic, existing before Pentecost […]

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Question: I’m a Christian and like to think myself an enthusiastic amateur theologan 🙂 Firstly I have to point out your website and all of your articles are amazing, they’ve certainly done a lot for me in advancing my knowledge and having fun with my studies. With that said I ran into a minor philosophical dilema today […]

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QUESTION: I was wondering if you could help me interpret 1 John 2:26-27? I know that the author is writing to a group of Christians, perhaps eyewitnesses of Christ. However once the author addresses the anointed he tells them that they have no need for anyone to teach them. He writes, “you have no need […]

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Question: Correct me if I am incorrect in my interpretation: God tells the Jews a key sign to look for is Elijah,who would come before the Messiah, and then God secretly puts the spirit of Elijah in the form of John the Baptist (who himself says he is not Elijah…) What would be the point […]

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QUESTION: I’ve listened to numerous debates by famous Christian apologists (William Craig, Douglas Jacoby, Mike Licona, ect.) and I noticed that in some of their arguments they regard the Athiests of having a presupposition (naturalism, materialism, etc.) for not believing in God. However, I was wondering what if we asked that same question about Christians? […]

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QUESTION:  Should a Christian attend an infant baptism at a Roman Catholic church?  I have gotten conflicting advice in my church (editor’s note: in the Philippines) regarding this issue.  Some say its ok some say it is not, because of the false doctrine of infant baptism that we should refute. Answer: This is what some call […]

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Question: Dear Sir, what about human memory?  Scientists tells us our memory is stored in Brain. Word of God tells us it is the soul that has memory. Lamentations 3:20. what about our memory when we die? our memories stored in our brains will be transported into disembodied souls at the time of our Death? […]

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Question: I have a question.  Perhaps you can help me.  The New Testament was written in Greek.  Most of the ‘love’ words are ‘agape’.  My dictionary and lexicon both define ‘agape’ as unconditional love.  1 John 4:16 says that ‘God is love’, agape.  John 3:16 says ‘God so loved the world’, agape; this implies unconditional love, it […]

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Does Ephesians 1:11-14 mean we are saved merely by having the word of God preached? Question: I’ve been thinking about Ephesians 1:11-14 and baptism. Ephesians clearly states that a person is included in Christ when they hear the word of God preached. In addition it states that they’re marked and sealed with the Holy Spirit […]

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