Question: Is Saint Augustine’s exegesis of the 2nd and 3rd chapters of Genesis correct? Do a Google search: First Scandal. Answer: No, it is not. I found the article you are talking about using Google. He makes a bit of a simplication to conclude that there are two points in Augustine’s exegesis of Genesis 2 […]

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Question: Any thoughts on the book "The God Part of the Brain" by Matthew Alper? Answer: Note:  This book has as its thesis that religious thought is entirely the result of genetic/physiological causes which were created due entirely to evolutionary forces.  It is published by Sourcebooks, Inc., Naperville, Illinois. There is a lot of good […]

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Question: Does the Baha’i faith claim to have fulfilled prophecies? Answer: Yes, it does. The Baha’i faith began in the mid-nineteenth century, started by a Persian man by the name of Baha-ulla (actual name Mirza Hussein Ali). His work was preceded by a John the Baptist-like figure the Bab, who was also Persian. This religion […]

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Question: Is it true that Ezra was the individual responsible for the final Old Testament canon? I heard from my religious studies T.A. that he changed some of the Old Testament stories to seem a bit more "spiritual". For example the story of David, and the destruction of the fall of the first temple due […]

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Hi, Last night I was watching History Channel and they showed a one hour documentary about some stone they found with Gabriel’s Inscription which talks about that Simon of Perea was the actual Christ and not Jesus of Nazareth. Is there any truth to this?

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Question: You write "All four gospels are quoted in patristic writings (a technical term which means writings by the early church "fathers.") before AD 100 in books such as the Epistle of Barnabus, the book of Clement of Rome and the Didache." There is nothing said about the four Gospels in the "Clement of Rome". […]

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How do we know we are instructed by God to commit an act? What is the proof that the spiritual feelings and sensations we experience isn’t all in our head? In essence, Charles Manson and many other men thought what they were doing was right and may even have believed that they were told by […]

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Question: Where did the concept of the soul, after-life, and triune God originate? Some say that the concept of the soul is only mentioned when David tries to stir up his troops before battle, giving them something great to hope for, that Heaven and Hell and scarcely mentioned in the Bible, and lastly that the […]

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How can the supposed “Genocide” all throughout the Old Testament be explained? Is it truly Genocide? If not, what is it? If so, is that not cruel of God? For instance, note how many tribes there are mentioned in the OT, yet how many of these tribes survive today? And another example, when God instructed […]

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Question: Is it possible that the disciples made up the story of Jesus? I have heard several claims that the disciples could have just invented a Messiah-like figure based the Old Testament prophecies that predict the Messiah. For example the the prophecy on 30 silver coins (which is explained in Zecharia and not in Jeremiah, […]

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Apologetics Class:  Biblical Reliability, Inspiration and Inerrancy  The class has now been taught by Dr. John Oakes, Dan Conder and Brian Colon.  Notes and Power Point are attached.   Notes: Reliability, Inspiration and Inerrancy   PPoint Reliability, Inspiration and Inerrancy 6.69 Mb Apologetics Class:  Biblical Reliability, Inspiration and Inerrancy Instructors:  John Oakes, PhD  and Dan Conder Required reading:  […]

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hello,im a believer and i m recently having this doubt.As believers when we die we go to heaven directly right,then why should there be a resurrection of our body when our God returns so that our earthly body might be forever changed to a heavenly body while your soul is already there in the heaven?is […]

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Question: Is baptism a mandatory step for getting salvation and only through it a person gets the Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of sins?  Or is it an important step but it is for declaring that you are a follower of Jesus Christ? Answer: Biblically, there is no question at all about this. In the New Testament, […]

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Comment: The Historia Augusta is an astonishing piece of bogus history. It is perhaps showing us a Roman sense of humour, but I think scholars are generally unaware of why it was done. There are 130 fake documents and they even invent sources that disagree with them. Sounds a bit like Christianity to me. The Flavians […]

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Question: I was wondering if you have any thoughts or might recommend a book(s) on the topic discussed in  There are some convincing arguments there on why we should observe the Lord’s Supper, during supper time of day one of the sabbaton, which is closer to the resurrection moment of Jesus…  Answer:  I spent […]

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Question: Last time you had responded to my question when i forwarded the excerpt from Professor Vic Stenberg on his critic of D’Souza’s book: "Life after Death: The Evidence". I haven’t yet immerged myself into the Near Death experience and out of body experience, I wonder if you would say that he is correct that there is […]

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Question: I am currently taking a Philosophy class and I am reading different arguments for the existence of God. For example, so far we covered Aquinas, Descartes,and Spinoza. Are the arguments by these philosophers useful for Christians arguing for the existence of God? Granted that Spinoza did not believe in the Judeo-Christian God, he did […]

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Question: I have been researching the historical reliability of the New Testament because I started having doubts about the Gospels. Fortunately I have found an abundant amount of evidence on the Gospels, and the historical evidence behind them. Some of the books that I have been reading are, "The Historical Reliability of the Gospels" by Craig […]

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See below for a full report on the missionary teaching trip by John Oakes. some videos from the trip:  (pain and suffering, Jesus in the Old Testament)     Missionary Teaching Trip Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine June 30-July 19, 2011 Riga, Latvia June 30-July 3 Riga is a very charming city of 1.1 […]

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Question: I’m sending you this question in hopes that you can help me or at the least shed some light on these issues. In looking at what natural sciences (Astronomy, evolution, etc.) have seemed to reveal to us about the age of the universe and the development of life, it appears that the subsequent response […]

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Question: I want to know why this scholar Sandra, said this in this site: http:/indiagestã  partir do século II, os lideres cristãos resolveram enterrar a influencia hindu e São Gregorio destruiu publicamente deuses hindus, que passaram a ser considerados então, deuses pagãos.  Lembrando sempre que o Hinduismo possui 7 mil anos e o cristianismo possui somente […]

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Question: I want to know why some scholars say that the Cristians in the second century, erase the evidences of the Hinduism in the church.  A scholar named Greggorio says they destroyed all Hindu gods in the church, and say that Krishna is like Jesus.  for example, he had a: virgin birth  life without a sin,  died […]

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Question:  I am a fairly new Christian and am just curious if being non demoniational is a sign of confusion. I was wondering of you could explain the difference between the Baptists, Pentecostals , Methodists, and Catholics. Answer: You are asking a lot here!!! The term non-deniminational is really not a very useful term because it […]

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Question: My father says he does not believe in organized religion because most churchs seem only to care for themselves and not other people. He also says that the bible is biased because it was written by man and that whomever put the bible together left out some of the texts because they didnt want […]

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