Daniel Profeta a Nacoes (Portugese)
daniel profeta a nacoes 1.16 Mb Daniel Prophet to the Nations (Portugese)
daniel profeta a nacoes 1.16 Mb Daniel Prophet to the Nations (Portugese)
sombras_a_realidade 220.50 Kb Power Point in Portugese
Induction, Deduction, Revelation: Notes on a class on how to interpret the Bible and to determine what is best to do, suggesting that we need to take into account first, revelation, which is the direct teaching of the Bible, second Bible principles and third, experience as a source of wisdom. Induction, Deduction and Revelation How […]
Notes on how to maintain a dynamic personal relationship with God. Class presented by Dr. John Oakes in Edinburgh, Scotland. Thoughts on how to have a great personal Bible Study experience. Example in Numbers 11:4-6. We never see anything but this manna! Has the food you eat become somewhat bland to you? (when I […]
what_is_truth 576.00 KbNotes and Power Point for a lesson taught at San Diego State University 11/14/2008 What is Truth? Is Anything True Any more? John 18:37-38 Jesus: "I came to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." Pilate: "What is truth?" Now that is a good question. This […]
Review by Dr. John Oakes of a debate 11/13/08 between Rabbi David Wolpe and Richard Hitchins Debate Between Rabbi David Wolpe and Christopher Hitchens A Review On Thursday Nov 13, 2008 a debate was held between Rabbi Wolpe and Christopher Hitchins on the question Does Faith Matter at the Jewish Community Center in La Jolla, California. Rabbi […]
Question: I have heard a lot of people who argue that Christianity is false, say that the Gospels were written to conform with the political views of the time, and each author wrote to get his political views accross. What do you say about this? Answer: This is a very good question. I have not […]
Question: Have you had any success talking to Mormons? I have a Mormon friend who is trying to convert me! My experience is that when I try to talk sensibly with Mormons they start shaking and literally sweating. My friend asked me why I do not believe in the Book of Mormon. When I explained, […]
Question: Is it possible after a few moments of Bible study and a profound prayer to be accepted by God? I am asking this question because here in Cameroon I have sometimes seen and heard evangelists preaching that if you confess Jesus with your mouth and if you believe that Jesus is the Lord, then it […]
Question: Could you please explain what man’s righteous anger looks like. I see Jesus’ reaction in Mt.21:12 and Moses in Ex.32:19, but how can righteous anger be understood in a Christian life dealing with the sin of another Christian? What would that look like? Answer: I think that in order to know what righteous anger might look like, we […]
Recording of the Hebrews class of 11/1, 11/8, 11/15 and 11/22 by John Oakes and Robert Carrillo in San Diego, CA hebrews_part_1 6.39 Mb hebrews_part_2 7.60 Mb hebrews_part_3 14.19 Mb hebrews part4 5.31 Mb hebrews_part 5 14.88 Mb hebrews_part_6 14.94 Mb hebrews_part_seven 14.98 Mb hebrews_viii_mp3 14.70 Mb
See below for notes on the twelve "Minor Prophets" from a series of classes taught by John Oakes in San Diego. Introduction to "The Twelve" In the Hebrew Bible, they formed one book and were not the last books in the canon. The Prophets: 2 Peter 1:19-21 Prophet = spokesperson, one who speaks for […]
Question: Everybody is foreknown, because God knows everyone before they are born, so everyone is predestined "For those God foreknew he also predestined", and therefore everybody is called in their life time "those he predestined he also called". Therefore everybody is judged on the extent of their calling, and even if you are not baptised […]
Question: 1.Can you tell me the name of the twelve tribes of the Israel? 2.What kind of Bible do you use? why? The Bible has a lot of types; which one is the best one? and which ones are very bad? Answer: For the twelve tribes of Israel, just go to Genesis 35:23-26. I use a number of versions of the Bible. I believe […]
Question: If Jesus is God, why does he pray to God throughout the new Testament, and encourage us to worship God? And why did Jesus call out "My God my God why have you forsaken me" if he is God? Answer: In discussing what is sometimes referred to as the doctine of the "trinity" I will […]
Below is a review by Jeff Chacon of a debate held Monday 10/27/2008 at the University of Florida. The topic was “Science, Man, God: A Creationism vs. Evolution Debate.” Latest Debate a Smashing Success! by Jeff Chacon 10/29/08 The large ballroom at the University of Florida was buzzing with excitement and packed to overflowing […]
Question: In reference to the question of whether or not Jesus actually used the word synagogue rather than church, it is highly unlikely in my humble opinion for two reasons. First of all, my copy of Lamsa’s translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta says "church." Secondly, the word "ekklesia" is a combination of 2 […]
This is a report from a Presbyterial organization on interpretation of Genesis One. I disagree with some of what is here, but it is about as thorough as I have seen. It is copyrighted, so I only include the first few pages, as well as a link to read the whole article. John Oakes […]
A class on Hebrews will be taught by Robert Carrillo and John Oakes, PhD Saturdays, beginning 11/2 See attached for flyer for information. hebrewsclass 1.64 Mb
This article by Jason Goble, one of our contributors, is not strictly Christain evidence, but it is an insightful look at world view, so we are making it available. Reality and the Disciple’s Worldview As understood By Jason Goble Reality is the hardest thing to correctly perceive. To know reality is to […]
Question: The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. what does it mean by the above ‘ share in […]
Question: If God/Jesus Christ has great power and can perform everything as he would want, why did he delay to come to the earth? And he certainly knew that the humans are full of sins, why did he need time to come; why he let people sin further before he comes, why did he let Satan stay on […]
QUESTION: It seems that I have been having some difficulty explaining to a friend of mine why exactly I believe in Christianity and not the hundreds of other faiths that exist in the world, why our faith is the "correct" one. He wants to know how is it that God can condemn people who believe […]
Question: Do all Christians confirm that God (ie. one who creates the heavens and earth) and Jesus Christ are one? If God and Jesus Christ are the same why when Jesus Christ was on earth did he preach sometimes opposite to the old rules and regulations in the Old Testament? Answer: It is my opinion that, […]
Question: A Muslim that I talked to argues that Muhammed was predicted in the Bible in Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12: "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned." He claims that this is exactly what happend when Mohammed recieved […]
Question: Could you explain to me about the chosen nation either in Old Testament and New Testament? Answer: The Jews are known in the Old Testament as a "chosen people." They were chosen by God because of the faith of Abraham. The promise that the family of Abraham would be chosen is found in Genesis […]
Question: Is there going to be one supreme Antichrist who is above the previous ones? Many futurists have been linking the 70 weeks of Daniel into a 7 year period of Tribulation where the antichrist shall rise up and claim the world. Is there any validity to this theory? Answer: No, there is no validity […]
Question: I have been discussing original texts with my History and Development of Early Christian Thought Professor. He made the point that the original word that Jesus used was synagogue instead of church. For example, "On this rock I will build my synagogue" versus "On this rock I will build my church". What Understanding do […]
science_and_religion_lecture 1.42 Mb Power Point for a recent invited lecture in a philosophy class at Grossmont College by John Oakes, PhD
Question: Is there any proof in the Bible that dinosaurs really existed? Answer: Dinosaurs are not mentioned in the Bible. Some say that leviathan (Job 3:8, 41:1, Ps 74:14, etc.), is a dinosaur, but this does not make sense. Whatever leviathan is, it surely is not a dinosaur. It does not even make sense that […]
Question: I was just reading an excerpt out of the book "Who is My brother" by F. LeGard Smith, I believe you are familar with this book. He states that those who are baptised even without the knowledge that they are baptized for the forgiveness of their sins are still saved in God’s eyes. So […]
Question: I have done some study online, read a couple of books (early church writings) and listened to an audio on baptism (by David Bercot). When I looked up the words in Matthew 28, Acts 2 and Romans 6, each time, I see the first definition as "to dip repeatedly". While reading a primary source […]
Question: God is one who created the Universe and at the end he will destroy the Universe. Why does he do this? Does He have any choice not to destroy the Universe? If the Universe is destroyed, how can humanity can escape from that giant disaster? The Universe exists, then after a very, very , very long time it will […]
Question: Were the original prophecies of the Messiah altered? Jews state that Jesus did not fulfill all of the prophecies realting to the Messiah. They also claim that the followers of Jesus in the early ages sincerely believed he was the Messiah, and altered the Old Testament to suit their needs. Answer: It is true […]
Hi John, Excellent review of the debate. I think you summarized it all very well, and I particularly like your reflections on the “injustice” of God punishing the innocent Jesus for our sins. I thought about that a lot also, and we have to remember that Jesus volunteered to take the punishment for us. It […]
Hello John, I was so excited to hear about your visit. I am sure that you had heard from Vangjel how grateful he is, but still, here is what he wrote…(please read the forwarded message) p.s.: thank you again for all your effort and love. Love, Petra Dear Petra! I am so happy to […]
Hi John, It ‘s good to know your head is better.We appeciate so much your visit.The classes are so deep , helpful and encouraging.I know it helped and encourage so much all the churches you’ve had been.We hope you can come back some day. We wish this trip could encourage Liz. We really want her […]
Hi John, It ‘s good to know your head is better.We appeciate so much your visit.The classes are so deep , helpful and encouraging.I know it helped and encourage so much all the churches you’ve had been.We hope you can come back some day. We wish this trip could encourage Liz. We really want her […]
Question: Are there any specific prophecies that have been fulfilled? Many skeptics claim that prophecies are too broad to be reliable. Answer: The answere is a resounding yes. You will find a wealth of information on this topic in three of the books I have published. The three are Reasons for Belief, Daniel, Prophet to […]
Question: Is there any truth of historicism? It is the belief that the prophetic events on Revelation, Daniel, Matthew, etc. repeat over time. Some believe that the events which have already taken place will occur again in greater magnitude. The holocaust (3.5 years) was just foreshadowing the events of the true Great Tribulations (Second half of […]
Question: What proofs are used to show the book of Daniel was written in the 600s and what evidence is used to prove a later composition, around the time of Antiochus Epi arephanes? Answer: There is no evidence to support the idea that Daniel was written in the 600s, as Daniel died in about 535 BC. […]
Question: Did God know Adam and Eve were going to eat the apple and bring sin into the world? It seems to me we are all suffering for what they did. Answer: God is all knowing. If I understand the biblical view of God correctly, he is not affected by time and therefore he knows past […]
Question: Is there any evidence outside of the Bible that Jesus was real? Answer: A number of non-Christian historical sources mention Jesus of Nazareth, from as early as the late first century AD. This includes Jewish historian Josephus, the Jewish OT commentary known as the Talmud, and Roman historians, especially Tacitus and Seutonius. These writers […]
Question: I assume that God allmighty is performing miracles right at this moment. He is curing cancer, AIDS, and all kinds of spiritual and physical illness. But, why God doesn’t answer the prayers of a person that has been mutilated? Why there isn’t any miracle performed by our Allmighty God where a limb that has been […]
ScienceChristApologFlyerSecond is a series of classes toward a certificate in Christian Apologetics San Diego, CA 10/18 and 10/25/2008 Announcement: Two-Part class to be offered Sat. October 18th and 25th: Science and Christian Apologetics The board of ARS is excited to announce that we will be offering a certificate in Christian Apologetics, which will include nine classes in total. […]
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On a recent visit to Rio de Jainero, John Oakes gave a talk on the question, “Who Is My Brother?” Notes are included below Who Is My Brother? Editor’s Note: The author of this outline is John Oakes, but in giving this talk he acknowledged that the inspiration for this outline comes quite directly from […]