Question: Someone gave me this quote from an Artscroll Torah……Direct from Isaiah 45:7: "I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I the Lord do all these things. "  I checked the translations that I am familiar with and none of them said "create evil" but he said "Ra" is never translated as disaster […]

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Question: I am including links below where you can find interesting if not, shocking facts about the true name of the God of Abraham, Moses and David. I want to know your opinion about this. Answer: I spent a good amount of time at these web sites.  To a person who is not well […]

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Question: I read an article by a Christian scholar who believes the Egyptian God Imhotep to be none other than Joseph in the Bible, deified and exaggerated to fit Egyptian beliefs. The step pyramid, which was the first pyramid to ever be built in Egypt, is historically credited by the Egyptians to be the work […]

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Question:  I watched a show on Discovery called "Lost Kings of the Bible". They claimed that Goliath couldn’t have worn the armour that the Bible says he was wearing at that time. The show claims that they didn’t wear heavy metal armour on their bodies at that time.   I believe the Bible, however I was wondering about your response […]

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Question:   I was wondering when Paul refers to the 23,000 killed in one day in 1 Cor 10, is he referring to the incident in Numbers. In Numbers it says 24,000 were killed. I’ve heard different explanations. 1) Paul says one day and so the remaining 1000 were killed the next day 2) it […]

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Question/Comment: Please explain why "nowhere in his writings does Paul appeal to the decisions of such a Council, which were clearly so completely in his favour, nor does he ever appear in the slightest allusion or reference to be conscious of their existence." (S G F Brandon p.131). Galatians 2 speaks of no Council, only a […]

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Comment: The actions reported of Pilate in the Gospels bear no relation to the character of the Roman official depicted in Josephus. All you need to do,is look up every passage in Josephus where Pilate is involved and then compare the difference in personality and action between the man in Josephus and the Gospels. When […]

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Question: I have not seen Expelled, but based on rotten  tomatoes it is pretty read – I read your review though so I may wind up seeing it anyway.  One of my friends saw it and he liked it, agreeing with the movie that science shouldn’t assume natural causation for everything.  I strongly disagreed with […]

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Question: In 2 Kings 2 v 23 Right after Elisha heals the dodgy water, some kids call him a baldhead. He then turns around and curses them in the name of God… Two bears pitch up and maul 42 of the kids. This seems to go against everything that prophets stand for.  I get it […]

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Question:   An orthodox Jew said that Jesus sinned by practicing human sacrifice which was forbidden. That is a good point however I was unable to give an answer to his point……Any suggestions?  Answer: Jesus did not take part in human sacrifice.  Jesus was against all kinds of killing, especially human sacrifice.  It is absolutely inconceivable […]

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Question: It has been a subject of some debate as to whether "the earth without form and void" of Genesis 1, actually refers to a pre-existant earth prior to the one we currently inhabit; which was populated but destroyed for whatever reason(s). Is there any sort of proof or, shall we say, "solid spiritual logic" […]

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Question:,I read an article by a Christian scholar who believes the Egyptian god Imhotep to be no one else than Joseph in the Bible, deified and exaggerated to fit Egyptian beliefs. The step pyramid, which was the first pyramid to ever be built in Egypt, is historically credited by the Egyptians to be the work […]

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Question:,Why did Jesus get baptized by John if he had no sin?,Answer:,This is a very good question. Jesus actually answered the question for us, although his answer is a bit enigmatic. To quote Matthew 3:15, “Let it be so now,it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Of course the question […]

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Question:,The Jehovah’s Witness say God did not want us concuming blood in the O.T and that it continue in the N.T . In Acts 21:25 God does not let us use the blood to help other people. Therefore it is wrong to give or receive a blood transfusion. I do not believe this, but where […]

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Question: How then do you explain the LXX & MT versions of Daniel & the story of Bel & the Dragon? Dennis; God used the Jewish teachers/rabbis as the arbiters of what is to be considered an approved text. They said no to the additions to Daniel. I agree with their assessment by looking at […]

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Question: How has Isaiah 11:12 been fulfilled by Jesus? Jews consider this to be a passage about the Moshiach. They specifically say that Jesus did not fulfill this therefore he cannot be the Moshiach. They think that all Jews will return to Israel. How is that passage to be interpreted?Answer: Your Jewish friends are right. […]

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Question: I have quite recently started studying the book of 1 Peter and am currently contemplating what the apostle might have meant by God?s judging each man?s work impartially (1:17). Since Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches that a Christian is saved by God?s grace through his/her faith and not by his/her works, then I have concluded that […]

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Questions:,1. Who is the Mechelsadeck? 2. Can a Christian be a blood donor(give own blood to others)?,Answer:,Melchizedek was the ruler of Salem in Canaan. Salem later became known as Jerusalem. He is a very enigmatic figure in the Bible. He was not a Jew, yet he was a worshipper of Jehovah/God. When Abraham returned from […]

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Question:,Is this world real or maya? Will there be an end? Will there be any hereafter?,Answer,First of all, I deeply apologize for such a delayed response. I have gotten behind with the new semester.,The answer will depend on your world view. If you accept the Hindu or the Buddhist or the Jaina worldview, then you […]

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Question:,As a part of the Mosaic sacrifices, the priests were to ‘wave’ the sacrifice before the Lord. I’ve read through Chapter 6 of ‘From Shadow to Reality’ and was hoping to find some clarification – but didn’t find it mentioned. Can you help us understand the significance of waving the offering before the Lord? (either […]

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Note: There are so many questions here that the question and answers are interspersed. Hopefully, this will make sense.,John Oakes,Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable. There’s some elements of psychology that prove that a false memory can be planted in someone’s mind by repeated reinforcement. Police witnesses can produce varying accounts of what happened in certain circumstances […]

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Question: I see what you say about the laws of the old testament having been “fulfilled” and therefore do not have to be followed. However, many Jews still do follow those rules and, it has to be said that in doing so they are following the word of God as that is what is written […]

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Question: I have heard that the accounts of Jesus resurrectioncould be misleading as the dates could be inaccurate. In other words,accounts of Jesus appearing seemingly after he is resurrected could have been written before he had died. Is this true? Answer: If an account of Jesus being resurrected was written before he died that would […]

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Question: 1) Is there anything distinctively Christian about apologetics? Why or why not? Do all religions include apologetics? Why or Why not?;2) How much do you think natural human reason can accomplish in religion? In general?;3) What good does it do to argue for your faith? What harm can it do?;4) How useful are merely […]

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Question: How does the zodiac principle relate to the Bible if they do and was the system of the zodiac developed before the Bible? Also , many people believe that the repetition of specific numbers i.e 7 , 3 , 40 , 12 are related to the zodiac.Who influenced who in this subject? Answer: The […]

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Question: Who were the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:2? Answer: Note, this answer is taken directly from one given to the same question at John O. Sons of God 11/21/2003 ?????????????????????????????????????????????? There has been much speculation about who these “sons of God” mentioned in the sixth chapter of Genesis were. Three basic interpretations […]

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Question:,I recently read an article written by a person named Raul in his website ( about the Luke 15, and he say that “the lost son” it is not in fact a walk away son of God, but a lost person as any non-Christian is. I would really appreciate your comments of both. ,Answer:,Please […]

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Question: I want to ask about “Education”. Where did education came from? Who started it? What does the Bible or God says about it? How should a disciple of Jesus feel about worldly educational systems? In my mind that education comes from the world, and in our generation in finding a job the standard of […]

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Question: I am a sophomore in high school, and I recently began to engage in dialog with one of my atheist friends about the existence of God. My interest in the subject began last summer while my friend was attending a philosophy camp at Duke. He knew I was a Christian, so he sent me […]

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