Question: My question is one to do with the Big Bang.  The creationist argument is that everything that has a beginning needs a cause and since the Universe had a beginning it need a cause- God.  Since God did not have a beginning he did not need a cause.  However, quantum electrodynamics claims that subatomic […]

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Question:  A comment regarding the question of "If Noah’s Ark landed on Mt. Ararat, how did animals get to North and South Amaerica?". Your response was "I do not know the answer." Then, you proceeded to share a few theories.  I believe that the answer is in the Bible! We understand that the continents were […]

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Question:  I recently read an article on your website by William Golightly entitled Genesis and the beginning of Humanity.  The author made a few points that were very new to me. The main point was that evolution took place in Humanity before Adam and Eve, and that when they evolve to a certain level, God began to […]

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Comment:  I am not impressed with your endorsement of "theistic evolution".  This position is nothing more than a fence-straddling compromise to make evolution mutually compatible with creation and it will never work!  Evolutionists simply refuse to allow God the glory to suddenly and spectacularly create, as in "Let there be light" (Gen 1:3) and "He […]

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Question: Do you believe that those who believe in theistic evolution will be pleasing to God on judgement day? Why are Christians turning to the world views and compromising the basics of God being the Creator? Is it appalling to any other Christian Leaders in the fellowship of ICOC that leaders are encouraging this type of […]

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Question: Are there any examples of failed Prophecies in the Bible and scientific contradictions in the bible as claimed by some books? Answer: No, there are not. Of course, there are people who say that there are, and I have heard such claims. For example, in a debate held last June in Chicago, the claim […]

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Question:  I know that we are all descendents of Adam and Eve, but what about the cavemen who proceeded them? Aren’t they the earlier forms of humans or are they a different kind of species? (Similar to how gorillas are almost identical to humans genetically) When we look at the genealogy in the Bible, it shows that […]

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Question:  I have been needing some evidence to prove evolution wrong.  Could you help but put it in wording for a thirteen year old to underderstand?                                                                                                                                                Answer: The problem with your request is that there is no evidence which proves evolution wrong.  In fact, the scientific evidence in support of evolution is quite strong.   Perhaps you […]

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Question: I have not seen Expelled, but based on rotten  tomatoes it is pretty read – I read your review though so I may wind up seeing it anyway.  One of my friends saw it and he liked it, agreeing with the movie that science shouldn’t assume natural causation for everything.  I strongly disagreed with […]

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Question: It has been a subject of some debate as to whether "the earth without form and void" of Genesis 1, actually refers to a pre-existant earth prior to the one we currently inhabit; which was populated but destroyed for whatever reason(s). Is there any sort of proof or, shall we say, "solid spiritual logic" […]

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Question: What are some of your thoughts of global warming and 2 Peter 3: 10-13? Answer: My thoughts are that there is absolutely no connection whatsoever between global warming and 2 Peter 3:10-13. This passage is certainly not talking about some sort of extremely slow process of raising the temperature of the earth a few […]

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Question: What are some of your thoughts of global warming and 2 Peter 3: 10-13? Answer: My thoughts are that there is absolutely no connection whatsoever between global warming and 2 Peter 3:10-13. This passage is certainly not talking about some sort of extremely slow process of raising the temperature of the earth a few […]

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Question:,Our preteens went to a Planetarium and asked ” What is the number of stars approximately?”,Answer,The answer is that there are approximately one hundred billion stars in an average galaxy and there are approximately one hundred billion galaxies in the universe, which means that there are 1.0×10^11 x 1.0×10^11 stars or 1 x 10^22 stars […]

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Question:,Can you help me about dinosours. It was said that they live here on earth millions of years ago and there were fosils of dinosaurs that were found. How can you explain this?,Answer:,Yes, dinosaurs lived a very long time ago. They appeared on the earth somewhere a little more than two hundred million years ago. […]

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Question:,There have been all these findings of skeletal remains scientists claim to have been prehistioric ancestors, like Lucy, the Neanderthals, etc. In truth, from the looks of these remains, I can’t say I believe it. I wanted to know, have any of these findings ever been proven wrong?,Answer:,I am not sure what you mean when […]

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Question:,I recently went to the Museum of Science in Boston, and was fascinated to find how closely their presentation of how the earth was created matched that in Genesis. My one question is, the biblical account explains that the stars and the moon were created after the earth. I can see the moon being created […]

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Question:,How long would it take for an olive tree that was under water for more than a year to form leaves once the water receded? The scriptures seem to say in a 7-day period the tree went from being underwater (the dove had no place to set his feet) to leaf producing. When looking at […]

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Question:,Do we have any archeological evidence to back-up the long lifespans of Genisis? If lifespans were commonly long back then wouldn’t at least some skeletons from that range of time show evidence of great age?,Answer:,There is no physical evidence supporting the several hundred year life spans listed in Genesis. Not as far as I know. […]

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Question: I have the question of new earth versus old earth trouble me the most. I’m pretty sure you know that the Bible is backtracked to 6,000 years old for the earth. How is it that we find Neanderthals and “cavemen” that lived a supposed 100’s of thousands years ago. And why did the Bible […]

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Question:,You have made the statement that “God designed evolution” or something close to that. I wanted to know what you meant by that. I believe that there is evidence for adaptation within a species but that there is no evidence for one species (“kind” in the Bible?) turning into another. I also believe that the […]

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Question: My wife is taking a astronomy class this semester so I have stolen her textbook and am reading up on the Big Bang and other stellar topics. If a GUT is discovered to explain the process during Planck Epoch it still won’t explain what initiated Creation. Therefore, a GUT would have no effect on […]

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Question: You have spoken about the 2nd law of theromdynamics and entropy. I understand this specifically applies to chemical reactions, but the principal that things move from a more ordered to a less ordered state seems to be the overriding nature of everything in the post-fallen world. Governments, societies, our bodys, everything we put our […]

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Question: What is your explanation for the apparent contradiction between Gen 1:11-13 and Gen 1:26-31 with Gen 2:5-7 ? Answer: I can see why one might ask this perfectly reasonable question. I believe that Genesis 2 is the story, not of creation as a whole, but of the creation of “man.” It is not a […]

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Question: What is your explanation for the translation “dome” in Genesis 1:6. Doesn’t this show a Hebrew false concept that the heavens are like a dome? Editor’s note: this quote is from the New Revised Standard Version Answer: I looked up the Hebrew word in a Hebrew dictionary. They do not use the word dome […]

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Question: What is your explanation for the translation “dome” in Genesis 1:6. Doesn’t this show a Hebrew false concept that the heavens are like a dome? Editor’s note: this quote is from the New Revised Standard Version Answer: I looked up the Hebrew word in a Hebrew dictionary. They do not use the word dome […]

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Question: I was looking at your website and I thought that you had an interesting point to make about Intelligent Design not being falsifiable. Isn’t the same true for macro-evolution? There is no experiment or data that evolution proponents can even conceive of that they will accept to disprove evolution. In that sense, macro-evolution is […]

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Question: Sorry if this question is always asked or if you have already answered it. I noticed in one of your articles you said that evolution is not absolute fact and you commend brave people such as Behe for trying to push the idea of Intelligent Design. I myself am a Christian, but most Christians […]

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Question; I have been following the work of Hugh Ross and his team on A claim made on that web-site is that we can show using y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA that the population of mankind can be traced back to a mitochondrial Eve and a y-chromosomal Adam. Furthermore the dating of Eve at an […]

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Question: I heard in a recent lesson you gave that even in quantum theory and relativity God has left his finger prints. Can you elaborate and illuminate on this? Answer: Quantum mechanics tells us that the simple mechanical view of the universe of Newton and LaPlace is not correct. Quantum mechanics tells us that light […]

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Question: I have read your material on evolution being “scientific” and your view of the Big Bang. Would you object to the Big Bang being taught in school as it is not “science” any more than intelligent design? One cannot do an experiment to prove or disprove Big Bang. Have you read the book by […]

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Question: One concept I do not understand of evolution, is that if change happens by chance over time, how does it account for reproduction? That is, how is it that species mutated to the differentiation we see today with the ability to reproduce every step of the way? We have to assume fully functional reproductive […]

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Question: I was at an islamic apologetic web site which claimed that the Qur’an has a correct value for the speed of light, which supposedly proves the Qur’an is inspired by Allah. Below is the quote. 299,792.458 km/sis the speed of light in vacuum. However, according to Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, the speed of […]

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Question: If the age of the Cosmos is regarded as 24 hours, Homo Sapiens did not appear until the last second and Jesusdid not appear until almost the last 1/100th of a second. Is it impertinent to enquire what God was doing for the rest of the 13,000,000,000 years ? Was he pondering the future […]

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Question: Thanks a lot for your extremely informative book “Is there a God?” I have read it several times. I totally agree with your opinion that the Creationist’s theory about the creation of up to thousands of feet of sediments through the flood (described in Genesis 7-9) is wrong. Nevertheless, in a creationist book I […]

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Question: Do you think there were significant scientific changes that occurred with the fall of man? Is it possible it was not until this point that the spiritual and physical realms became separate, or was it just that Adam and Eve didn?t realize it until then? Also, I remember from chemistry talking about the theory […]

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Question/Comment: I just finished reading an article you wrote regarding the ‘evidence’ for an intelligent designer and I found it so intellectually dishonest that it inspired me to write you. I hope that someday you come to see the ‘folly’ that comes with accepting ideas such as the ‘anthropic principle.’ Someday I think you will […]

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Question: I am a Christian who is really struggling with doubt. I don’t really understand macroevolution. If is not true that macroevolution happens, then why are there so many scientists that defend it and write books about it? I feel like I am in a never-ending circle. I want my faith to be rock solid […]

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Comment: You state in your book Is There a God “Comparison of Genesis one with scientific knowledge implies a transcendent source for the creation story.” Why only limit it it to Genesis one? What about Genesis two? Not so brave there – you have to fall back on faith. There is no strict logical implication […]

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Question: Answer: I do try to keep up as much as possible with the new discoveries in evolutionary/molecular biology. I am not sure exactly which aspect of self-replicating molecules you refer to. For example, there are prions, which are the cause of Kreutzfeld-Jacob (mad cow) disease. These molecules are self-replicating, but only within a cell […]

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Question: If you feel like a heart attack, go to the University of Idaho website, type N.F.Gier in the search box and then select GRE.It’s a reference to his book ” God Reason and the Evangelicals”. Then select Chapter 13. The point is that Genesis one describes the earth as surrounded by a solid “firmament.” […]

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Question: How can you explain the seeming contradiction in the Genesis story which has the sun and the moon being created on the fourth day, if there was already day and night on the first day of creation? Isn?t this an example of the Bible being contradicted by science and by common sense? Answer: I […]

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Question:Please comment on three quotes I found in your book, “Is There a God?” Page 23. ” If in asking questions about the Bible one is unwilling to reach the conclusion that the Bible is wrong, then it is easy to predict what conclusion will be reached. Page 25.” Belief in Adam and Eve can […]

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