Question: Jesus is a human form. Should we worship him? I ask this because in Deutronomy 5:7 God said do not make a an idol in any form. Jesus is inthe flesh.but when Jesus? disciples worshiped him he acceptedit. It appears to be a kind of contradiction. Answer: First comment is that it is worth […]

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Question:,How can Matthew 24:36 (only the Father knows the day and hour, not even the Son) be true if Jesus was God and omniscient ?,Answer:,To be honest, I do not know exactly how this worked. Jesus lowered himself in ways which I do not throroughly comprehend when he came to earth and took on a […]

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Question: What are some of your thoughts of global warming and 2 Peter 3: 10-13? Answer: My thoughts are that there is absolutely no connection whatsoever between global warming and 2 Peter 3:10-13. This passage is certainly not talking about some sort of extremely slow process of raising the temperature of the earth a few […]

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Question: What are some of your thoughts of global warming and 2 Peter 3: 10-13? Answer: My thoughts are that there is absolutely no connection whatsoever between global warming and 2 Peter 3:10-13. This passage is certainly not talking about some sort of extremely slow process of raising the temperature of the earth a few […]

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Question:,I’ve read somewhere that the Lord’s Sabbath is on a Saturday. Yet I am attending Sunday services. Am I violating the Lord’s Sabbath? The article I read also states that worshipping on Sunday is a false Sabbath and is actually the doing of the devil, so am I doing anything wrong?,Answer,Actually, from the Christian perspective, […]

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Question:,Why does God allow birth in all kinds of races, cultures, remote places where people will not get a worthy opportunity to hear, believe or accept the good news in Christ through discipleship? How is He going to justify them — is it act on your conscious scale for them? ,Answer:,About God allowing people to […]

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Question: ,I’d like to hear your opinion on the following question I heard… In the first narrative of the Ten Commandments, the verses regarding sabbath observance read as follows: Ex.20:8-11 “Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it. Six days shall you work and accomplish all your work,but the seventh day… you shall not do any […]

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Question: I had a line of reasoning posed to me by an agnostic friend yesterday that I can’t seem to answer. It started with the question, “If God makes all the rules why did Jesus have to die? Why couldn’t he just absolve human sin?” to which I replied, “Along with being perfect love, God […]

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Question: The Old Testament declares many times in very explicit language that certain commandments shall be observed forever. (To name a few: Exodus 12:14, Leviticus 3:17, Leviticus 23:21, Deut 12:1) If so, how does it make any sense that the Creator would change His mind/contradict Himself and do away with these commandments!? If a religion […]

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Question: Why was it such a sacrifice for god to lose his only son Jesus, when he has the power to tell the future and knew he would be resurrected? Answer: I am guessing that you are not a parent. For me, to imagine watching my one and only son (I actually have one son […]

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Question: I had a question pertaining to ‘tongues’. I never spoke it, but I have seen a person speak it right in front of me. I have talked to different people who speak it, from different church groups and they seem to have similarities in regards to speaking in tongues… You can ask for it […]

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Question: Could you please provide me with scriptures to explain why 1st communion is non Biblical and scriptures about workshiping “saints” “virgin mary” “etc.” I am currently engaging a catholic family and I would like to have scriptures at hand to over with them. Answer: I do not have any scriptures about these topics. This […]

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Question: I have started hearing Calvinists use Ezekiel 36:27 to defend their view because it says “And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you shall keep My judgments and do them.” The key word here is “cause.” They view this as proof that Calvinism is […]

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Question:,Why was it such a sacrifice for God to lose his only son Jesus, when he has the power to tell the future and knew he would be resurrected?,Answer:,I am guessing that you are not a parent. For me, to imagine watching my one and only son (I actually have one son by the way) […]

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Question:,Do you think that from the Bible one can infer some Church governance patters with hierarchy, roles, tasks? What should be the model of church governance? ,Answer:,I believe that one can infer a broad and general pattern for church leadership and organization in the New Testament. However, this is only a broad and general pattern. […]

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I’m studying bible with a friend but my friend is adventist. Please send me the real message about the “sabbath” and the day to worship God, because my friend is convicted that the day is sunday.what can i do? Answer: My advice is that you avoid a big debate over the Sunday issue. Bottom line, […]

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Question I think this a perfectly rational question, so please don’t think that I’m trying to be insincere. What are the afterlife experiences like of aborted fetuses, children who die very young or at childbirth, or people who die with mental retardation? I’ve discussed this with friends, and we cannot rationalize how these “people” would […]

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Question: Why the change from “God incited” to “Satan incited” in 2 Sam 24 and in 1 Chronicles 21? Ponder also on the theological change from “ha-satan” a helper of God who sometimes asked people hard questions to test their faith such as Job, into “the Prince of this World” and an adversary of God, […]

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Question: I was wondering what philosophical/theological argument could be mustered in favour of the proposition that people should not commit suicide. A bit of background to the question might help. From a secularist perspective, surely we are ultimately going to die anyway. Our lives will necessarily end with a certain degree of pain and suffering […]

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Question: I want to know about the Holy Spirit and how it did so many miracles in the 1st century through the apostles and other disciples like speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing by laying on of hands etc. Does that stil happen today, if it does is it by God’s Spirit? Answer: Here is what […]

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Question: Recently, someone asked me how if God is such a loving God could he tell the Israelites to go and totally wipe out entire nations of people (even the innocent people). He also said that God showed favoritism toward the Israelites in doing so which is something even Christians are not supposed to do. […]

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Question: The main thing that bothers me is the view of amorality. What do you say to someone that doesn’t believe (sometimes due to apparent “lack of evidence”) in such things as “good” and “evil” hanging around out there anywhere? Sure they will admit that things happen that are both helpful and detrimental to a […]

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Question: How or when do you consider someone drifted away or wondered away? And what is the retoration process? Answer: The Bible makes a distinction between a person who has wandered away and someone who has fallen away. Hebrews 6:4-8 describes a person who has become completely unfaithful, who has turned his or her back […]

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Question: In the OT, when the Israelites went to war with their enemies, I read numerous times where God told them to put the women and children to the sword after killing their enemies. Don’t you think this is a very cruel act in killing helpless and defenseless beings? Even in modern warfare, armies don’t […]

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QUESTION: How does one conclude that morality exists and is given directly by the Christian God? I am a Christian, and have been raised in a very conservative Christian home, but I’m afraid I’m growing weaker all the time. It’s getting especially harder for me to understand the whole morality issue. It seems that many […]

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Question: Did God took rest on the seventh day of creation, if so then he can get tired & weary. Also who does the work during the rest time? I want to know the correct interpretation. Answer: In answer to your question, God does not get tired, Isaiah 41:28 gives us some insight into this, […]

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Question: I came across a book about what happen to you after you die by Dr.Douglas Jacoby. I was thinking about getting this book but I was just thinking that based on what is already written, is there more information on this subject .Answer: Thanks for your question regarding a long neglected teaching! In addition […]

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Question: I Am just reading your book “From Shadow to Reality” about all the types for salvation through baptism (which I also believe to be true). What I have always wondered though, is whether people can be “accidentally” saved by participating in a baptism they believe to be symbolic, as in the baptist church, where […]

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Questions: 1. God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to Tarturus according to 2 Peter 2:4. If God sends angels to Tarturus when they become bad, is Satan the only spiritual force of evil in the heavenly realm that we are fighting against? 4For if God did not spare angels when […]

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Question: Did Jesus Christ himself claim to be God and that we should worship him? When he was teaching in the synagogues and temples wheretheJews went, did he teach the following fundamental beliefs? 1. Trinity 2. His supposed divinity 3. That salvation will come through his blood. What didhe mean in John 17:3-4 where he […]

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Question: If the age of the Cosmos is regarded as 24 hours, Homo Sapiens did not appear until the last second and Jesusdid not appear until almost the last 1/100th of a second. Is it impertinent to enquire what God was doing for the rest of the 13,000,000,000 years ? Was he pondering the future […]

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Question: Doesn’t Mark 16 where Jesus says, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved” contradict teachings on salvation by grace alone? Also, if you say that Mark 16 was inserted over time then doesn’t the Bible fall short of it’s claim to be inerrant? Answer: First of all, you will not find the phrase […]

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Question: I have been developing a theory or a concept for living according to God’s plan for mankind. Please tell me where there are flaws in my concept. God created man and all other creation according to his will and pleasure. He differentiated man to be in his own “image,” which I think should read […]

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Question: I have heard a few sermons preached on the situation that took place in the Garden of Eden. Eve being tempted by the snake, Adam standing by and also partaking in the forbidden fruit. The questions of Adam’s fault or Eve’s fault seem secondary to the question why let the #&@% snake in the […]

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Question: For a long time I have wondered why Luke and John describe the Mary?s and the disciples not recognizing Jesus after the resurrection. Even Thomas didn?t recognize him until he saw the scars (even after the other disciples told him who he was.) I guess I just always chocked it up to the disciples […]

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Question: Why did God choose to deliver His only begotten through a virgin when He has the ability to use another way, for example turn a rock into Jesus Christ? Answer: It is always tricky to answer “why” questions about God when he has not answered the question for himself. This requires an educated guess […]

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Question: I was born & brought up in a Muslim family in Bangladesh. I had a God fearing heart. From my childhood I tried to follow my rituals. In 1995 I went to Delhi ( INDIA) for my graduation. There I came across with some christian brothers who used to teach among campus students. I […]

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