Como puedo contestar biblicamente sobre los extra-terrestres? Un companero de mi trabajo dijo que Dios es extraterrestre porque no pertenece a la tierra, aunque el la creo. Tu que piensas sobre este tema? Gracias. Puede contestarme en Espanol. Gracias!!!!!! si no puedes esta bien. Yo me esfuerzo por leer ingles. Dios no es extraterrestre. Un […]

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I’ve decided that there has to be a creator of everything due to the complexity of life and all creation, but how do I know Christianity is the right religion and not Islam or Judaism? This is a very good question. It is a bad assumption that one can simply leap from belief in God […]

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I was wondering about 1Tim2:9-10 and its relation to 1 Peter 3:3-4. I do not understand whether it means we are forbidden to wear pearls, gold and/or have our hair braided, or whether it is just a lesson that our obvious beauty should be of good deeds, etc. What do your think God is teaching […]

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1) Christianity holds that at one pointing time, the Old Testament was the truth and the Jews were the chosen people. What changed this? The Torah states 23 times “this is an eternal law for all generations” (to name a few, Exodus 12:14, 12:17, 12:43, 27:21, 28:43). If the Torah was at one point true, […]

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Who was Susanna, martyr in Spain? I am afraid you will have to give me more specific information for me to answer this question. I did some research and the problem is that with Roman Catholic history, there are literally thousands of “saints.” There is the Susanna in Luke 8:3. I also found information about […]

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I was wondering how one could prove that both chapters one and two of Genesis were correct. Not knowing how to correlate these two chapters is a serious impediment to sharing my faith with skeptical educated people. I have already answered this question. To save you some work, I will copy and past the previous […]

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What are the types of English translations (literal, interpretation, literal+interpretion): Holman (HCSB), King James, Contemporary (CEV), Good News (GNB), God’s Word (GW), The Message (MSG)? We see the MSG translation as interpretation and the KJV as a literal translation. Is that correct? (I am Romanian and my wife is Hungarian) About Bible versions, it is […]

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What was Paul’s purpose for writing Romans? What was the pleasues soughted? What principles stressed? What are the potential for today? Most commentators believe that with Romans, although the letter is addressed to the church in Rome, it is a general epistle. In other words, the letter was intended all along to be a letter […]

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I would like to know difference between choice and fate in our Christian walk. Starting from Adam to Judas. This is certainly one of the most significant theological/doctrinal debates in the history of Christianity?indeed in all religions. Given that God is all-knowing and all-powerful, and given that he exists outside of time, it seems logical […]

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1. Cro-Magnon lived up to 100,000 and Neanderthal up to 300,000 years ago. What was the most recent dates for those species and when were they extinct? What year was Homo-Sapien on the scene – 45,000 years ago? Cain was the first agricultural farmer as far as evidence in the Bible, were the Homo-Sapiens the […]

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As I was reading Genesis, I came across a scripture that I don’t quite understand. In Genesis 1:3, “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light… there was evening and morning the first day” However, the sun was not created until the fourth day, right? In Genesis 1: 14 “Let there be lights […]

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In Matthew 26:40-46; how many hours did Jesus pray in the Garden of Gethsemane? only one or three? I had a hard time imagining why it would be important to know how long he prayed in the garden. Normally when such a question is asked, there is some underlying issue behind the question, such as […]

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Note: This is a very long question. The answer is several paragraphs down the page. I am presently taking a Comparative Religion course on the New Testament and have been struggling with some of the themes that have surfaced so far. Our course text is “The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to Early Christian Writings” […]

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Had a thought while reading, “Is there a God?” – you list ‘Elementsessential for life’ as carbon and H20. I’m interesting in your thoughtsabout adding oxygen to the list. First its ability as an aerial solvent(to help create/sustain an atmosphere – and seems as strong an argument as H20 in the solvent arena?) & essential […]

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Here is something I have wondered about. What is the history behind “totally immersion” baptism? I understand how infant baptism does not mold with the Bible?s teachings on baptism, but I always wondered what did the first century Christians do if there was not available water? Or not enough water for them to be totally […]

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I have heard the claim that the early church fathers were from pagan backgrounds and their basis for explaining the godhead come from Plato and Aristotle and cannot be trusted in terms of their view of God. Is this true? First of all, the statement that the early church fathers were from a pagan background […]

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Could you make a good summary for the evidences to support the Luke 2 account of the census decreed by Caesar while Quirinius was ruling that would have forced Joseph and Mary to go to Bethlehem from Nazareth? I have read so much about the topic. I do see support that it could have happened, […]

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The following four questions all came at once, presumably from the same person, and will be answered together, as they are all related: 1. In John 5:18, John says that Jesus was accused of calling God his own Father; making himself equal with God and that is why they wanted to kill him Don’t we […]

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1. I have been told that only the apostles had the ability to lay their hands on people to give the gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, Ananias laid his hands on Paul to restore his sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Maybe he laid his hands on him to restore his sight […]

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I understand that Psalm 2:7 is talking about Jesus but what do the words “Today I have begotten you” mean? Is he referring to physical birth? If not what is it talking about? I would say that the most obvious place to look for an answer is in John 1:14. “We have seen his glory, […]

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Someone told me that most scholars say that Revelation was written after AD 70. Where can I find what scholars say regarding the date of Revelations? If it’s after AD 70, is it possible that most of Revelation has not happened, which is this individual’s view? From what I understand it was written more so […]

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In Genesis 2:7b What does it mean when it says “and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”? is the “breath of life” referring to oxygen or the spirit/soul? I would say that, when in doubt, we should let the obvious meaning stand. Genesis seems to be saying that God made the inanimate Adam […]

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Where can I find writings from Joshepus? Josephus had a number of writings, but the most relevant for a Christian are the works “The Antiquities of the Jews,” and “The Wars of the Jews,” also known as “The Jewish Wars.” “The Antiquities of the Jews” is a fairly comprehensive history of the Jewish people, beginning […]

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I’m doing a study on non-biblical sources about Jesus’ existence. I know there are people like Josephus, Lucian, Thallus, Jewish Talmud, Cornelius Tacitus & Seutonius. I was wondering if you know any websites/books that have in their writings specifically the parts that talk about Jesus. Also if you know any more people that write about […]

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Acts 22:28 states that Paul was a natural born Roman citizen while Philippians 3:4-5 states that he’s a Hebrew. There are other passages in Scripture that cite his apparent dual citizenship. My view here is that he was a Roman citizen by virtue of his being born within Roman territory, while his heritage made him […]

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